
Charlotte, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Charlotte Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Forsyth County Fire Department

Clemmons Fire Department

Vienna Fire Department
My Training:
HAZMAT Technician
NIMS 100, 200, 700, 800
RT - Ropes
RT - Confined Space
RT - Structural Collapse Technician
About Me:
I am a first generation firefighter, which is kinda cool because the tradition has to start somewhere! I am a member of Engine Company 13 and Haz Mat Company 1, 3rd Battalion of the Charlotte Fire Department. Flirtin' With Disaster.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I enjoy helping others, plus fighting fires is pretty exhilarating.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
that when someone asks me "What did you do at work" And I can say that I did something that directly affected someone's quality of life, not "I made the Corporation $X today".
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Seat belt usage

Comment Wall:

  • Randy Macey

    If you enjoy helping others, I hope that's not your best smile...aha! You look really pissed off!

    It's ok, I don't like to smile....Either...

  • Randy Macey

    One of the Trainers told me that it takes more muscles to frown than smile... How goes your calls down there, been a busy summer or not to bad?
  • Randy Macey

    Check out Roll Call Forum and put some info about your Fire House in... Like to hear what your station is like, what you have as well as for number for firefighters as well as number of calls. Pass it around to your Firefighter Friends too....

  • Randy Macey

    How does it work for you guys, what we call "Double Hatters" one who works full time as a paid firefighter and also as a Vol. Does the union have any issues or Dept.?
  • Randy Macey

    That I can see, but we have problems with someone from another town or city working and vol. there time at our stations...
  • Mike Davenport

    Don't let it look at you!
  • Randy Macey

    Wow! That would be called burned out... Think that's cutting it really thin when your working that many places....
  • Medic Girl

    hey! things are always good here in asheville lol how are things where you are???
  • Medic Girl not workin for any place right now.. i just moved back here .. where ya workin?

    thanks for the add
  • Randy Macey

    Personal EMT Med Bag, do you carry one in your personal vech. and where is a good place to get one. Which one do you like....

    Thanks Mace

    Things are pretty good not much happens in my tiny town.
  • Dennis Cash

  • Daniel burke

    Dude you are that friend.
  • Daniel burke

    Oh is that the word on the skreet? well im lookin forward to it for sure. and YES i will run calls punk hahaha ilu doot
  • Lizzie32

    hey! things are going good. im in school at davidson county community college workin on my paramedic. how are you?
  • Philipp Huss

    hello tristan

    i hope you have a super weekend!!!

    take care and stay safe
  • Daniel burke

    yeah that drive is pretty crappy. but it will be worth it for you when you get on charlotte. cuz thats where you want to be. Im right here to back you up though mang.
  • Philipp Huss

    I love you helmet!!!!!

    We wish you a merry christmas and happy holidays!!!!

    take care and stay safe!!!
    your friend from Germany
  • Brad

    Hey man anything to that house fire?
  • Brad

    i would greatly appreciate it haha, id go in with you on the real deal any time though man
  • Brad

    Haha, your right. I hope you saw me kick that door in last night, that was really cool from my end!