Janice (Jan ) Harmony

71, Female

Allentown, Pennsylvania

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Sergeant, First Responder, Emergency Management Coordinator/Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
9 yrs still active
My Training:
All Fire Police Courses, NiMS courses/classes. Past 4 yrs., helping with and doing the paperwork for FF1 and FF2 certifications.
Day Job:
2nd shift
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I started out on the Ambulance corps for 1 year, then switched over to our the Vol. fire dept. and also emerg. mgnt for 6 years . I have been giving back to the community. To serve and protect with a local police dept. as a park police office for 8 yrs. I have always been with the fire police. I've had 2nd line training also. It has been rewarding at times as well as heartbreaking also, plus fun hanging out with my brothers (firemen). They really band together and we ALL care about one another and help each other, even in tough times. I love learning from all the guys.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's all about giving back, caring, sharing, protecting and staying safe, while keeping others safe so we all go home . Ya gotta love it, to do it.

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  • charline forsythe

    hi! we had a great 4 th.hope you did also. i have been working a garden so haven,t been on here to much. take care and stay safe.~firemom~
  • jack lambert

    hello from new brunswick canada
  • Tom Franklin

    Hey Jan

    Are you still out there? How are you? Hows the retired chief? How all is well and hope to hear from you soon