Brad Duncan


Duncan B.C


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Duncan B.C canada
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
fire safety
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i love the job
Why I Love Fire/EMS
been woken up in the middle of the night

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  • Bre

    Ok...What About You???
  • Dusty "Donut" Nicholson

  • Bre

  • amanda

    things are actually kinda slow. had a couple structure fires in the past few weeks. dont get those too often.
  • Cliff (a.k.a.Chiefiredog)

    Hi Brad ..hope all is well with you and yours there in Canada. Stay safe... I will touch base with you from time to time if that is ok?? Do the same when you will.. Later my Friend...Cliff (a.k.a Chiefiredog)
  • LadyChaplain

    Catching up on chores and sleep lol.
  • Jim aka Bick

    Hey Brad everything is good down here in jersey how are things up in the great white north? lol
  • Jim aka Bick

    how much snow have you got there this year? not much down here
  • Amanda Lipscomb

    well my night and week got so bad tonight i was cryin for 3 hours
  • Ashley

    Im doing be safe k
  • Liz

    My weekend has be going pretty well I guess. Tired of stuff.
  • Liz

    Not bad, a little chilly today. What about you?
  • Amanda Lipscomb

    oh everythings goin wrong in my life right now
  • Jessie

    ahh doin just fine...restin up after a long weekend.
  • Jessie

    Had RT Extrication yesterday and im still tired haha...worked my tail off!!
  • jen 82

    i am good how are you> happy Easter! stay safe
  • Liz

    its colder here now. They are calling for a cold rain tomorrow.
  • Robin Dyer

    I had a very nice weekend, thank you. The fire department hosted the easter egg hunt and I got to be the easter bunny's bodyguard. :)
  • Brian Dumser

    I'm doing fine. How are things north of the border? Stay safe!
  • Mari York

    Hello. Thanks for the add. I am doing just fine.
    Stay safe out there!
  • Bob Madsen

    Thanks for the welcome. It's appreciated! Stay safe.
  • Meghan

    Things are going pretty well. I'm very excited that it is Friday!! how are you doing?
  • Christin

    I am doing well thank you
  • Willard "Wolf" Chauvin,Jr.

    Nothing much tonight.Had 2 wrecks and 1 working truck fire today.
  • Rebecca

    It was good slow but good got allot of work one on my college thesis how was yours?
  • Rebecca

    Its nice about 80 degrees
  • Grace

    today, so far so good. only one fire and one med. call this weekend. but going back to the hall tonight, so we will see.
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Not too bad, how about you brother?
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    nice pic of the shirt and coat being modeled the blonde.
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    What fire dept are you with in Canada?
  • amanda

    have not. havnt even gotten to checking my email yet. im on it. thank you.
  • Tiffany Isenhart

    Hey! I'm doin pretty good. Had a rough day at school/work today, but I'm just sittin back and tryin' to chillax. lol.

    How about you? How's everything going? Hope all is going good :)

    Comment back sometime :)

  • Dave, NB 9

    Hey Brad, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you.... How are things? Stay safe........
  • Al Mozingo

    I am great. I am traveling throughout the United States teaching in the Fire Service arena for several agencies and some of my own programs. I have taught two international assignments now: the Fire Service Academy in England and a Fire Service Leadership Retreat in Canada. See:
  • Al Mozingo

    I am fine. I really enjoyed teaching in Canada last summer. I might get the chance again. I have been told they want to have me back.
  • Cheryl

    Thanks for the add
  • Cheryl

    The weather here is warmer, still bit of a chill with the wind.

    Hows the weather where you are?
  • Jackie

    I'm doing good, just working on some some homework for my building construction for the fire service
  • FFWiseman28

    this morning
  • FFWiseman28

    no i wasn't there it was out of my jurisdiction
  • Jackie

    Hey, my weekend is going good, yesterday I went to a horse expo with my mom so that was I'm going to do some shopping and take my puppy Rodeo to an outdoor mall thats near our house to walk around...theres a doggy bakery he loves I spoil my puppy and horses! how is your weekend going?
  • Brian Dumser

    My weekend is going good so far. Got off duty Saturday morning and now I'm just relaxing until I go back to work on Monday. How are things in Canada?
  • Jackie

    That sucks....sorry to hear that, hope you feel better ;)
  • dawn

    Hello to you and thank you! u take care as well.
  • dawn

    I'm ok. a little tired.... but i'll make it! how are you?
  • dawn

    not much at all fluid filled lungs, a poss. broken shoulder from a fall, and a 1 yr. od shoved a balloon up his nose, so we pulled it out!
    hope al is well for u it dosent sound good, pain never is hope it all pans out well for you, let me know, you are in my thughts!
  • Katie Pressley

    Good How About You
  • Katie Pressley

    thats not good, hope you get better
  • dawn

    no...the lungs the first time clear, the fall, and the lungs call back and full.....
  • Kevin

    Good morning Brad

    Things here are good, not too busy the past few days - wishes, wishes.

    Are you right in Simcoe? Or the surrounding area?