
43, Male

Fort Myers Shores, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Emergency Management
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Cape Coral Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management Services
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
US Army Chem Corps count? (Airborne Ft. Benning, GA; NALC Ft. Lewis, WA)
My Training:
FFII, NREMT-B, ITLS, FEMA NIMS/NRP, NAUI SCUBA, Rescue Diver, IARDS Rescue Diver Technician
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family tradition- plus my family lost our home to fire when I was 4 LoL~ glad I can laugh about it now. Ironically, my father was a firefighter (on-duty that day) in another district. Go figure.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The shiny red lights LoL~ Actually, hearing "God bless you" from a sincere person gives anybody a pretty good feeling...

Comment Wall:

  • Keith Bradt SR

    welcome to FFN stay safe and keep your head up.
  • Robert Rewis

    Hey man, I just found it when I seen you put a bullenten about it. So I looked at it to see what it was about
  • Melissa


    I lived in Fort Myers for a number of years. I hope you are enjoying the weather down there. We are getting colder by the second in NH. Take care!
  • Joe Campbell aka Cutty

    Hey Brother!
    Don't ya just love those coveralls I feel like I belong on Sesame Street when I get dressed out (LOL)
    Stay Safe
  • Melissa

    hey there.I just moved to charlotte and working fast to get this done. Im hoping for 08 but realistically it might be 09. Take care and happy holidays.
  • Melissa

    i love it so much more here. Ive been in tx all my life but its just prettier here. I own my own company so i moved here t extend it since its in nascar and live that american dream.
  • Melissa

    yes i heard about that. even though im obviously a cowboys fan, it still a family like nascar. I hope they bury those people. And i can understand that about sfl. they said today that 50% of texas is illegal. Atleast i have trees now. I have never been anywhere else but here. I just know where my heart belongs.
  • Melissa

    take care hun and no not all dont be a stranger
  • Melissa

    got it hun thanks you can find me on my myspace and on yahoo as well under the same handle. have a good night
  • RN in the ER!

    hey, thanks for the add! enjoy your holiday, and be safe out there!
  • Troy Jellison

    Yeah, doing a door breach for fun!!! It was a little played up!! LOL
  • theo davis

    my email is yes we can talk about this,i now know we arent the only dept going throw this,make me feel a little better.yes we are get throw what happen down here.hope to talk to you soon
  • Mandi

    aww thanx..yep i love my career choices!
    well i really wanna become a paid firefighter
    in about a year or so...
  • Robert Rewis

    What kind of E-ONE engine did yall get? Yall have two engines now?
  • Erin

    It's a small world. You have some great pictures. Stay safe!
  • Melissa

    hey there, sorry I have been such a stranger, I have been busy. Im back in tx for the holiday and then back home. How are things in your world?
  • Emily

    I'm in Pittsburgh, Allentown is on the other side of the state. Were you able to download and install the Code3D program? What do you think?
  • Emily

    I am the one that contacts people. I would have sent the activation e-mail to your account. I'll resend it, let me know if you don't get it. Some of them have been blocked by spam filters (even though they aren't spam)
  • Dawn

    You too, Hope Santa brings you everything you asked for. Take care. Dawn
  • James Fanning

    Hey Crockett,
    Thanks for the comment. I am going to try to get in touch with Megan today and talk to her about what you guys have told me. I really appreciate the information. I saw the picture of your friends truck that became a fuel source in the wild fire. That sucks!!! keep putin the wet stuff on the red stuff and stay safe. Have a Merry Christmas. Jim
  • Robert Rewis

    Hey man, Happy new year to you to. I have been great How about you? We had a bad one last night in front of the FPL plant. you be safe to. Tell everyone at Alva I said hey!
  • Erin

    How is your New Year going? Anything exciting?
  • Erin

    Cold, cold, cold....Go GIANTS!!! We haven't really had anything too exciting. Automatic alarm, small house fire that crawled up the wall from the basement, that's pretty much it. I am transfering into another deparment soon. They run like crazy. Can't wait.
  • Ricky Woronka

    What unit were you w/at Ft. Lewis? I am a FF there now
  • James Fanning

    Hey Crockett,
    If you remember I was talking to you about my daughter and her interest in the fire service. I am going to be in your area and would like to meet with you to get more information on your department. I will be getting into fort myers sometime on saturday and will be around until tuesday morning. Thanks, Jim
  • Richard Williams

    Hello Crockett, I would be glad to answer any question you have, my email is
  • Ricky Woronka

    At least you were there in a good time of year. You know the seasons they have over here.....Raining and not raining!!! :) Have a good one
    Stay Safe
  • James Fanning

    Hey Crockett,

    Thats crazy about the structure fire x2. Some people will do anything to get arrested for arson. I have sent the paper work to megan. She is still on the fence as to get into firefighting or go into the military. We had a large structure fire up here. It involved four adjacent structures. It was started by a 10 year old boy who set a dumpster on fire. I hope all is going well, stay safe, keep in touch, Jim
  • Robert Rewis

    Ya, I know. we will just have to put it in there ears. And see if they will go for it. Pete told me I will be starting the wires for the lights and radios soon So ours is getting there. Just a little body work and paint. Well I am sure you see it more than I do. I was out there the other day with him on B shift.
  • Erin

    Anything exciting lately?
  • Erin

    We have been slow, but it's always quiet before the storm. Last week we had a small brush oven fire. Other then that, nothing. Since the spring is here and The Hamptons is a tourist attraction, grill fires...That's next. These people are so stupid, the keep the grill up against their houses and they catch. It's fantastic. LOL! Talk to you soon, be safe!!!!
  • sarah

    what's up! come out and play in's been an unusually slow brush-fire season...are people getting smarter? lol
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    If you need any cool hazmat or fire prevention training stuff, let me know. Always looking to share stuff. Stay safe.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey Crockett, I'm new the the FN stuff, but have done webpages on my own so I pretty much understand the concepts. Do you know how to embed a photo onto this email? I've been going through my videos looking for ones that I think are cool. The FN webpages seem to be a good forum to share stuff. Glad you liked the german railcar. Stay low!
  • Erin

    We had a good worker last week, but it was only for our R.I.T team..I'm not in that. I'm too small to help the big guys. Other then that, SLOW!!
  • Lakota Warrior

    Sup brother?
  • Lakota Warrior

    what up man? hey what kind of pagers are you guys using?
  • sarah

    congrats on the new job! i'm sure it will be quite different than alva! swimming pools and foundations are now safe! lol
  • Alessandro

    thx for the add, Crockett
  • Erin

    I have not been on this website for months! We are as slow as ever. It will pick up, chimney fires and puffbacks.BORING! Thankfully work is slowing down and I can continue to watch TV in my office. We have had a few working house fires around the area. Just mutual aids. Happy that it's not my district. Well, keep in touch! STAY SAFE!
  • Alessandro

    in Sicily when there's so cold. It is well.....bye firefighter
  • sarah

    how's that orientation going in the cape?
  • Kirk D. Baughman

    happy crockett hope you had a good day. kirk