Kevin King

63, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My Training:
A bunch mostly old school,updating as fast as possible
About Me:
110% all the time
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Explorer Scouts at 14,FD at 18,Still here
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Everything its a way of life
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training/Funding and the lack of

Comment Wall:

  • Firegal77

    OK, I put the song on, so you can copy it! later
  • Angelique

  • Firegal77

  • Firegal77

    Hope you had a nice day!!
  • BunkerBabe

  • Huw Jones

    Hey there from the definatly frozen north. Snow, freezing rain + idiots = busy department, thats us.
    How are ya doin? One of these times we will be on line at the same time there.
  • Vic

    Hey Kevin, Hows things. Haven't heard from you in awhile. I've been real busy here lately with work and all. Hope all is going well. Give me a call........ later
  • Rekeisha

    Thank you for the welcoming
  • Jessica

    hey thanks.
    well they are but dont worry it was for MCI practice so it was all make up.
  • Jessica

    ouch. is she okay?
  • Terry Lambert

    Wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
  • Angelique is your One Stop Shop
    Get More at COMMENTYOU.comMay this comming new year be better we love ya lots
  • 99

  • Rekeisha

    Happy New Year !!
  • turk182

    long time no see was wondering where you have been hiding hope you had a great christmas and happy new year.
  • Erin Davis

    gidday Kevin thanks for the welcome. Now you have two good friends in Australia. Have a good day and stay safe. We are having 40 degrees heat over here and a few fires are burning. Bye for now. Erin
  • Erin Davis

    Bye the way Kevin Geloruprookie said to say hello, we are in the same fire crew, and car pool to work. see ya.
  • tigger lee callahan

    hey what is up man.
  • turk182

    checking in with my friends. So how you been my friend hope all is well and stay safe.
  • Jacob Luffman

    Thanks for proclaiming being a Squirrel, I know exactly how you feel. I started this group just to lighten up some rookies and experianced alike with some good humor, great stories and maybe by accident some use ful knowledge. Welcome to the Fire Squirrels, start up a discussion or post comments or even some video or pics if youd like, whatever intrests you. Good and Bad discussions are welcome here. All of EMA is welcome here. From my family to yours have a great day. JT unit 1671
  • Jacob Luffman

    Hey Kevin,
    Do you live in CLarksville, TN???
  • 99

    lol - I just checked - you were 4th.

    ;) But only but a couple hours.

  • Randy Macey

    Yup, that sounds interesting... Although I will have to check out the dates to see if I'm on shift or not. As well it's the month the boys head up north for fishing as well.
    But sounds interesting to a get together. I'm trying to dig out from this blowing snow. Keep me posted, hope all is good your way. We have busy up here with a couple of house fires....
  • Randy Macey

    Will most likely see him this week, will be down at there station. How are things going down your way? Some nasty photos you have shown here....
  • Randy Macey

    I know what your talking about, sucks getting old.... My knees have been killing me for the past couple of years.
    I'm afraid to see the butcher over this. Between climbing poles all day or kneeling at peds doing cable work. It's taken it's toll, more so for the cold weather and damp weather. Hope your recovery is good, I know it's a lot better then when I was a nurse. Big scares! Now with micro cuts it's a lot faster for healing.... Other than that how the hell have you been doing?
  • Randy Macey

    Good to hear your doing good.... Only a couple of months and the snow should be leaving us. I have a bad year with the tractor getting it to work for me correctly to do the driveway. And too cold to really work on it, but then we always have to have something to complain about. Well shift starts in an hour best head out...
  • firequeen

    hey honey you know ill alsways talk to you when i get the chance to. you know i looove you. lol. talk with you soon .
  • Marie

    hello, windy said i should say hi to ya seein as how you just had knee surgery like me

  • Marie

    my goodness!!!!!! you have all kinda experience in the whole knee issue thing then!!!! how long does it take before your semi-up on your feet again??? im going on day 5 of being bedridden and its drivin me nuts!!!
  • Marie

    I had a cadaver ACL put in and had some of the cartilage shaved and smoothed out
  • Erin Davis

    Hi Kevin, How are you? It is my weekend off. Have been starting early and have had a busy coupla weeks. Your homepage is awesome. Yours first two songs are great, unreal pics. It was good to hear from you. Tried to get you on messenger. Hope your knee is doing well.Ill try and catch up with you. Take care of yourself. By for now Erin
  • Erin Davis

    My Daughter could sing all off Jonny Cash songs her favourite was your no 1 song. I was stoked when I saw it. see ya
  • Engineco913

    Hey bro, conny copy and paste the link, please read and sign

    Make the Firefighter Safety Pledge. Show you support moving forward in the fire service to prevent more injuries and deaths from needlessly happening.
  • Karen

    Thanks for the welcome, finding my way around the site right now.
  • Huw Jones

    busy my friend, lots of calls, to much work.
    how's about you?
  • Lyn

    Lyn said…
    Indeed, it sounds like a blast for sure. Looking forward to it. I do hope this finds you well. Please be safe out there. nice meeting you.
  • 99

  • Engineco913

    Happy Easter bro. I will catch up with you sometime soon. My banquet is tonight.
  • firequeen

    just busy with school and stuff so. works changing to all i do is eat sleep and work and school.