
San Juan, PR

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Battalion Chief / Division Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Haz-Mat Technician,
Technical Rescue Technician,
FEMA-Planning Team Manager,
US&R-Logistics Team Manager,
US&R-Haz-Mat Team Manager,
US&R-Medical Specialist,
US&R-Search Team Manager,
US&R-Rescue Team Manager,
Planning Section Chief,
Rescue Diver,
Confined Space Rescue Technician,
PADI-OWD Instructor
About Me:
Largest Department in the South-Eastern USA. Protecting life, property and the environment in a service area of 2000 square miles. Providing a full complement of services that includes; firefighting, Emergency Medical Services with ALS engines and ALS transport rescues, Air Rescue using 4 Bell 412 helicopters, Haz-Mat team, technical rescue team, MERT- Motorcycle Emergency Response Team, Marine Operations using a 50', 36' fireboat & 28' rapid response marine craft, Anti-Venom team with fully stocked and maintained anti-venin bank, Largest water rescue program in the US, Lifeguards, Plans review, new construction inspections, annual life safety inspection, fire cause & origin investigations, US&R operations as a Federal (FEMA), State and local asset, Cadet program (Explorers), High School Firefighting magnet program. This is accomplished with the support of 2100 sworn Firefighters and 556 civilian personnel.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
While living in the Virgin Islands, my family, friends and I faced many natural disasters and emergencies. There was virtually no government sponsored emergency services to speak of. The only help for those of us that lived and those that visit, were the volunteer services. I grew up being a part of those services, JrREACT, Civil Defense, St. Thomas Rescue Inc., VISAR, etc. Service to my community shaped what I am now.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Feeling of Community Service
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Short-term memory. The short term memory of politicians and bean counters. Immediately post 911 the fire service was fully funded to perform the duties expected of them. As time has pasted and memories fade, the funding is getting harder to come by, yet the duties and responsibilities continue to mount. The initial training requirement to meet these mandates places a severe financial burden on most departments. If that were all necessary, it would be a hurdle that can be surmounted with some creativity. However the recurrent training required to maintain CEU's and to prevent those very perishable skills from getting dull, add a near unsurmountable burden.

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  • Connie

    The one thing I want for the new year is for me and my family to keep our health and happiness, and to learn much about being a firefighter.
    And you what do you wish for in this new year??
    Take Care N be Save
  • Kit deitsch

    right now none Im on medical leave.. so I am not curently doing any time,Your looking good Your self,Hope You have a safe and good week
  • Krystal marie

    sometimes...not a whole lot in distict 9 we usually are around the holidays and big events that happen in louisian a
  • Marie

    it all depends on the shift, sometimes I only do 12 hour shifts, and sometimes I do 24hr or more shifts.

    with us it depends from station to station how the atmosphere is as well... the main factor that seems to determine how fun the shift is how large of a crew is on duty

  • Kit deitsch

    right now just fire side,but hopefully in few months with doctors ok I can begin the emt training I want to do,as for serious it is but I not worried to much I have one of best nurosurgeons in the country
  • Chantell

    Thanks for the compliment! We are actually having warmer weather right now even though its winter here!
  • Marie

    i think i posted a few on my page..... we wear bdu's with a polo shirt around the sta
  • Wendy Jo

    Hi Gio! Not in Houston yet!! Still waiting on TDHS to give me my cert. so I can go to work. I have the job and its waiying on me, but you know how it is when you have to waiy on other people. Yes, I do have kids. I have 3 daughters. They are 17, 14, and 11. Well, thanks for writing, Hope to talk with u soon! Wwendyjo
  • Stephanie

    Hi Gio,

    Thanks for stopping in to say hello! That was nice of you .. I will be safe you do the same!!!!!
  • Donnie Bathje

    LOL....that was funny as hell, but I know what you mean. When do you work again? Are you on shift work or 8-5? I will be working tomorrow 1-10-08. Been a long time since I have been to Miami, of course I to speak any Spanish. Well I can ask for a beer and where the bathroom is. So I guess you would say.......Mi habla Espanol es boquito. I will have to come down sometime and we canshare a couple cervaza's. Stay Safe brother
  • Trish

    Hey, How are you? Naw that was just a class I have taken...Im new to this and im slowley taking classes...Im starting EMT on tuesday so im gonna focus just on that for now, then continue some of the FF1 classes...
  • Donnie Bathje

    When you have time I would like to hear more about that program. Code enforcement is our biggest issue. But the efficiency is an issue as well. Hang in there brother. And as always stay safe.
  • Trish

    Just wanted to say Hi.....Hope you are doing ok and having a great weekend
  • Berni

    Hey Gio,
    How's life in Miami? Stay safe and have a good New Year!
  • Wendy Jo

    WOW! You have little ones!! Enjoy everything about them now, cause it will gone and you will miss it when it is... Well, hope to talk with you againg soon! Have a good day!
  • Kit deitsch

    Hey Gio how is Your week going,just wanted to stop by and send a great big hello Your way,hope You are staying safe,and have a great weekend when it comes

    hugs to Ya
  • Donnie Bathje

    Just dropping by to say Hi and let my friends know that as of today, I have been promoted to the rank of Captain. Brothers and Sisters Stay safe........
  • Kelly Davis

    Hi! Weekend is going pretty good so far, how is yours going? Glad you stopped by to see me lol keep in touch and beareful out there

  • Erin

    Hi Gio! Hope you have a great weekend as well! Delivered a baby this morning, so pretty cool day so far. How's your day/weekend going? Keep safe!
  • Kathleen

    hey my weekend has been ok, a little boring....hopefully the next one is about you? ttyl
  • Amanda W.

    Goin pretty good.Spending some time with the family,doin homework and all the fun stuff.Had a awesome grass fire yesterday that took about 3 hours.Was some great training time for one our rookies so I was excited.How's your weekend been goin for ya?? Hope all is well,stay safe. :~}
  • Bobbie Jo

    hey....yeah i have been busy with first aid for hockey is a blast and a great i can't do ride alongs.....i have to wait until i am in really sucks...though.....yes how is your weekend going? i wish u the best in life:D Stay safe out there Bro!

    Bobbie Jo
  • Amanda W.

    Well that's good.Been pretty chilly here so we've had to do some indoor stuff with the kids but still havin a good time.They have a 3 day weekend and my husbands home this week so that's been really nice havin everyone together.
  • Shelby

    Hello there ..yea i had a great weekend. How was yours?? Take Care

  • CJ

    weekend was good. thanks.

    stay low. stay safe.
  • michelle

    Not really. Had two first responder runs in one day. One guy was drinking and cutting wood and cut off his index finger, the other guy got drunk and passed out occluding his airway. I think that we are the idiot capital around here. lol
  • Debra Huddleston

    We had a few runs last week , a guy fell , a woman couldn't move her neck , structure fire, and a murder sucide. got a coupld of pics from the structure i will post when i can
  • Amanda W.

    Well thank-you for coming in our time of need.I was to young to be down there when it happened but it was a life changing experience and it's kinda what made me decide to do what I do now.I always knew I would be doing something in life that would be helping others but never dreamed my calling would take me to fighting fire.I absolutely love every minute of it.
  • CJ

    oh i am definitely not someone of few words. lol. i dont spend alot of time on this website so my replies are usually pretty short. nothin personal! =) ya we've been pretty slow around here. but does seem like only time we get something good is when i'm at home or school. so know that feeling.
  • Wendy Jo

    Hey!!! How was your weekend? Did you get the project done or did yall just sit around and talk about doing it? LOL!!!
  • Mary Love

    Hey Gio, whats up? thanks for the comment, hope all is well with you..take care of you and be safe...
  • CJ

    lol. thanks. ummm... dont really get to many chances to get out and have fun. mainly just chill with friends. sometimes go dancing. thats bout it... nothin special or exciting.
  • Wendy Jo

    Glad to hear you got the job done! As for me, I did absolutely nothing this weekend....just one of those weekends. I finally received my state cert, so all I have to do is wait on the money and off to Houston I go. :-)
  • CJ

    ya i'm done with my paramedic classes. just waiting on national registry test.
  • Mary Love

    we had a pedestrian hit by a car last week, i was on the fire truck and we were 1st on scene..that was my first bad call and i handeled it good i think, i work in the ER now so im getting alot of experience i can use in the field..take care of you and be safe out there....
  • Wendy Jo

    No plans this weekend either!! I have to teenage girls and an 11 year old girl and it is more about their plans right now. Who is going where and when, cause guess who gets to do all the driving? when I go to Houston, my girls are going to stay here till end of school year and then they will move down there with me. I will be away from then for 3 months, so I am trying to spend alot of time with them now. How is your family doing?
  • Mary Love

    Hey Gio whats up, so the Rodeo must make for an awesome day, i havent been to one but it sounds cool..have a great weekend, be safe and take care of you...
  • Mary Love

    Havent had many good calls out in the field but working in the ER is exciting, I have seen alot of stuff there, taking alot of good info into the field though...
  • Mary Love

    yea dude i found out these things the hard way the night the person got hit by the car, it was dark, cold and in the middle of the road...nothing like the nurses and Dr's coming out of the woodwork to take over care....
  • Wendy Jo

    Well, how was the Rodeo? It couldn't have been as good as the ones here in!
  • Wendy Jo

    Awww, thats too bad!! Yall will have to come here and see a real rodeo. lol
  • Shelby

    Hey long time no talk ...Hope all is well..

    Take care.
  • Shelby

    hey things are real good..way busy too..well hope everything goes good with that...tal to you soon...

  • Mary Love

    Hey dude havent heard from you in a while, hope things are going well for you....

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  • Nick Coutsouvanos

    Hey Gio, Jenna told me she ran into you at the fire off Miami Gardens in NMB. We need to catch up some time and throw down a few. Keep in touch Big Chief!
  • Debra Huddleston

    Hey , How are you ? Things are fine here . Just been raining a lot . So we got flooding glad i live on top of the hill. take care and stay safe
  • Wendy Jo

  • Lou Romig MD

    Hey Gio! I've just joined the community here. Good to see you!
