
44, Female

Richland, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hazelgreen Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
one Year
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
spent my first years in the fire service with sleeper fire
My Training:
evoc,hazmat awarness, wildland level 1, vehicle rescue technician, planning and preparing for aircraft emergencies, and learning everyday. good news, I am going to National Fire Academy in February!!!
I'm in process of getting my EMT-P. I am taking my open water diver in the spring.
About Me:
my husband (the one in my profile pic) and my son (Dakota) are the light of my life. my family lives,eats and sleeps fire and rescue!!

I am in the process of getting my EMT. I have made the executive decision to continue my education to the CCEMT-P level and get flight qualified.

-If I had the opprotunity to meet anyone, it would Pauley Perrette aka. Abbey from NCIS. She rocks!!
Day Job:
full time college bum/business owner
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the Fire service to give back to my community.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The adreneline rush, of course. No, really I love the ability to make a difference and give back to my community.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
You can't fix stupid.

Lack of responders for calls

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  • adel

  • Bob Allard

    Welcome, back and glad to hear you are safe, training is also time consuming and needed, and of course our family first, business and glad you had a MErry Christmas and hope you have a New Year.
  • carlos zeballos

    deanna te felicito por tu homenaje a tus hermanos bomberos caidos el 11 de septiembre un abrazo carlos de argentina