
38, Male

Boston, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Boston Fire Co
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
FF1, FF Survival, NIMS 100 200 700, Pump Operator, Live Fire Training, Fire Police, Vehicle Rescue, Truck Company Ops., EVOC, EMT, Radio Operator, Medical Emergency Radio System Operator
About Me:
Well i led a boring life all through my middle school and high school years. I did play football but only to make my grandfather happy, until i had a serious knee injury at work one night and that ended my hall of fame career. After high school i kept working some different jobs, and got a motivational thrust to join the fire company... and so i did. 3 years later (today) i currently have a completely different job that i never thought i would have, which is an EMT in the city of buffalo, still belong to the fire company and also an ambulance company in boston, and every day am learning new things about people and places. I have alot of friends and very few good friends.
I have one person who i look up to, and one day hope to become exactly like him, but know it can never be done and that is my grandfather. i have spent more time with him in my life than any other person and he is the reason for who i am, and what i know.
No i never went to college, and dont plan on going. I know what i want to do with the rest of my life and how to do it, but i just have to find that right path to get there. Someone who i look up to once said "dont let school get in the way of education."
Im a quiet person, shy if you will, but am told that i do come out of my shell every now and then haha. I dont have a girlfriend but i hope to find that special someone some day. Im a very to the point person. i dont like long explanations, or stupid questions. But do enjoy having conversations. I dont go out much, only because i like what i do in my every day lifestyle of emergency services, and i want to be ready for that moment when someone calls 911. But i do like sitting at my coffee shop, or a tim hortons and drinking coffee and talking with friends and aquaintances.
My days are somewhat similar and a little mondaine, but im looking for something to change that... a new hobby if you will.
........ and thats me i guess!
Day Job:
Rural Metro Ambulance
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to be a part of an organization which is very important to my area and throughout the country. And I just like to help out.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The "thank you" from the person you helped... plus some of the stuff is just neat to see! : >)
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Getting organized, prepared and firmiliarized with ourselves so we will be able move on into the changing times of the future of what we have yet to face with new safety regulations, laws, and whatever emergency services will lead us to face.

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  • Christina

    I never said there was anything wrong with my company. Well, except the usually bs and some of the people but overall its a good one.. how long you been in the business?
  • Christina

    nvm i just rememberd that if i looked to the left it tells me.. lol. im so dumb
  • Dave, NB 9

    Networking my firend, networking.
  • Amber

    Stevensville? Im not
    Im in maryland, your in NY, if you mean MD maybe...haha
    How are you doing?
  • Christina

    new and exciting? nothin really.. just had the 5 car accident with lake shore on 75. that was a mess there.. the one victim they mercy flighted and the one guy from lake shore who was not an emt and brand new in the co told me to "get out of the way, there's no room for a woman in extrication or on the fire scene"......

    omg i was pissed lol. i just stepped back and watch him put the backboard in upside down and backwards then i scooted in and fixed it and made him move... it was bad lol. other than that nothin to major..

    and i work at micheal anthonys on camp where the old bob evans was. its an alright place.

    Thanks For the add....
    Hope All Is Well...
    Have A Great Xmas & New Years
    ¬Stay Safe¬

    Happy HOlidays!!*
  • Amber

    Lol oh boy sounds like fun...yea alll rain thats it. We had like 5 inches last week that is now gone thanks to this crazy 70 degree weather on some days!
    I work near the Chesapeake Annapolis, but I am not sure where that is. I actually live a good hour west of the chesapeake bay, im about 30 mins from southern PA near Hanover. CARROLL COUNTY BABY!!!
  • Emily Michelle

    Thank you..your very sweet. hope you have a merry christmas!
  • Jeff

    Digging out from the dreaded "white death." Looks like round two may be coming later this week, when I have to work I'm sure.
  • mercedes

    hay how r u?
  • Kevin Jewett

    No i did not because the next week because Angola has i am hoping that we will get them within the next week or two....but dont keep your fingers crossed
  • Marie Armstrong

    Hey what's up? Anything new at the bottom of the hill...
  • Stephanie

    Thank you so much! I was told that if I didn't hear anything before Thursday, consider it a good sign....I haven't heard anything! And it's Wednesday! Fire board meets tomorrow...I'll find out sometime after. Merry Christmas!
  • matt

  • Marie Armstrong

    things on top of the hill have been good...heard you did stand by in our hall for the jennings road structure fire..that was a cold night...other than that nothing really..have a great holiday
  • Kevin Jewett

    Thats because we were suppost to have them on dec 16, 2006. I have also heard good and bad things about them
  • Kathryn Shepard

    The emt stuff is great. i love being an not really sure on my favorite part...just recently we had an mvc car vs. train and the car landed halfway down the tracks
  • Amber

    Well we definetly have some nice deer...didnt get any this year unfortionatly! Couldnt even get a shot with my rifle! I WAS PISSED...oh well, it is Muzzleloader now, so hopefully this week. We will buddy got a 23 pointer in PG county. What a lucky bastard! Well have a great holiday! Talk to you soon.
  • Christina

    Yes it is new. About 5 or 6 weeks open now. Micheal and Anthony are greek but the place has a little bit of everything... except pizza... they have pizza burgers but no pizza lol. Its an alright place to work.. the girls and 1 guy that i work with are awesome.. Ronda my manager is kick ass but M&A are a little off... i can handle mike but not tony... oh well. what're ya gonna do?

    In my free time I dont do much... read alot, was goin to school... today was my last day til next fall... probably gonna go work at rural metro now cause i need more money and more hours... gonna try and stay with the diner though. i dont know... im having a bad day so i'll ttyl
  • Hilary

    im hilary nice to meet you too
  • Amber

    Hope you are having a great Holiday! Finally got a deer, about a 140lb doe. Not too bad, didnt see any bucks. I got pics on my site. Talk to you shortly, Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
  • ff316emt

    Happy New Year!
  • ff316emt

    Don't Stress about it. jk
    How was your christmas? Good I hope
  • Jennifer

    Hi im fine how are you???
  • Kevin Jewett

    So i heard a rumor that were getting our "NEW" pagers fri....ill beleve it when i see it
  • Kevin Jewett

    You know what gets me now i was in elma the other day and i had crystal clear reseption but i cant get nothing in the town go figure
  • Kevin Jewett

    go figure
  • Kevin Jewett

    OMG the board printer and pagers work....really surprised
  • Kevin Jewett

    i have calls yet but we did do a test a worked
  • Kevin Jewett

    No calls today but thatthat town wide message this morning came threw...not difficult to work...there alot like the metro pagers.
  • Kevin Jewett

    so these pagers are finally working...we got our structure fire on them the other day, and been getting a ton of liking them so far
  • Kevin Jewett

    yes and there starting to give times over them now makes that easier on us and them
  • Kim

    Thanks Matt!!! It is nice to meet you too.
  • Kim

    Things are going pretty good so far! Haven't had many calls. Knock on wood!!! How are things over there? Where are u from?
  • Kim

    LOL!! If I had read your profile!!
  • Kimberlee

    just wanted to say hi and say thanks for the add
  • Ashley Straub

    just saying hi
  • amanda

    its about 50 min away
  • Stephanie

    Hey there. Well, I've been "working for free" for the past 2 months, basically learning the ropes. I'm on the schedule for March, though, as an official member of my department. I expected to only get 3 or 4 shifts, but I got 9! 3 of them in a row on Easter weekend, but I'm not complaining.
  • Andy

    Yep thats me! im looking forward to being apart of the company im pretty pumped! haha. im just starting to learn so i have a lot to go!
  • Yvan

    Thanx for the add...
    Stay safe
    In french: Merci beaucoup, soit prudent.
  • reuben

    Thanks for the add Matt
  • LadyChaplain

    You should know that the crackheads don't get up until 1... lol.

    Hey--thought Id say hi its been awhile...any good calls lately?

    Hope all is well
    Stay Safe
  • Dave, NB 9

  • Dave, NB 9

    sorry about that, I need to fix just delete if you want
  • Kim

    Hi Matt!!

    Sorry it has been awhile since i have wrote u back..

    Not much here...Jus keepin busy at work (I work at a hospital in Amherst,NY) other then exciting calls lately...brush fire here and there but thats about it hehe

    stay safe

    Yeah, I work at suburban hospital in Amherst lol...busy night tonight...fukn loads of beat!
  • Christina

    hey you!! i actually got on here tonight to say hello! lol. and please.. you shy? I read your about me section and i disagree with that lol. well i do have lots of fun seein you around... even if you turn on my lights and sirens lol... i'll see you tomorrow darlin!