Tino "Blueeye" Reinhold

49, Male



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer, Lieutenant, Firefighter, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was looking for a artwork for an birth present, more precisely a HAZMAT-Cartoon. I´m alight at this site...I dont be left the ffn-community now...

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  • Horst

    Just wanted to say hello from Maine, and welcome to FFN, if you want, add me as your friend . stay safe
  • Horst

    Hey Blueeye..just dropping by to say hello. I see that you haven't joined the German Firefighters of America yet. Its not only for German-Americans but also for Germans as well. If you like, you can write me in German becasue I write both languages. Its up to you. Stay safe.
  • Ian Kavanagh

    hi blue eyes what is your first name regards ian
  • Matt Endicott

    Hey ty... keep it safe in germany for me lol
  • Horst

    schoen das du im GFFoA club jetzt auch bist ja und auf die frage ,wie lange ich schon hier bin, kann ich nur sagen zu lange, wenn alles gut geht, dann sind wir in zwei na sagen wir drei jahren zurueck in Deutschland . Ramstein das wo wir als nextes ihn gehen. Das ist toll wir bekommen eine neue wache und ich gehe fort . ok wenn du noch fragen hast ? hoffe mein deutsch geht noch so bis dann
  • Ian Kavanagh

    hi tino they call me yorkie regards ian

  • Ian Kavanagh

    no the milk choclate bar
  • Todd Hammack

    Thank you..Great station! I will have to send some pics of ours, some old stations,some new.
  • Philipp Huss

    Hallo Blueeye,

    wie geht es Dir...?

    Viele Grüße nach Gommern!

  • angie the fire/resqmom

    MyHotComments Welcome to the Nation. As you can tell we're a twisted bunch of ppl, but would do anything for fellow brothers and sisters. STAY SAFE ALWAYS, ANGIE
  • Kurtis Martin

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the advice! This site is pretty amazing.

    Stay safe man.
  • Ian Kavanagh

    dont worrie about my teeth as they go in to a cup at night very handy when cleaning them regards ian
  • Stephane

    Thank you Nice pictures my son says you have cool gear...
  • Stephane

    yes well my son collect patchs , helmets, trucks ,t shirts ball caps teddy bears ..... My son would love to go to Germany is grandma whent last year and hes been talking about it since... It would be nice

    Take care
  • Ian Schulte


    Hope all is well in Germany,

    My father says thanks, and sends his regards

    Vielen Dank, mein Bruder und viel Glück
  • Stephane

    Thank you so very much he will be very happy is name is Mathieu

    Mathieu Vallieres
    1290-32 Montarville
    Boucherville, Qc
    J4B 8E2
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hello Blueeye from Santa Barbara, CA, USA! You are the first german firefighter that I have met...
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    would you be interested in sharing hazmat WMD patient / victim decontamination information?
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Hey Tino, I never pictured Germany as being so hot. Right now, it's 20C here at 13:30 PM. It's supposed to get up to around 35C this coming weekend. The good news for me is that we put in a swimming pool last summer. I put in solar heating which brings the water temp up to 29C. Also, thank God for online convertors because I very rarely think in terms of metric units.

    I have an extensive background in teaching, fire prevention, hazardous materials & WMD response as well as wildland urban interface firefighting. Let me know what you are interested in so I can share what we have on the subject. I doubt that a car fire is different in Germany where you work or in Santa Barbara where I work. We still have to invent tactics to resolve things.

    We live North of Santa Barbara in a town called Buellton. You can google us and see the house. Email me at mschlags@yahoo.com and I'll send you my address. It would be cool to see where you live as well. We're about 10-minutes from the beach and have some of the most beautiful pristine coastline anywhere along the western USA coast. Santa Barbara has been compared with the Mediteranian. I don't know how to imbed photos yet into this email but through regular email, I can share some cool pix as well as what I've put on my FN Webpage.

    Talk to you soon and stay safe brother!

    I work full time as a fire suppression Captain with hazardous materials response team responsibilities. I'll be 55 next January and expect to work until I am 58. My kids (all girls) are 17, 19 and 21. My wife is a emergency room trauma nurse.
  • SLIM

  • Michael

    Hey Bro
    Whats up do u trade patches?
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

  • Michael

    5316 Blow St.
    ST. Louis ,MO 63109
  • Ian Schulte

    Mein Bruder, wie geht es dir?
  • Ian Schulte

    I understood most of it, you're busy cause of an arsonist? Hey, atleast you've got something to do!

  • Ian Schulte

    Ha ha ha, good man! Give the F*cker that he deserves.
  • Jay

    hey brother...i got the patch today and it is awesome!! mine is on the way to you!! stay safe!!
  • Michael

    Yeah I am ok the water is really high. Some levys broke up North so the water level here should go down here. Thanks for asking.
  • Jake Bonnin

    Whats Up from Gastonia NC my friend is visiting Germany right now, Do you trade shirts or patches
  • Jake Bonnin

    He is all ready there but i am not sure where, I think right outside Berlin

    Hallo Blau. Glad to here from you.
  • Horst

    Hallo und danke fuer die info klingt gut .bis dann be safe
  • Michael

    Hello Blue
    I have a patch from Kammern what does Feuerwehr mean?
    Freiwillige ?
  • Jon

    Hey Blue - Thanks my friend and greetings from England.. :)
  • Don Zimmerman

    Hi, glad to friend up. What kind of Hazmat calls do you guys have. We have a good deal of industrial dealing with drums & various types of containers though we have the weird ones as well. Hope to hear more from you. Don Zimmerman
  • Jake Bonnin

    Hey man Had not hear from you in a while my friend had to take an emergency flight home his grandmother is passing away sorry he was actuallt staying about 30 miles from you
  • Jon

    Hi, just watching the football to see who you are playing in the Final - Spain, I think you should win. I am at work again early in the morning so my bed will be calling me soon!!!

    You ok?
  • Jon

    I was at work today, nothing too. I will be on IM this weekend. I can take my computer to work, so I can talk when I am at work.

    Anyway stay safe and speak again soon
  • Michael

    U were verey helpful thanks Blue. I was woundering what it said.
  • Jake Bonnin

    My shirt size is Medium and my firend is back in town
  • Jay

    glad you liked them!! That would be much appreciated if you could find a police patch for me!!
    Stay Safe n keep in touch!!!
  • Jake Bonnin

    Hey man havent talked to you in a while. It is like 1:57 in the after noon there all though you might not get this until later on in the day or evenning just want to say hi and see how things were going.
  • Jake Bonnin

    Blueeye good to know your alive... It is pretty good in the US right know..Gas prices are a little high but what isnt these days. My Address is as follows
    Jake Bonnin
    4009 Applegate Rd
    Gastonia, NC 28056
    I wil be looking forward to the arrivial of what ever you send me
    Have A good one ( That means have a good rest of the day where i am from)
  • Jay

    Hey ya Tino... just wanted to say hey and try to catch up with you..hadnt talked to you in a while..hope all is well... talk to you soon..
    stay safe!!

  • Jake Bonnin

    What is up amn sorry i havent talk to you in a while a little busy in the states these days, We have had many brush fires in my county some big house fires and me and a crew from my staion had a roof collapse on use so pretty busy. How are you??
  • Horst

    Hows is going? I'm not so well..long story short, my department terminated me because I was injured in line of duty and basically is came down to money with them. But an attorney is currently working on this issue for me. Will see what happens in the future. Be safe and hope you are doing well too. Horst
  • Stefan

    kein thema... mal liest sich

    bis die tage

  • Robin Inman

    Just wanted to stop in and say "Hello" from Alaska. Take care and stay safe.