Lt. Raymond Oliver HPFD 6505

45, Male

Hawk Point MO

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Emergency Management, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Lieutenant, Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hawk Point,Missouri
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Fire Fighter 1 and 2 /CPR /Mouted Search And Rescue and Vech Ex.
About Me:
I love Being a FF regardless if it has to do with getting a child out of a locked car or someone out of a Structure Fire.I enjoy riding horses,Riding four wheelers,Hunting,Fishing and Being a Farrier that is a Horseshoer for the people that might not know the term.I live and Breath the Fire Dept it consumes me.The greatest part is that my wife is so happy for me and embraces it as well.So that is awsome.She's the best I love her so much for that among many of other reasons.
Day Job:
Farrier (Horseshoeing)
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to help my community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The help I can provide to my community,Family and Friends

Comment Wall:

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  • Kelly

    well how are thing tonight me doing ok could be better other then this weird weather
  • Mark

    whats up ray i havnt been on much kids have been sick it is a cool web site
  • Mark

    i tried to get on the web site it said it is not found
  • Debra Pflieger

    I just love all the family photos on your page! My sons were always wearing my turnout gear...structure and wildland! they are so cute!
    Chief 21~Deb~
  • SLIM

    showin some native love!
  • Marie

    thanks for the comment! howre you doin today??
  • Marie

    goodness that sounds like a busy day!!!
  • Marie

    things are pretty boring on my end, what with being more or less bedridden cuz of the knee until it heals up a bit more :) ...... have a much better boyfriend that actually cares about how im doing unlike the one i had right when i injured myself, so thats good.

  • Doug Fisher

    Have 3 hayburners at the moment. All 3 need are in need of riding. Hoping for some good weather to get out and work with them. Its tough to ride much in Montana during winter. Spring is hopefully near.
  • Marie

    lol........ basically it boils down to a retard moment on my part...... i for some reason thought i was still only like 17 and could do gymnastics so i joined an adult class even though i hadnt done gymnastics in over 4 yrs.

    I did a roundoff-back handspring and on the roundoff ruptured my ACL and then when i landed the backhandspring since i didnt have my ACL to hold the knee together anymore i posteriorly dislocated my knee so that my 2 lower leg bones (tib and fib) wound up like behind my upper leg bone (femur)
  • Marie

    no calls for me since im still on leave.... just figured id atleast say hi back!
  • Mark

    whats up ray
  • Marion

    Thanks for the add. Stay safe...
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey...... I think I have seen you out there on a few calls. And yea, I worked at Abbott years ago....haven't been out there for over 3 years now.....went to LCAD from there then to SCCAD. But stay with LCAD part time cause I love it out there....such good people and the FD's are just awsome when it comes to assisting us. THANKS!! Have a good weekend, talk atcha later. :-)
  • Holly

    Hey there Raymond CUTE Kids!!!!! how's the weather down there we're in for a lot of snow... hope all is well with you and yours may the angels watch over you stay in touch and stay safe my friend ;-)

    You Are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, Volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap
  • susan

    texas thanks
    you have some CUTE kids! stay safe and alert ttys
  • DeAnna Humphrey

    It got pretty messy here last night, it stormed for a while, sounded as if it were coming a flood out. I didn't care the sound of raid makes me sleep even better, so I just made sure my dog was in and went back to sleep. I don't have any horses right now, I love horses though, but I'm not home enough to have them right now, maybe later when I settle some, Right now I work all the time so it's just me and Lukas(My Black Lab). TTYL.. You be safe
  • DeAnna Humphrey

    Gas here is $3.05, bread is $2.50 a loaf, I can't complain about the animal food, I pay $18.50 for a 40 lb bag of dog food for my dog once a week HA, he's a hog. I think he eats more than any horse I've ever ran across. It has been snowing here for about two hours for some god awful reason, IDK why it chooses to do so the end of Feb, But then I think about the "Blizzard of 93" that happened in March so Go figure. I hope your week gets better, I know mine will, I'm off this weekend YAY lol.. TTYL
  • Marion

    just checkin in on ya... hope you're having a great week. Oh... BTW... nice website!
  • susan

    Hey Raymond, Just stopped by to say HI!!! There is something about this GREAT state, ya gotta love it!!! Stay safe and alert
  • Lori Wagner

    Thanks, I am an animal lover and spoil them something fierce. My baby is 20mo. old and weighs 165lbs. and doesn't know he is a dog. I saw the pics. I like the paints, but all are very pretty. Take care...
  • John Kriska

    Back at you Raymond out in Hawk Point from me in South St. Louis.
  • Andy

    about 14 miles south of Marshall Missouri
  • schott

    anytime my friend, take care stay safe!
  • charles

    you have nice family and great looking horses besafe
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey there! Good to hear from you. Things are great here, hope they are with you as well. Have a safe and wonderful weekend...TTYL
  • susan

    Dropping 07 haven't heard from you in a while hope things are good with you! have a great weekend! ttys
  • Tony Campion

    Hi Raymond, Nice web site! I worked with an Equine group from northern Wisconsin last June in Wood County, Wisconsin and they showed a lot of potential at a Search. Hope to run into you! Tony Campion also from Headwaters Search & Rescue Dog Unit
  • susan

  • Meghan

    I'm pretty good, how's the weather in MO.
  • Meghan

    Today was the first really warm day in a while. It was nice, but a little windy. I hope tomorrow's weather is just as nice.
  • Nick Morgan

    Hey Raymond, thanks for the ad and the comments brother! Your kids are cute too! My boys love to come to the firehouse at the airport where I'm assigned right now because I can take them for rides in the big ARFF rigs. Since I'm career, they don't get to go on calls with me, but they both love firetrucks. Maybe someday I'll get to re-enter the volunteer world. I loved it before! God bless and stay safe! Watch out for those trusses!
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey Raymond, just wanted to say hi! Hope everyone is well. Have a great week. Stay safe...
  • cowgirlmedic

  • Lori Wagner

    Hey there, no problem. My last two weeks have been pretty crazy. My daughter got hurt and had surgery Fri. Things are finally settling down. Hope all is well with you. Talk to ya later...
  • Dant fire214

    happy easter
  • Cait

    Hey! How's it goin?
  • Cait

    I'm doin good. How are you?
  • boots

    Hey there Raymond, Like your truck....
  • Mike Hargrove

    I am 184 miles south of troy, mo about 3 hours south.
  • Lori Wagner

  • Lori Wagner

  • Lori Wagner

  • Michael

    Hey Bro does your dept have a patch to trade?
  • Michael

    Thats alright . Thanks anyways.
  • Michael

    Hey Bro, U should come to the ST. Louis Fire Dept Engine Rally in Sept. check out the web page
  • Michael

    Hey Raymond
    Go to the top of the page and click on events.Go to Sept 6th and check out the ST. Louis Engine Rally. Also go to Oct 18th this is my engine rally in Pike County Hope to see u at both of them.
  • Michael

    Whats up Bro ? Have u been helping with the flood in Lincoln County?
  • susan

    4th of July Comments have a great day!!! hope to hear from ya soon!! yal need to send some of that rain down here to us!! PLEASE