
65, Male

De Pere, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
32 I'm old!
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
De Pere Fire - Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Went through them all. FFI, FFII, Even when they had FF III, D/O Engine & Aerial, FO I, NIMS, IC, Haz-Mat Specialist and Asst. Team Leader. yadda, yadda, yadda. We're a small Dept. so everyone has to do just about everything. I still get to clean the toilets and take out the garbage in the morning. It's so glamorous being a Captain!
About Me:
BS from University of Cincinnati, Paramedic since 1985 from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Taught at NWTC for 20 years. Regional Haz-Mat Team for 10 years. Tech Rescue Team. Member of IAFF L1998. Couple of terms as President.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
While in college(1977), became dissatisfied with what I was pursuing and wanted to do something that could have an immediate impact on people. Liked it from the beginning and the rest is history.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
being able to make a positive impact when people are having their worst day.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of funding from Fed., State and Local Gov.

Comment Wall:

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  • Brad Duncan

    hello i just wonting if you got the mail i send you
  • Brad Duncan

    we just got done with a snow snow strom still digging out
  • susan

    Hey Buddy, Fla, sounds great, yal deserve it after the nasty weather yal have been having this winter!! I am planning to go to Fla. sometime real soon when the golf course slows down, my girlfriend has a huge house in Naples,also a pent house in Destin, either place will be fine with me! How have yal been? Been snowing??? ttys
  • Brad Duncan

    hello whats going on for today
  • Dawn

    Wentworth is on the other side of South Dakota. It is about 50 north of Sioux Falls. It's a small town... population 150!
  • susan

    stopping by How are things going? Any snow lately
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. I always say, the bigger the dog, the better. Have a safe and wonderful week...
  • susan

    Hey Buddy, Almost time for Fla!!!!! Well today we have had rain and now its cold and wet!!! Its been really windy here (March Winds). Yesterday we hd 217 golfers so we were really busy. Have yal been busy? The Box has not been to busy lately. We already have wild flowers popping up all around, it means that spring is on its way!!!YEA! you stay safe and alert! Has you wife been down here lately? ttys
  • Lori Wagner

    No problem, we can never have too many friends. Yes, all of the animals are mine. The dogs eat more than the horses, about 100lbs. every 3 wks. They are very spoiled and very loyal. My kids also "love" to clean up after the dogs, I just remind them that I clean up after them EVERYDAY! Take care...
  • Brad Duncan

    hello Capkurt how are you today we are not doing to good here we lost anther firefighter today in a house fire in Quebec canada
  • susan

  • susan

    No. not doing anything, just working!! Hope you had a great weekend. Hows the weather there, it has been really warm here. Today it was really windy! Yal been busy?
  • susan

    good for you all those days off,you should be good and rested. Well we hav been lying by the pool for the last few days, Saturday was 87!!! No snow down here! Have yal been busy? ttys
  • susan

    SPRING TIME IN TEXAS sharing a little Texas Spring with ya!!!
  • Brad Duncan

    whats going on
    Capkurt how are things
  • Jen

  • susan

    Easter have a great one
  • susan

    stopping by Hey how is everything with ya? Yal been busy? I have been really busy at the golf course, with all this beautiful weather everyone wants to play golf. It has not been busy on the box. Hope you and your family are fine. ttys
  • susan

    MySpace Comments - April Fools Day
    MySpace Layouts - April Fools Day
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    hey how have you been?
  • susan

    Glad you are back and sounds like you had fun!! Did you forget about the "sunblock?" Well we had a little excitement last thursday, there was an explosion in the town where i am an emt, it was the first one i have been on, our pt's body was 95% burnt! He was a trooper,he was talking to us the whole time, my heart went out to him, he just wanted more morphine. life flight took him downtown to the best burn unit. I have seen burned people before but not that bad and still be alive. All we could so for him was to keep him calm, the explosion blew his clothes off of him, the only part that was not burned was his bicepts and his feet, but his foot had a bad cut,It moved the building a foot off its foundation. It was all over the news for a couple of days,it even made the world news! Other than that its been really quite.
  • susan

    Hope ypu are having a great day. Just got home from the golf course, we had a tournament today. The weather here today is crappy, it started out at about 76% this morning, its been raining and the temp now is 60%. I left for work today in shorts and flipflops,and was freezing when i left work. You know the odd thing about that run was that the guy did not smell of burnt flesh,yes he was badly burnt but the doctors are saying that his skin was peeled back by the presseur of the explosion, he is still alive, but it is a day to day thing. Last night went to a stroke class at the hospital,they flew out our new helicopters (Life Flight) it was pretty cool, i got to do a shift with them a while back, can not wait to do another, those people are great!!!! How has your week been?
  • Firestorm

    onyxwarriorgoddess...and if you are really adventurous im on as onyxnthor...there r some pretty hot flix there
  • Horst

    Oh sorry..I only made it too 52 out of 840 pages. IF the case you were 53, I must have missed you. Sure, you're name is German too. I'm interested in hearing about your German roots. Thanks for responding. Be safe.
  • susan

    Myspace Comments - Hot Tuesday hey buddy, how are things going have not heard from you in a while.sty safe and alert
  • Kay

    Hi sorry Its taken me so long to get back with ya. We have lots of nice resorts. Sandestin Golf and Resort, The Villages of Baytowne Wharf, and Seascape Resort. I don't have the websites but try googling either one of them. Hope you guys can make it.
  • susan

  • susan

  • Brad Duncan

    hello Capkurt whats going on latly how are things going how is the wether there
  • Brad Duncan

    hi i hope you have a good weekend just to let you no that i found out that my heart is not that good right now so now i am off work i do not no when i can go back they are going to do more testing on me to see what is going on i am getting more pane i will let you no more when i can ok
  • susan

    Myspace Comments
    Myspace Comments @
    hey stranger, how the heck are you
  • susan

  • charline forsythe


    MySpace Comments - Memorial Day
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  • susan

    How were your days off? Over the weekend my best friends son got married,so we have been recouping from that process. Today we have to go break down everything at the church(it was a outside wedding,) so we have alot of plants and heavy things to go move. Tomorrow going to a pool party after work, should be fun. ttys
  • Erika Kirkman

    My daughter is 4. She loved the dolphins in Bermuda, she wants to move there. We took her to the FD out there to check out their rigs, so she keeps saying that we can get jobs there so we can move. She has it all worked out. Strong-minded, just like her mom. ;)
  • Erika Kirkman

    Just saw your from Little Chute. My whole family lives there. Small world.
  • susan

    the pool party was great!!!we were in the pool it was in the 90's here. now i am getting ready to feed 300 people on friday, at the golf course, we are cooking 30 briskets,and alot of chicken, i will be so glad when this tournament is over!!!! how are things with you? yal been busy? ttys
  • Erika Kirkman

    No, I'm a Hartjes. Actually my mom is a Hartjes. Related to half of Little Chute and Kaukauna. Weyenberg's, Coonen's, and many many others.
  • Erika Kirkman

    My my uncle is Roy Weyenberg, married to Kathryn Ann Hartjes. Their kids are Andy, Gretchen, and Aaron. We probably are cousins somehow. Like I said, small world.
  • Jen

    Hey Capt.! Long time, no hear. Everything is going good around here. We are starting to get some more calls which is a very good thing(kind-of, depending on how u look at it). How about you? Anything really good. I haven't been watching the news so I have no clue. Well I 'll talk to u later. Take care!
  • Brad Duncan

    just dropping in to say hi end how is everything going there ples take care
  • susan

    PROFILEFLIRTS.COM just stopping by to say HI!!!! how have you been???
  • MadysoNicole [NREMT-B]

    Thanks for the add and the comment!
  • Brad Duncan

    yes everything is fine now thanks back at work not to busy there is anther firefighter in the dept only has three mouths left to live he has caner he is only 46 the weather is going to get very hot this weekend anyways i am going to the dept for some time so i will talk to you later have a save weekend end take care brad
  • Tracey

    Hi there,
    South africa, especially Cape Town, is really beautiful! The fire service down here is quite busy as we do not split our companies. We all do everything( rescue, medical, driving, firefighting etc) At the moment there is a great shortage of skilled firefighters so we are recruiting like crazy!

    Anyway have a stunning weekend... and if ur working Be Safe!!!
  • susan

    Hey you, good to hear from ya!!! we have not had any rain in weeks, our pond has dried up!!! mosquitos are no problem for us!!! i am doing fine, thanks, things are slowing down at the golf course due to the heat. its 99 here today, even the pool is warm!!! now we just have to hope for no big field fires!!! are they keeping you busy??? ttys

    Haha you know it. It's a tough job but someones gotta do it.
  • susan

    hey my friend how the heck are ya? hope everything is well with ya, its been really hot here, had a 150 acre fire here last week, people dont understand (no rain makes for dry fields) ttys
  • Monica

    Lol..... I know most women love shopping but I rather use my time doing other things that most women don't like to do. Don't get me wrong I am very girly but shopping is not one of my favorite things to do.
    Believe me I've tried to get my daughter interested in other things as well but have not been able to.
  • susan

    Hey you, good to hear from ya, summer is here in Texas, it is so hot and humid here you can not stay out for very long. we are spending alot of time in the pool! had a good mva yesterday where the back of a 18 wheeler ran over the passenger side of the car, suprised no one was hurt bad, you had to be there to believe this one. hope things a good there ttys
  • Firebabe Jen

    Thanks for all of the comments.!! I am glad you like the artwork.. I am no where near done..LOL.. Keep in touch and be safe out there!