Jen Davis

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Dale City, VA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
FF1 and EMTB
About Me:
Well I am turning 27 in a couple weeks. I am a Firefighter in Dale City. I am currently going to NOVA to get my medic. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A BOYFRIEND! I am always up for new friends but PLEASE don't request to be my friend if you have no plans of talking with me or if you are looking for a date. I AM LOOKING FOR A JOB! HA HA.
Day Job:
Full time student.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Just something I wanted to do.

Comment Wall:

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  • Jimmy Thacker

    Hey thanks for the friend request. Hope to chat with you sometime.
  • Creyes

    thanks for adding me
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Well be safe I work monday to friday from 8am to 5 pm at one of our county sub substations.
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey I know the feeling had class all weekend myself and getting ready to go on duty as we speak. Hope you have a great day and take care and stay safe as well.
  • Tom Truman

    Nice To Have You As A Friend
    Hope To Talk More With Ya..

  • Joe Totero

    Glitter Graphics & Comments
    Stay safe & have a great week!
  • K.H.K

    I went to Indy to see the colts & the buc play football it was great &even go to go to the motor speedway it was cool all of it was so cool sorry you had to work but its money not alot of money but its moneyLOL k type to you later
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

  • Nicholas Pantoliano

    good morning to you to
  • Nicholas Pantoliano

    its going alright just working on a few things for this weekends drill with the marine corps.
  • Gary

    Thanks for the add be safe
  • Dustin Shotto

    Thanks for the video comment. So how are things with you?
  • Dustin Shotto

    Damn miss busy bee. Well good luck on everything and i hope everything goes good.
  • Jen

    Hi!! How are you??
  • Dustin Shotto

    Well congrats on getting a 100 on your final. Yeah i guess you will be one tired girl when you get done with your weekend sure sounds like it anyway. I am just relaxing i have a weekend off for once i have been working every weekend for 2 months now so i am just going to lay around and do alot of nothing.
  • Dustin Shotto

    awwww well sorry to here that. so do you have AIM or like yahoo at all?
  • Dustin Shotto

    ok i added you. mine is zxcv016 just so you know

    hey jen i am a va native i moved to tn when i was 13 i love it there but home is in tn now i still have lots of family in the new river valley !!!! god bless and stay safe!!!!

  • Firefighter Richard

    Hey,jen thanks for the add...
  • scott kauhn

    have a good and safe weekend
  • Firefighter Richard

    I'm doing fine hope you are,thanks again for being my friend up here,hope you safe and happy weekend,ttyl...
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey hun just droped in to say hi and to see how your week has been. SO take care and ttyl.
  • Randy Macey

    Check out the some of the Groups, I have started up "Close Calls" an area to tell your story of what you did and should not of so others learn. "Roll Calls" this is another group that allows you to tell us about your station and district. "Trainers Corner" is another area that you can read about issues other trainers have or deal with. As well if your not a trainer you can ask questions or state concerns you have. If you have a hard time locating them just go to my site and look at the bottom left hand corner.

    Enjoy, be safe and remember we all come home.

  • Randy Macey

    Weekend is almost over, getting ready for the white stuff.
    Although I have only seen the wet stuff. But did start to snow today!

    Back to work for another 4 days and then look forward to another weekend.... Hope all is great your way!
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    I know what you mean by a long weekend. We had civil defense at the station yesterday and painted the bay floors. Last night I did my last 8 hours of ride time with ems and today one car fire and a house fire. Tomorrow is no better got work and studying for my cardiac test for my class so take care and ttyl.
  • captain101

    hey how are you
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    It went good i made an 80 on it so not to bad. So how has things your way been.
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    That sounds like fun we gave out over 100 bags of candy tonight at the station our selves.
  • Randy Macey

    80, man.... I'll take the cold.... That's to hot, I know it's not cool for a firefighter to say they don't like the heat. But I'll take the cool temp. Another weekend has started, and have almost finished my honey due list for the weekend already. Other than preparing dinner, and cleaning the house.... It was my day off, this way we have the weekend to have fun.... What's the plans for your weekend? Our fire hall is putting on a Yuk Yuk's Night for Sat. evening. Dinner and show, sold out and
    it's going to be ugly. Hate to tell people coming to the door sorry but we are sold out....
  • firemanstep

    hey Jen... have a great weekend and be safe down in Dale City

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • Randy Macey

    Ok, I take the heat.... But do love the fall better, no bugs that's the key... We have shirts up here that say,
    "I'm Canadian, I gave blood" with a big picture of a mosquito. Now for the gym.... Well that is another problem, lack of time. Do sofa arobics, but guess that does not count when your on your down time. Get enough work out at work.... So do you need some snow sent down there?
  • Terry Lambert

    Hey Jen. Thanks for joining our group. See you around the station. Be safe.

    hope you have a blessed weekend!!!!!!
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey just droped in to say hi and to see what ya been up to.
  • Don Smith

  • Wendy

    hello out there. its nice to find other mom's who love firefighting as much as i do. i also work full time for an ambulance here in my town. i love my job almost as much as i love my kids. be careful and have a safe new year.
  • Terry Lambert

    Wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
  • Captain Hays

    Hay Jen, hope you and your family are having a safe and happy holiday season. Take care out there..
  • Shawn Beach

    Yea that is what my friend bily said too. So i see you found my myspace page. That pic of you and val on auto fires day was good.
  • Shawn Beach

    yea but val could come out of a house fire and still look that way you know. lol. I may be coming to do a few ride alongs at station 18 with BC Kerns.
  • Jason Martin

    Nise page welcome FFN I am gone be heading to VA to take my paid firefighter test at Fairfax VA
  • Jason Martin

    Hey Jen My test wennt good gone back in stember again thanks for asking
  • Chris Turnbough

    Hello you, how are you doing? hope to see ya soon !!!
  • Chris Turnbough

    Hey- Just COOKING in Fallujah, going to be 113+ today.... To Damn HOT if ya ask me.... Hows DCVFD doing? Hope all is well.....
  • Roger Waters

    Hi Jen,

    Just thought you might be interested in our discussion group. The group is for everyone that may have questions or who are looking for help with the firefighter career testing process. The group is called "Firefighter testing help group" Just click the title of the group and you will be taken there.

    Also feel free to add me to your friends list if you feel like it.

    See you there.

    Roger Waters
  • Chris

    Hi, thanks for the add.
  • Chris Turnbough

    what do you mean?
  • Chris Turnbough

    Happy Birthday !!!!!