Tony P

, Male

Melbourne, Victoria


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Country Fire Authority. Victoria
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Structure/Wildfire Firefighter. HAZMAT qualified. Driver. Trainer/Assessor. 1st Aid.
About Me:
Full-time volunteer firefighter. It's a great job but the pay sucks!

What more is there to say?
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was available. They needed members. The rest is history.

Once you start, how can you stop?

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  • Mike Simmons

    It'll get u double next holiday!
  • Marie

    thanks :)
  • Mike Simmons

    Always worked that way with me: If a holiday was quiet, the next was murder!
  • Mick Mayers

    G'day, mate. I was actually going through some old files over the weekend and found the letter he wrote me last; his name is Steve Warrington and he was in 2006 the Operations Manager at CFA Westernport.

    The high point of his stay was his visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero, but the low point was when one of our colleagues was able to have some Vegemite shipped in. Despite the indigenous Aussie's attachment to the stuff, I still consider it quite nasty. And I'll pretty much eat anything.
  • Mick Mayers

    Well I'm very glad to hear that. I'll have to drop him a call and congratulate him. Thanks for the info!
  • Lisa

    Hello Tony. Without hope, faith, and humor why even live! I'm sorry if I wasted anyones time posting that blog. It just felt right at the time. Currently in Indy there are about 30,000 firefighters from around the country (and Australia) here for a training conference. I had the pleasure of attending the benefit lastnight. As the drummers and bagpipes filled our ears with pure harmony I closed my eyes, lifted my hand and prayed for you all...even you. God Bless you, your crew and your family.
  • Lisa

    Hello again. Thanks for your suggestion. I smiled when you stated that you hated to suggest another web site to post my dreamy inquiry. Why on earth would you feel that way...or need I even ask. haha I spoke with several people from many places Wed. evening. Each person said that the conference was amazing...the best training ever. It was like the largest family reunion with an educational purpose. Maybe you'll attend next year??? Who knows, maybe even go to the Indy 500 track and museum. After all it IS what we are known for and only about 10 minutes from downtown :o) See you next year??!!!
    Be safe. God Bless
  • Joel C Kelley

    Actually, Hawaii county, the Big Island, is the only department in the state with Volunteer companies. The county basically places volunteer companies only slightly above roadside trash pickup in terms of budgetary need, and seems to think we are god for little more than rolling hose for the paid guys.

    Part of it is limited money, but part of it is also that the career guys don't want anyone to know that there are people who will do the job for free, lest they wind up phased out by the same said volunteers. They are so scared of us that from the top down, they won't even provide us the necessary things to be NFPA 1500 compliant. I sponsored my own Bunker Gear, because the county "doesn't have any for the Volunteers". My wife has been on the department for a year and still hasn't been issued gear from the county.

    Very Backwards.
  • lizz

    Hi there Lizz from Gisborne Fire Brigade Region 14. just saying hey there..
  • lizz

    hi thanx for msg,,, maybe we might catch up this summer lol I am trying to concentrate on ICC i love the buzz, you dont get hot , you keep kewl inside, drive around in airconditoned cars. have showers , just think its better.. hope to chat to you soon Lizz .. if you ever drop into Gis be sure to say hi
  • lizz

    hi there so you went to the north east? That was first BIG REAL induction to fire I went to falls, corryong and ensay had fun met heaps of ppl learnt to speed my skills up and played with the monitor.... do u have msn ?? cheers later lizz
  • FireCat

    Hi Tony,

    How are you? I will be taking a holiday to Victoria.(Macedon Ranges) in about 4 months.....could you suggest where I should go to inquire about volunteering with the CFA ? Any information you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated!

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    G’day Tony,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I have a mate who lives in woodend, l will be taking a holiday there in 4 months, I will be checking out different areas in Victoria to live and work before I make my final to decision weather or not to relocate. I would want to be career n the Brigade. Take care and stay SAFE!

    G’day Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Thank you for the information!

    Cat :o)
  • Lisa

    Hey Stranger...I've been off of here for much too long. No I didn't have any luck :o(
    I put this aside for so long that now I can't even remember the name of the person I was hoping to find. Shame on me! But the Lord has control and I need to follow his guidance. However, I just might try I'm either a person of great endurance and faith or just plain stupid--ha
    So how are things with you?
  • Lisa

    Laughing...You have a twisted sense of humor and I like it!! Glad all is as well as can be. Pretty much the same here. Keep yourself safe.
    -Respect and best wishes-
  • Brian Dumser

    Greetings from Chicagoland! How's life "down under"? I see you're in the same region as Lutan1. Stay safe!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    I wish I could say that I was busy, but I'm still off duty for one more month, recovering from knee surgery. I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house and back to the fire station. My three teenage daughters, wife and poodle are driving me crazy. It's such a chick house that I live in. I'm even watching Hannah Montana now with my youngest. I'm starting to go bonkers... You know what I'd rather be doing? Hope your having more fun than me! Stay safe my aussie brother. Mike from Santa Barbara
  • Brian Dumser

    You're absolutely right! I've had more positive experiences as a firefighter than as an MP. Stay safe!
  • Lisa

    Hi Tony...I did go to Australias site and post a similar question. I had one guy tell me he knew of a few that had been here in April but I haven't heard back from him. Although I will always support y'all - I think I've given up my search.
    Stay Safe :o)
  • Brian Dumser

    I wish them the best of luck. One of my sons is thinking about combat engineers.
  • Ashley

    Hey Tony,

    What's up? I've been cruising along alright....trying to get released from the department to function as an EMT-I (ALS cert, between EMT-basic and paramedic)..the state certified me but my department requires more ride time and evaluations. Other than that working on becoming a driver and the department program for that...
    in the the olympics and trying wakeboarding. Soccer starts up in a few weeks so better get in-shape for that....

    What's been going on with you lately?
  • FF Schoen

    Thanks for the comments on the photos that I uploaded. You have some nice ones yourself I must say. How is everything in Australia. I just came back from a trip to Alaska and I might be going to Hawaii sometime soon. Nice to meet you and Stay Safe
  • Barnard

    Hi Tony
    Thanks for the comments on Mikes blog the other day. Not quite sure what to make of this fire my face thing but it's good to get some feed back I tried to make contact with oversea's vols just like us the other month but no responce yet. Do you get much value out of the groups on this web forum? a bit differant from our groups at home all work no play. Your photo's look familliar but I suppose there's not many CFA vols that haven't crossed path's in the last five years.
    all the best .
  • Barnard

    Hi Tony just acknowleging your responce the forum was about wildfire urban interface and water supplies. My comment about groups was in reguard to our home groups as a newly elected DGO (last year ) it comes with a bit of extra responsibilty. I agree with your comments about cfastream people posting do seem to get hammerd at times but I think that is typical for those kind of forums. I do log in regular but rarely post rather take a back seat.
    Think first talk second. We have just got our brigade online through a grant from Gov general are there any sites that you have come across would recommend to us.
    Thank you.
  • Engineco913

    Yeah I found the term "spotted dick" in good humor. I live in the US and naturally have a perverted streak. When my friend Sean Crotty first posted the photo, I had never heard of it prior to the photo so i thought it was a joke rather than a dessert.
    Thanks for sharing your story with me, sometimes it takes very little to bring us back. :) Be well and stay safe
  • Mark Montgomery

    Hi Tony

    First my apologies, I knew it was the CFA but still wrote CFS for some reason. Several of the crew I am with have done tours in Victoria over the last few years as part of the Kiwi contingents.

    It has been dry here, but certainly not as dry as you guys. Whangarei normally has about 125mm, this year we got just 52mm. This comes after one of the wettest winters in living memory and a few of the old hands are suggesting that things could be pretty interesting well before our "normal" fire season gets under way.

    As to the pumpers, Whangarei 121, is a Mitsubishi pump with a standard double cab. Kamo 192 is a custom built "safety cab" built to a specification the Fire Service here developed in the early 90's that proved to be very expensive.

    If you want a look at more NZ fire appliances check out as it has just about every appliance on the run in the country.

    Take care and catch you next time.
  • Mark Montgomery

    Having written earlier today about not much rain the weather promptly turned nasty and we had a cold and quite wet afternoon and evening with the overnight temperature forecast to get down to 7C. I have thrown some more photos up, so have a look.

    My lot here is rural fire so we operate under the local council rather than the NZ Fire Service. This means we truly are the poor cousins, generally getting cast off trucks and not much else.

    This has changed recently and we are building a brand spanking new station with funding from both central and local government plus funds from within our local community, and have just been advised that we are getting a brand new Isuzu specialist rural 4x4 truck built as well.

    I will post some photos of the new station as it comes together over the next few days.
  • Jessica Travis

    thank you! Mostly my station is the same except we do not have a mentor program. Also to clarify a physicians assistant is in effect the same as the doctor you would go to for minor problems. Physicians assistant can do everything a doctor can except surgery and prescribing narcotics to patients. You have to be a registered nurse for a qhile before you can even take the two year class to be a physicians assistant. People on here are also treating me basically the same way as the people at school do (they just are more mature about it i guess) but basically some tell me i just need to shut up and keep quiet and that my opinion is insignifigant. I know that the main point of the junior program is to listen and learn but after your learn how to do something your opinion is just as important as say an adult who took the same class. I guess having people talk about me in anyway is better than being ignored, i feel many people on here know that i do have a mind and im not some immature child. (i may still, according to your definition be a child but id say im fairly mature in comparison to my some of my peers.)
    Thank you for your encouragement
  • Jessica Travis

    I find it ironic that im younger than that other memeber but according you have have a higher level of maturity. thank you! Im not gonna lie the only time i have been in a burning building is when our barn caught on fire while i was in it, ( we got it out on out own) i really don't see the need to act all big and bad to people who have done al the things and earned that title. Besides no one would believe me anyway. sorry about how long it took me to reply!
  • Jessica Travis

    he was probably like 12 or something but said he was 15. lol hey how did you get that current events box on your page, lol
  • Jessica Travis

    lol i don't even think my state has anything like that lol
  • Michael Vito

    Hello mate, Greetings from the Philippines. mike
  • Michael Vito

    Hey Tony, Thanks for dropping. About the Bulacan fire, rumor has it that the IC was not an idiot. The fire is cover up, They let it burn, they are hiding something. One more to add, they discourage employing AFFF, but little was used. hmmm... Oh well, it was a heck of a spectacular fire.

    hello tony how are you going my name is rob elliott i am a fire rescue marshal with motorsport fire rescue in nsw and i have just started collecting fire department patches and hats and was wondering if you are able to send me a patch and hat from your department

    sorry mate just so use to friends saying fire departments hey what cfa brigade are you at
  • Bulldozer

    Hey tony I am sorry it took me some time to get back to you, I am still here.
    Thank you for your advice on some things. It really helped me think about a lot of things. Happy Holidays and be safe

    hey tony whats happening down your way i am going to the fire meusem on monday i can get you a hat and send it down to you if you send me a hat here is my postal address

    rob elliott
    8 scobie crescent
    bellambi nsw 2518
  • kenny goines

    I thought so to. look forward to talking with you, time for me to go home!
  • Eric

    I'm sure this is off of any topic you'd expect on this site, but are you a footy fan?
  • Eric

    To answer any questions, I wish I could follow it, but I don't get much access to it here in the states. I did actually play, semi-professionally for my Army post's team out in California, The Mojave Greens. I honestly believe that the team disbanded after our coach's station was transferred. It was a great time, my year in Iraq disrupted (obviously) my ability to play in the league anymore. It was amazing getting the opportunity to play with some of the Aussies with true talent(compared to us american football players that wanted to try a new and very interesting sport). It was a great time and I miss it. As far as visiting, I wish I could say that I have. I hear nothing but great things about Australia and would love to someday have the opportunity to go. Anyway, that's my story and history with it, which prompted the question.
  • Teia Kenyon

    Hello, I think you might be my first international friend, I hope all is well stay safe.
  • Hugo Ferreira

    thanks for the comment!

    in portugal we have a lot of "different styles" in the helments and some other things i like this helment ;)
  • Hugo Ferreira

    lol thanks for the correction!

    I am not sure if the helmet has a liner in Kevlar, but tomorrow I will work and I can see. the helmet is a bit heavy but I think it is well hang on!
  • Hugo Ferreira

    that part of the " helmet "and " helment " the story is my story as I want okay? lol

    P.S: Just kidding, I appreciate that
  • Aussie_Wildfire

    Sorry tony still learning. A fixed monitor to go on the 3.4. I am ringing the DMO today and not all 3.4 comes with them, we have to buy our own.
    all the 3.4 has is the pipe to put it on. Thanks Randall
  • Hugo Ferreira

    no way i will change my helmet i love it lol that guy is crazy!!

    but it's ok...change helmets no but if you want change some ideas, and some t-shirts or something i agree with that!!

    i will preserve your comments dont worry
  • Aussie_Wildfire

    Money. CFA spends $300,000 on a new truck then tells region how to equip it. region won't spend the money. We have a lookout called boroka lookout, we have car fires up their from time to time and it takes 30 minutes to get up there. We were hoping to get a 6 speed auto to make it easier as they showed us with the 2 prototypes, but no such luck, anyway she is a good rig maybe to big for some tracks but we still have not had her long enough to find out. Still better than old one we think. all crew inside, more class A,
    3 pumpstations, spray protection,and door from crew to back.

  • Dustin J. Millis

    Terry, (you couldnt spell my name right either), Why would you want to say things just to piss people off??? Doesnt make much since.
  • Dustin J. Millis

    Tony, no hard feelings brother, When I first read your comment; I was under the impression that you were the guy who left me all kinds of shitty comments on my page. After reading further, I realized it was the "DCFireman" that was being a complete asshole LOL. Anyway, sorry man, didnt mean to sound like a jerk. I understand why you would want to "stir" people up. I do the same thing. Thats why I left the comment on your page in the first page. Unfortunatly, I thought I was leaving it for the guy that is really the DCFireman. Anyway, Stay safe and have a merry christmas brother