Clark Hummel

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Captain, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Oregon Fire Protection District Oregon, IL
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Byron Fire Department
My Training:
FF2, EMT basic, Rescue diver
Day Job:
Electrician for Kishwaukee Community Hospital
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Started as a corporate EMT and soon joined the fire service to further my training.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people in their times of greatest need.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Funding is a big issue. Safety is another. Treatment whether its skin color gender or race.

Comment Wall:

  • Sherl Smail

  • 99

    Great to meet you!!

    Thanks for the Add!! Stay safe out there!

  • Trish

    You are welcome....Hope you have a great Night...
  • Firegirl67

    Thanks for the add

    be well and be safe...
  • Rekeisha

    Hey, how r u ? Thanks for the add
  • R.Th@rp ~ F!re Ch!c

    Hey thanks ;) What's up?
  • R.Th@rp ~ F!re Ch!c

    That's cool, it's been too freakin cold! My girls have cabin fever..... LOL :D

  • Greg Kunce

    Just wondered if you came up to our house for the standby when we responded to the garage/apartment fire? and uh whats up with all the chicks on your site perv???

  • Dennis

    Thanks Clark.
    How is it going ?
    Take care.
  • Bastian

    Hello Clark, thanks for welcome!
  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey Clark......hope all is well this crappy cold Thanks for the add doll. You stay safe out there and talk atcha soon.
  • Firemancristian

    helloImage Hosted by
  • 99

    so how are things in your oregon? mine is doing great. spring is on the way...I expect to be complaining about being hot by mid april.

  • 99

    Well - it wont be hot by a long shot but I generally get tired of making a fire by then - tired of it now actually - LOL so I get used to 65 - when it gets to be warmer than that - I get hot. ;)

    July is a whole other story - but at least we cool down at night - always below 60 - about 2 weeks end of aug early sept if it stays over 90 for more than a few days - our nights will stay around 65 or 70 but just for a short time so you barely have time to get sick of it. LOL
  • 99

  • tonyB

    Thanks for the info. I forgot what hotel we are staying at. On wendsday my friends and I are going to see the race track. Are there any sites you could recomend that we could vist other than the track?
  • Laisenia Rokoduru

    BULA.....thanx for adding me as a friend..a while,s gud to know that there's pple out there who really take time in meeting friends thru this site..CHEERS BIG BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!