Tom Franklin


Sugar Run

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Lieutenant, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wlimot Fire Company
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Towanda Fire Dept.
My Training:
FFI, HazMat Tech, Engine Dirver
About Me:
I have been at this for over forty years. Nothing ever changes, it just goes around in a circle.
Day Job:
Fire Protection Systems Maintenance Specialist
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To Help others
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of people

Comment Wall:

  • John Franklin

    Hi Tom, thank you for the add. Hope things are well. Hope to chat sometime.

    stay safe out there from the other Franklin
  • Joe Totero

    Hey, Brother! Hope things are going good for you. Stay safe & have a great week!
  • Amy

    Thank you Tom!! I'm always smilin'...Stay safe and God Bless!
  • John Franklin

    Hi Tom,Hope things are going well. Sorry it's been amhile getting back to you. it has been crazy around here. I do have family in the Pa.area just not sure were. have Take care of yourself, chat soon John
  • John Franklin

    Hey Tom hope things are well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from the Franklin's in Vermont. Be Safe John
  • Tom Franklin


    I am very sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I hope this finds you and yours safe and well. Thanksgiving was a very nice time. I more than my share of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatos and gravey. It has been quite busy here are work and with the two FD's I run with. Have you given anymore thought as to whether there maybe a connection between our two families? Anyway, I must run. Please, stay safe and I will gope to hear from you again.
  • Kris McNew

    my department bought a tanker from towanda fd last year. is this the same department your on? i'm trying to find some of the guys to add to my friends list.
  • Kris McNew

    the tanker is doing great. our department painted it red. as soon as i get time i will post a bunch of pictures of before and after also some of our other dept. stuff.
  • donna

  • donna

    it's 80 here
  • donna

    we had that dust came from mexico made me sick
  • donna

    hanging in there
  • Janice (Jan ) Harmony

    Hello Tom,
    Yes, I run with Emmaus. I ran from 1990-1996, then left because of a cancer scare. I came back in Apr. of '06. I missed running and being around the guys and learning from them. Do you want me to say HI to any one in particular? Time to go. Stay & Be safe.
  • Janice (Jan ) Harmony

    Right now James ( Jimmy ) Reiss is our fire chief. His dad Robert R Reiss retired about 3 yrs ago after about 48-50 yrs in the fire service. Jimmy's cousin, John Reiss is our Assit Chief.. Take care
  • Tom Franklin

    I am acquainted with Chief Bob Reiss. If you see him, ask him if Emmauss ever had a 1949 Seagraves ladder truck. Then ask him if he know what happened to the 45’ ground ladder that used to be on the truck. You can then tell him my name and say hello for me and that I wish him well. He is a great man.
  • Janice (Jan ) Harmony

    Hi Tom,
    Hope you and yours are doing well. Ya know, you never did say who you know from Emmaus Fire Dept.. Want me to say HI to someone?? Well, hope you and your dept have a good day tomorrow. Stay safe/ be safe always.
  • Janice (Jan ) Harmony

    Hi Tom again,
    I just noticed your reply to the other question on your page. When I see him I will ask about the 1949 Truck and the ground ladder. I will let you know what he says. Yes I agree, he is a great man, and I think he is one of the best people to learn a hell of a lot from.
  • Janice (Jan ) Harmony

    Hi Tom, I spoke to Bobby about the 49 Seagraves truck. I asked him about the ladder and he gave me that surprised look on his face. Jimmy showed me a picture of the truck. Bobby laughed and asked how I knew about the ladder. I told him about my conversation with you. He asked how you were doing. Take care, be/stay safe
  • chris baker

    you too and if 27 needs a ladder or rit dont be scared to call your aid to the south