
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Basil Joint Fire District Baltimore, Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
One year.
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was sitting at a stop light, waiting for it to change to green, when the local fire department medic went by, lights flashing, sirens heart went pitter patter, and I knew, "THAT'S what I'm supposed to be doing."
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Getting to look people in the eye with that genuine "I care about what happens to you" look.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Money and Politics

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  • Matt

    hello dear. just wanted to say good luck, and i have no doubt that you will be anything less than an asset to your company. cause if you felt that feeling in your heart (like 99% of all of us do!) theres no way you can go wrong... how many people can have a blast at work, and still help people and save lives at the same time. just remember to have fun. and yea.. isnt it a great feeling to know that when someone else calls 911... your the one... you are 911! happy holidays!!

  • danny w furr

    Het there Stephanie .Like to have one more friend here?Hope you and your family will have a great Christmas.Be safe out there so we can get back home.Danny
  • duane

    well the best thing i can tell you is to do you best and it will all work out!! and iam glad you wanted to be come a fire fighter you will love it. ttyl. duane
  • Dennis

  • Mick Mayers

    Good luck tomorrow. We're pulling for ya. Let us all know how it goes.
  • Matt

    merry christmas to you too hun
  • David

    Fantastic, Stephanie!! Way to go - you're fortunate to have such great family support!!
  • Mick Mayers

    Well done. You'll have to let us know what department and all so we can swamp their website checking them out.
  • Coty Anderson

    Tango 212 is a radio call sign for the Fire Dept. when I was a First Responder, and Kotex is a Nickname cuz I saved a woman and her baby from bleeding to death.It was given to me by a fellow female firefighter cuz Kotex Overnight pads are what I used to save her life...its a honor to have, and am very proud of it..
  • Dennis

    congradulations baby im so happy for you MERRY CHRISTMAS darlin
  • charles howe

    congrats welcome to the family happy holidays stay safe
  • Dennis

  • firefighterjason

    happy new year it is good to have another sister in the fire services

  • Duane

    good luck and hope you like it
  • Jeff Betz

    Um, lets see here...MICHIGAN beats Florida (who killed you last year) then, that team from Columbus loses again in the championship. Wait, listen...over-rated! :)
  • Jeff Betz

    I see...that means starting Friday, I lay low from you for a while :(
    I hope things are going well at the department, I don't think I've seen anything about it lately. Take care and good luck.
  • CQ Hamilton

    Hi there, Just saying hello and Happy New Year! Be safe out there.
  • Matt

    Hey you! just checkin in to see how everything going and how you are!... so how are you doing?!
  • Matt

    excellent!... im happy to hear that the right person, and a wonderful person like you is doing so well... even though its a little mondaine gettin up the first few rungs of the ladder! but ir right about the cant complain part... u know your doing the right thing when u dont get paid for it and still come back the next day ya know... so good for you dear and let me know how ur doin sometime soon!
  • rfdjumper

    Welcome to the job. The world's greatest job. Where else does the phrase "quality recliner time" come in to play. Best of Luck!
  • Matt Caluda

    hey thanks for the add, just joined about a week ago
    enjoying the feed back
  • Jim Creech

    I just sent you a note before I looked to left for the answer. Dooh!!
  • Joe Guzman

    Hi Stephanie,
    Big welcome to FFN and stay safe out there.
  • Matt Caluda

    i'll be flying right over you next week going to seattle. Don't worry i wont flush till South D., lol.
    Helping my son move in his new house.
    hope the weather is nice there, it rains alot.
    Hope work isn't to stressful.
  • Paramedics do it better

    pretty eyes
  • Jason

    Hi Stephanie! I've been enjoying reading your blog. When you have a chance, check out mine and pass the word, I think it's a worthy cause...Jason
  • tony

    good luck.. and stay safe ...

  • Justin Payne

    just wanted to say hello
  • Captain Chaos

    Even after 30 years, my old heart gets pumping when we're going to a good fire. If you ever get to the point where you don't get excited, it's time to go.
  • Bobby Shelton

    Welcome sister from Cncy
  • Bobby Shelton

    What's new up your way??
  • Bud

    Do you have any issues with the Guys in Dept?
  • AFD

    be safe
    god bless ya Steph
  • Bud

    Thats good I am glad to hear. Things arent that easy here.
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello
  • FETC

    Great blog. Stay Safe

  • FETC

    Just curious does the campfire smell (Jakes - Aphrodisiac) you decscribe in your "first fire" blog work as well as it does for men? LOL

    You will always remember that first fire... good job
  • Feri Agriadi

    Just say hallo to you Steph...
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from ny
  • Chan Rivera

    hello stephanie thank you for the add "Chan"
  • Big Jim

    Hello Stephanie. Welcome to the family. I read all your blogs. They are very profound. Stay safe and hang in there.
  • Big Jim

    Hey Stephanie, thanks for the add. I'm happy to have you as a new friend. I'll drop you a line when I have more time. Stay safe.
  • Bonfire

    Welcome to the coolest job on earth. Hope to chat soon.
  • Michael

    Nice photos. Have A Great Day
  • Michael

    Thanks for stopping in
  • Bobby Shelton

    Hey Steph, what's up?
  • Bobby Shelton

    That's what it's all about!! How was the class?
  • Jeff Betz

    Hey young lady, haven't talked to you in a really long time. Just thought I'd say hello again. I've been off line for a while but back in business now. Take care, keep in touch.
  • charles howe

    happy thanksgiving