

Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 1/2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Our local volunteer fire department.
Years With Department/Agency
3 1/2
My Training:
Haz Mat Awareness
Structural Burn Session
2006 Women Fire Fighting Training Weekend (Lewistown, PA)
"Everyone Goes Home"
Firefighter I Skills Enhancement
General Fire Service Rescue
Hybrid Safety and Awareness
Introduction to the Fire Service
Search and Rescue 101 (Puppy Style)
Incident Management Systems Basics

Hoping to take FF-I later this year.
About Me:
I've been in our township volunteer fire department for about 3 1/2 years now. My husband and my oldest daughter were members before I was. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in the department. I've been steadily adding to my training and building on my knowledge and skills. As I've been going along I have also been gaining more confidence, and overcoming some issues with claustrophobia, etc.
I try to balance my involvement in the fire department with being a wife to one husband, mother to 5 children and a part time RN.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the volunteer fire dept that my husband has been involved in for years.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
getting out there and getting it done, helping our community.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Politics ..... Training

Comment Wall:

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  • Mason

    Yeah i will you have a safe t day too.
    and no problem, us pa firefighters gotta stay tight in the family
  • candy

    hey how's it going?? i hope ya turkey day was good!!
  • candy

    yea i had a nice turkey day too i ate to much but isn't that wat ur supposed to do lol...well take it easy and stay safe out there!!!!
  • theo davis

    thanks for add me ,what you sister-in -law name
  • LadyChaplain

    Hi! I happened to stumble onto your page after reading a comment or something that you wrote... and when I heard your profile song I began to laugh. I had to add you as a friend because of that lol. The theme for the Greatest American Hero was the theme for my friends and I in high school (all girls Catholic high school - no further explanation needed) so I figured anybody that could appreciate that song like I do is worthy of an add!

    Best of luck in the firefightin' world and stay safe!!!!!!
  • candy

  • tony

    hi, from a fellow pa firefighter...
  • tony

    a little cold...and you ???
  • tony

    it is in the suburbs near philly..and you??
  • tony

    yes just emails....
  • tony

    i meant private emails instead of having to post all of everybody's post..
  • Doug

    Yep, we're burning one down Febuary 23rd and 24th. Come help!!! Invite some friends for the BIG BBQ!!!
  • Doug

    Oh, and come say hi to me too! hehe
  • kevin

    hi kitty nice to meet you,at least your from the same state
  • Dennis

    welcum to old age lol be safe babe
  • Riley

    Hey you, it sure is nice to see you again and I am right, you are the hottest FF in PA
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Infectionist Control Officer
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
  • firemantim2007

    hi how are u today
  • Jay

    hey kitty,

    good luck in the fire service and stay safe
  • Allen

    Thanks for adding me. I love this space so far. Be safe!
  • Ross

    Hello From Maine you have a nice State stay safe
  • Jay

    Yeah it sucked, It took me forever to come out from having surgery, my body fought so much. 18 yrs old had the navy in front of me and one night on the town messed that all up, fuuny thing is we had nothing to drink that night, we were just hanging out.
  • nick276ff43

    hello......hope everything is ok and you are safe...
  • Doug

    Hi there again...hehe. Say hi to me at the class dang it!!! lmao. See you there bright and early! By the way, very beautiful family.
  • Doug

    I had a lot of fun as well. I think everyone did. Those instructors were great, some of the best I've ever had for any type of class. And yes, my knees are still killing me, ha! Take care.
  • Doug

    Hi again. Did you and/or your daughters happen to take pictures at the burn? If you did, would you mind sharing, I can give you my e-mail address in a private message. My camera broke for good that morning...grr. Later, Doug
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    I can't believe you weren't already on my friends list!
  • nick276ff43

    Kitty...Hello.......was that up in grove city
  • LadyChaplain

    I still <3 the Greatest American Hero theme song.
  • PAFire

    where are you from, i am in western pa also
  • Bobby King

    Hey Kitty, thanks for the add. Hope all well in PA. That sure is some pretty country out there. I use to drive over the road and been all around this land. Take care and keep in touch
  • candy

    Hey Chick!! Haven't Left Ya A Comment In A While!!!
    Hope All Is Going Well Your Way!!!!
    Stay Safe And Have An Awesome Day!!
  • Bobby King

    Hope all is going well for ya. Have a wonderfull weekend.
  • Bobby King

    Hope you have a great week and be safe out there.
  • shawn

    thanks for the add
  • Bobby King

    So how is everything in your part of the world? We been quit today sofar. Well happy Easter and be safe out there.
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Ms. Kitty -

    I tried to send you a message but the dialogue box never came up. What FD are you at in Western PA?
  • nick276ff43

    Helo..Sis...Hope all is well and everyone is safe
  • LadyChaplain

    I will not LOWER and/or DEBASE myself to joining such a group... especially when the creator of the group can't f*ing spell my name right.
  • LadyChaplain

    In the case of referring to me by my nickname, the proper spelling is Kenzi -- NO E. When utilizing my proper, full name, the spelling is McKenzie -- E included.
  • LadyChaplain

    Don't make me put you in a cast again.
  • LadyChaplain

    Oh yes, I understand that mom can spell my name however she likes... but when it's supposed to be from me... yeah. I have an issue with that. My bf @ the time spelled my name Kenzi... so he wasn't pleased when my name was spelled wrong on the bracelet either.
  • Joel Swanson

    Welcome to FFN, Kitty!
    Don't believe I every stopped by to say "Hi."
    Glad to have you onboard here...
    Take Care Out There Now Kitty!
  • Rodger

    Funny, I haven't heard that song in forever!
  • Jim Seargent

    Hi Kitty, I love the fishy shower curtains.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    hey Kitty, just wanted to say good morning and great job on Ted's page. It seems that everyone else decided to wait to hit Ted's page. I half expected to get up this morning and find at least 5 pages of spam. Their slowing down..
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    lol, not a problem, have at it. He is working overtime so he won't be home til like six. The only way he will know what is happening to his page is if he is able to get on the internet at work.. Not like to be able to do that right now. :-)
  • Dave, NB 9

    Just passin thru---- Hi ! :)
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    Hey, Kitty just wanted to say hi..
  • Bobby King

    Hope ya doing well. Have a great week