
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Military/Federal Response Agency
Job Function
Captain, EMT - Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
23 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
NRMA 6th District / Station 23 -24 - Submarine Base NLon
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
NAS Sigonella, Italy
USS Guam LPH - 9 Crash Crew
NAS So. Weymouth
143rd Air Wing, Air National Guard, RI
256th Firefighting Detachment, Army National Guard, Ct
My Training:
FO2, Instr2, Insp2, HMTech
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Never having to grow up and the toys just got bigger.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
just like every shift what is for dinner. Politic's & politicians they have no clue.

Comment Wall:

  • Jeri From Jersey

    Image Hosted by
    Thanks for the add
  • Bake

  • Firemedic927

    Hey thanks,

    Glad you like the picture.... I was bored at that call sitting behind the building at the standpipe
  • Jeri From Jersey

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • Randy Macey

    Check out Roll Call Forum and put some info about your Fire House in... Like to hear what your station is like, what you have as well as for number for firefighters as well as number of calls. Pass it around to your Firefighter Friends too....

  • Christy

    Thanks for the friends request. Have a great weekend!!
  • Firemedic927

    Hey man you missed a good one. The whole front where the kitchen is was total engulfed. On the rear there was fire showing from the 2nd floor window. We were lucky more units werent lost. I think there are pictures floating around. i think Rob was there taking pictures.
  • Mechanics2Capt

    Would have missed it anyway not assigned to C-25 this year. Robb is on vacation in NH, he might have missed it also.
  • Melissa

    thanks i think it is long overdue. I have some more market research to do that Im going to need everyones 5 minutes on next week so everyones help would be appreciated. Have a great weekend.
  • CAT

  • Joe Bourquin

    I know hes proud, of all of us...and I think my Mom still has a hit out on "The Mouse"...LOL
  • Joe Bourquin

  • Stephanie Childress

    Hey@ Hope you have a great Labor Day!
  • Joe Bourquin

    Yo Pat, I'm go'n to Boston on Friday. Are you guys going?
  • Amanda

    Actually yeah it is! Its my favorite, it has a sensor to let you know if your truck is leaning too much to one side when you turn. The tires are huge so they "kick" sideways when you make sharp turns. They have alot of get up and go going down the road.
  • Amanda

    OOOHH ouch! :) Good thing this is a firefighter and medical group. Ha your probably right about the exam. I liked the idea of helping in the community, and the thought of driving fast wasn't a bad idea either!!
  • EMT_I_FF_Froggie

    nothing much round here pretty quiet tonight so far
  • Wendy Norris

    Trying to stay cool out in here in Texas. And yes I will be there for the NFFF Memorial. I will be one of the presiding Chaplains for the event. Will you be there?
  • EMT_I_FF_Froggie

    yeah prolly so lol it was pretty busy here this past weekend so I hear but I was in WVa for the weekend lol
  • Andy Beck

    Not too much going on here. Just a 3-5000 acre wildfire nearby that is a National Forest fire, so can't help out on that one. Take Care.
  • Amanda

    no luck yet, I'm going to try and find some services here in Corpus too.
  • Captain Steven Long

    Nice quiet night here
  • byron

    just wanted to say thanks for the add, not 2 many people remember hill street blues, the good shows they won't put on reruns like this one
  • Irons38

    why yes mech.capt. we did. it went very well. We passed our test. Now the government will let us get the toilet paper and paper towels we need to live in the fire station again. Gotta love the federal governement. Heard you had a drill today to. Tell me how it went
  • Joe Bourquin

    I think I saw some SBFD guys at the services in Boston on Firday, I didn't get to attack them with thurs and epitaphs, caus they looked young and I didn't want to scare them.
  • Pat Remo

    is that u in the pic knuckle head? Captains don't touch tools...besides IFSTA says to go through the brick, it's easier....LOL
  • Shelly

    for some strange reason....its peaceful...wish i could say the same about the past week and weekend. how bout with you?
  • Pat Remo

    your a hot shit OB...I was @ E2 meeting
  • Irons38

    are those guns real? Where do i get tickets?
  • Irons38

    Two moon pies that BS. I though I was free there old buddy old pal. Times are tough around here you know!!
  • Irons38

    Two and now a milk shake your killing me!!! I can't do it. Ther just soooooo..... LOL
  • Joe Bourquin

    Rymo dosn't want you to get tired carrying tools around and stuff, so you be carefull and don't works so hard ok...hire back some O.T. or something get some body to carry that stuff for we need and intervention...people are getting worried...LOL
  • Chris Gould

    all quiet here, how about you, busy?