Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat
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  • StacyS

    Oh Heather-we know some of the same people huh? LOL! I have always looked at the world a little different. At 5, I had a roommate at the hospital literally excited about having her feet amputated. Born with club feet, she was finally going to be able to get "normal" shoes. Many, many hip surgeries-hip replacement by 20, cancer later on. VERY SLOW to anger now. I realize what I will and will NOT tolerate. Life is short-live it, right? In pursuit of happiness...
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hi Everyone - sorry I have not check in much this week - bunch of family drama. I will post a little later and bring you all up to speed.

    I wanted to drop in and say - thanks for the words of support.

    I also wanted to welcome all the new members to our group Mike (x's 2), Paul, William, Lee and Kate. WELCOME to all of you... Jump on in and tell us about your world - post us some pictures and tell us a little about yourselves.

    Hey Paul great to see you already started telling us about yourself. How's the weather where you are at? Tell us what else is going on in your world - got any pixs to share? And where are you from in Michigan - I think a bunch of the other people on here are from that neck of the woods. And Welcome to FFN !!!

    And for those of you that are freezing your little tails off in the blizzards - here is a little Southern California sun to warm your hearts and souls... and tails...

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer



    My 1st dream is tranquility... I really need some more peace and tranquility in my life...

  • A.J. Timmer

    Here is a pic for you to bring your peace and tranquility. God bless.

  • Lee Ashby, Jr.

    Howdy from Texas, 37 year old male, I work as a Correctional Supervisor for the State and Volunteer as a firefighter for my community. Getting ready to go back to school and become a commisioned firefighter.
  • david

    just like to say ty for letting me join the group and hello from nc
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Hey Hey - my life has been crazy all week - sorry I have not been on chatting !!! I have missed all of you - so hurry up and get back on here and bring me up to speed what have I been missing in your worlds.

    And we have tons of new members - so WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU - jump on in and tell us about your life and yourselves.
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Major thing going on at my house...

    My house is a full on Pussy Palooza...

    My 2 indoor girl kittens are driving me insane... which is a short trip for me...

    My 11 month old kitten - Zegerah (short for Zebra-Tiger-Cheetah... aptly named for markings and behavior) has been in heat 4 times in the last 60 days... YES 40 DAYS OF HEAT OUT OF 60... she is in heat again NOW!!!

    and one of my FF friends jinxed my house and WISHED my 2nd kitten - into heat to tag TORTURE team...


    So now my 2nd kitten - Zoomba - 9 months old - is in her first heat

    and the two cats are IN MY HOUSE - HOWLING and CHORBALING (chirping affectionately) and RUBBING EVERYTHING and................ DRIVING ME INSANE... IN A PUSSY PALOOZA TAG TEAM STYLE...

    and the vet can not fix them (heat or not) until Jan 28 - which means Zegerah will have cycled out of this heat and back in again - since she is only taking a 4-5 day down time between heats

    They may look cute here - but I can't wait to get them under the knife...

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey new guys David & Lee - tell us about your world - post us some pictures - bring us up to speed on all the fun exciting things that you are mixed up in... WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME !!!

    David - tell us about North Carolina - what is going on over in your neck of the woods?

    Hey Lee - how is Texas - a bunch of the group is from Texas. What part are you from? And Correctional Supervisor - do you mean like at a jail - explain? We want the juicy details... And cool are you headed away to FF school or are you going to be hooking up in a local program - do tell...
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Grant - where ya been?

    You asked about the FF games. I have only participated in a few. And watched a few. My department and the local depts near mine did not really participate too often in those games - though I think they are awesome and good for building comradarie. It now makes me wonder - why my town and the ones around did not play more often in that manner... hmmmm....

    since we did not have hydrants in my town - and most of my district - makes me wonder if it related to drafting water being a pain in the ass - or having to shuttle in water from the hydrants... Perhaps the games became more work than they wanted to manage to play ??? Hmmm... but I LOVE your pictures... post us some more... I did see that you have some awesome ones on your page...

    Hey Harry & Paul are you frozen up there in Michigan ?

    AJ - what's going on in Texas?

    Barry Barry BARRY !!! What the heck - you pop in you pop out - where ARE YOU ??? Come in here and play with us !!!!

    Josh, Jaime, Sarah ? Where are you all? What's Up ?
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Stacey girl - you would be very proud of me - I did not kill anyone this week - and I weathered a few intense situations...

    LOOK at me GROWING !!!

    So what is going on with you ??? Did you get flooded and washed away?
  • StacyS

    Awe GREAT JOB Heather!!!! :o) Life has been busy and insane! My oldest (almost 5 yo) is in wrestling, so busy busy!!! He has his first tourney this coming Saturday. :o) Been getting in some seat time (put on a few miles on my sled this weekend). Life, you know how it goes. Made two dozen cinnamon rolls this morning for the co-workers, so they should be happy tomorrow. What about you?
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    CINNAMON ROLLS - YUM !!! We want a picture...

    wrestling - that would freak me out with my little kid !

    I foster parented for 7 years - and one little boy who was 8 that lived with me had an endless amount of energy - he probably would have benefited from something like wrestling.

    Sweet - how much snow do you have? I am sooo jealous - pictures !!! After that rain storm/flood mud over new years of ours - we are finally back to our normal grass clear - sunny 70 F. See my house this week.

    Did you see the flooding in Australia and Brazil - I posted a few posts and lots of pictures on the Main Discussions.

    As far as what is up with me - see kitty drama below. Then since I quit one of my jobs recently - crazy boss - I have been looking for a new 2nd job. But I have mixed feelings - maybe I will just stick with one job and try to finish my Doctorate this year - so I can be Dr. Brown... I am so burnt out from being in university for the last 11 years - year round... I am SOOOOO TIRED !!!

    I also recently traded out housemates - which has been a process - I rent out a few rooms in my house - so I have to interview people, etc. Annoying... lol

    Then there was a situation on FFN, main discussions, when a female FF posted that she was sexually assaulted by another FF so I have been heavily involved in that - as a female FF, a therapist and social worker I felt compelled to help a sister out... that is a huge mess... and very sad all the way around...

    Then all the drama I posted below with my dad breaking his hip a few weeks back - but that is settling down now.

    enough for now - chapter 2 and 3 and 4 later... hee hee
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    AJ - I have been enjoying your picture below of peace and tranquility... and the ictures you posted of your ranch - I am tired of the city of late - need some wide open spaces... Too many things lately spinning around my world... I am working to eliminate them one by one as fast as I can to get out of this hurricane... hee hee LOVE YOUR PICTURES !!!

  • Tyler Williams

    Whats up people hows new to this and im SO lost!!!!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hi Tyler: What's up? Why are you lost? What are you looking for?
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer


    WELCOME Barry, Larry, Tyler, Jessica, David, and Marisa !!! Tell us some about your lives - what type of adventures are you up to and teach us a little about yourselves. We are just a fun group of FF/EMS types who chit chat and play with each other. So come on in and join the fun !!! And post us some pictures of your world - I love the pictures - helps me understand better...

  • Grant A Allen

    Hey Heather and single FF's,

    Sorry it is crazy here in Dallas. Had a wild week. Still trying to get used to the city and this Paramedic Program. It is a blast but intense. Friday I got go tour a couple of the hospitals that we will be doing our clinical rotations at and take our pictures to get our ID's for those facilities. That was a pretty awesome day. Parkland Memorial hospital is quite a facility when you come from where I do. Also got to see Children's Medical Center ER.

    I had very little sleep and with the homework and the early starts I was fried. I got home from our tours on Friday around 1600 and I crashed. I literally walked into my apartment, took off my shoes, dropped my backpack and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up the next morning at 0900 still in uniform on the couch.
  • StacyS

    Just for Heather....

  • Tyler Williams

    just trying to navigate my self around lol
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Tyler Tyler Tyler - apparently you found your way back to us - and my comments to you - so you can't be that lost !!! Since you hit the most important spot in the website.

    The main discussions can be interesting sometimes - but beware of the vultures... It can be a very educational and fun site - but it can also drive you insane with all the egos on here... LOLOLOLOL... ok the fire service is riddled with WAY TOO MUCH testosterone anyway you look at it....

    Grant - glad you are still alive and well - glad you are loving your classes - we want pictures !!! Clinical rotations - that is going to be awesome - nothing calm in Houston - education by immersion! You are LUCKY !!!

    Stacy - YOU ROCK !!! That is awesome - if your co-workers don't love you now - then they are just plain ridiculous !!! Cause who could resist that hunk of sweetness...
  • Grant A Allen

    Ya they will be pretty great. Can't wait. See some wild stuff. It is Dallas by the way too just to clarify.
  • Tyler Williams

    oh i know trust me....but im getting used to it
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    ROTFLMAO... duh... if only I could remember anything for 2 seconds...


    for some reason I have Houston on the brain... and my mind connected Parkland and Houston - well now I have to fix my cognitive GPS which mistakenly aligned...

    Reminds me of one time... the day I met this one friend of mine it was dark - when we walked by his black car in the parking lot - my mind remembered it as a Toyota Camry (which my parents have) - I WAS WRONG - WHICH NEVER HAPPENS ;-) so for the next 6 months he would argue with me... to beat me... about his car... needless to say - it was an Acura TL3...

    Notice - in the dark - my rapid memory - just caught generalizable information - but I was pretty darn close I think...

    The Camry

    The Acura

    So sorry... to misrepresent you... hee hee... at least I got the right Country and State... points for that, right ???
  • Grant A Allen

    Ha ha, it isn't that big of a deal. Just wanted to clarify is all. They are both big cities right and yes lots of action in both! You get partial credit for at least getting that I was in Texas yes. :) Oh and definitely close enough on the cars in my opinion.
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    PARTIAL CREDIT !!! I'll take it !!!

    thank you thank you thank you - cars WALKED BY in a dark parking lot full of cars with a stranger man - and no one else... yes we are now friends - but that moment, I was more aware I was in a dark parking lot with a stranger than taking notice of his car... AND THEY ARE DAMN CLOSE !!!

    Wait - Maybe AJ lives near Houston - one of you guys on here lives in Houston !!! Actually I think a bunch of you are in Texas... not that I can keep track... LOLOLOLOL I can hardly keep track of me...
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Marie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL !!! Tell us what else is going on in your world....

    Jaime - where the heck ya been girl - thought you were frozen solid and moved into the frozen tundra with Harry... What is going on ?

    Sit a spell and warm yourself...

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Steve - where ya been ? I saw you popped into the birthday list - but I haven't seen you in here... so tell us what is going on in your world - bring us up to speed !!!
  • A.J. Timmer

    Yeah heather its me that lives NEAR houston. Its about as close as I wanna get. About 50 miles. I just rather the country lifestyle.
  • Grant A Allen

    I agree with you AJ. The city kinda blows. I am homesick for wide open Colorado
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Smokin Hot men from Texas - Dallas or Houston !!! Ya know the ladies just love a man from Texas - because we all know - everything is bigger in Texas... Grant, AJ lives in wide open Texas - scroll back a few pages and you will see his awesome ranch pictures...

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Curtis - jump on in this part and tell us what is going on in your world? post us some pictures and tell us all the fun stuff going on in your life !!! Welcome back !!! Let us stir this group back up and have some play time... hee hee

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey AJ - where ya been - what's been going on? I know I totally lost track of who lives where - hee hee - I guess in cyber space EVERYONE lives in my laptop in my office... THAT SOUNDED CREEPY...

    but I guess wherever we are - we are family...

    So go in and tell me when your birthday is... so I can post you some cake!!! and birthday...

  • Curtis Mensch

    I have been trying to get my Firefighter I certification and am looking at Anchorage (Alaska) Fire Department. Just an easy-going, fun-loving guy!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Curtis - WELCOME BACK ! Thanks for telling us a little about yourself. Alaska - AWESOME !!! Are you taking FF1 now? A bunch of my friends in the Back Room Crew just passed their FF1 today. Post us some pictures - I have never been to Alaska - would love to see it. I hear it is awesome. So what other things are you involved in outside of FF?

    I also just noticed there is a 2nd Single Firefighters of FFN on this website -how confusing. But hey - maybe everyone should belong to both. Since I don't know the leaders of both groups - but it would make more sense to combine them - but then again - no one asked my opinion... hee hee
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    So I just entered the other Singles FFN group - it seems there is no content in it ??? and it is run by the FFN website ??? So who knows... I like playing here... so who needs another option...

    Also, I really like playing in the Back Room Crew - so any of you that have not joined that group yet - come on over and join - they are crazy fun...
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Kristy Welcome to the group. LOLOL about Texas and implants - right now I live in Southern California - the LAND OF ADD IT / SUCK IT !!! And lots of things are strangely large or strangely small... Hee hee So girl - where ya from - tell us what is going on in your world - post us some pictures and bring us up to speed...

  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone !!! It is a beautiful sunny day in Southern California... Here is some good morning warmth for all of you...

    I finally found 2 good housemates to rent rooms in my home - which is awesome, since finding good ones is a chore... Finding people who are responsible with work/school and money seems rare around where I live... it seems... LOL
  • josh tompkins

    hi evry1 - just checkin in to welcome new members and say hi to all the others! hope all is well. it was -5 degrees F the other night at my house before the wind chill. brrrrr. little warmer today but we are lookin at snow pretty much every day for the next ten soooo.....i guess the motorcycle will have to stay in the living room for a little while longer! haha EMS shifts have been fairly busy for me lately and FD calls have been more frequent as well. i'm still cranking along, sometimes working 40 hours in a row, sometimes less. i've got about 14 hours to go and then i have a whole 24 off. not sure what i'm gonna do with myself with so much free time! who am i kidding, it'll be spent doing dishes and laundry. have a wonderful day everyone! talk soon!
  • Grant A Allen

    Hey Heather,

    Well I currently reside in Dallas and way in Dallas, TX. But I am from Wide, wide, wide open Colorado. You seen a couple pics from my families farm I think. Everything is bigger in Texas huh? Hmm does that mean I got bigger when I came to Texas? :) Ha ha. Hope everyone had an awesome day!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Josh - you are too funny... ya know we women love it when we hear that a man does household chores !!!!

    How ya doing? How is the new shift rotation treating ya? Did they set you up with a good crew to work with? What type of changes do you have at your new station? Terrain changes? Attitude changes?

    Sorry about the chilly weather - I will send you some California Sun - we keep waiting for more pictures... I feel for you in the temp - here is Cali it is a chilly 78 F degrees - hee hee ;-)

    Motorcycle in the livingroom - REALLY !!! Well, ya gotta do what works and ya gotta keep what ya love close and warm... cuddled up - far away from the elements... ? maybe get a heated garage sometime in the future ;-)

    What type of calls have you been running lately? Snow related? Any weird ones?

    Working 40 hours in a row - damn boy - STAY SAFE !!!

    Glad you dropped by!!!!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer


    DO TELL !!!

    I know what you mean - having been to Texas - Dallas and Colorado - they really are two different birds... But they really do each have their merit. Be strong man - you will finish school and then you can live anywhere you want and get yourself the job of your dreams. This is only for a time and a season.

    I really do understand - I live in Southern California to finish university - but I primarily grew up in Vermont - dramatically different. I am really a country girl. But if you found the pictures of AJ's ranch he is a country boy in Texas. I miss my friends, my family and my FD in Vermont.

    It is tough when we are away from friends and family and away from all that we have built - but you have a different short-term goal right now... so be of good courage - you will get through this and then can move on to the next phase of your life.

    Yes - post me some more pictures - and label them - so I fully understand all that you appreciate.

    My one friend lives in Seattle, WA where he has a good job - but he spends all of his money, after rent, to travel around the world to visit those he loves. I think this is a good option to having a good job and yet still getting lots of playtime with friends and family - instead of being stressed out living in a town without a good job which creates a whole different type of stress.

    But I also have lost a lot of people in my life to death - so I have learned to live my life to the fullest every minute of every day - so WHEREVER I LIVE AT THAT MOMENT - I am determined to be happy - since every day may be my last day on Earth...

    So don't live with regret... Live life to the fullest... Build up a community of friends in your new area... and create your own little place of sanctuary... and visit home often !!!


    My Vermont in the Fall... (right now it is buried under feet of snow!)


  • Grant A Allen

    OMG, LOL, LMAO, ha ha, that's funny. Good times, good times. I will get some pictures of home and I will caption them for ya. Still LOL
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Glad I could entertain you !!!

    Here are some pictures of Vermont - what I am use to and crave... BUT I must also finish school - for the long term career goals... So I fondly dream...

  • josh tompkins

    haha! yea heather i like to keep the candle burnin at both ends. i typically come off a 24 hour shift at the FD and go straight to EMS for a 12 or 16. sleep a few and do it all over again.

    we definitely see more MVC's when the snow comes because most folks don't quite know how to navigate in the white stuff. i live in a touristy area too so a lot of out of towners come in on the weekends and generally cause a bunch of havoc on the roads! lols plus we have 3 ski areas within ten miles of my house so a lot of EMS calls come from there on the weekends too. this past weekend we flew two patients from ski areas for serious injuries. last monday we had a nice midshaft femur.

    i love my new shift, my driver is a great guy and the station is smaller so it's easier to clean!! this job has really been a dream come true, so i don't care where they put me or with who, i'm just thrilled to be here!

    dang, 78?!?!?! i don't have any sympathy for you! i'd be rippin on two wheels everyday if i had those cali temps! besides i'm sure i'm not the first bachelor to have his bike in the house. who's gonna tell me not to? lols and btw you should introduce me to some of these women who love a man that does housework! if i didnt do it, it would never get done!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    WELCOME TO MEMBERS TO OUR GROUP - WELCOME TO DAVID, SELIM, RON, AND KENNETH !!! Tell us about you - post us some pictures and share your world with us - tell us all the fun and exciting things going on in your lives!!!

    Everyone - welcome the new members to our group !!!

  • josh tompkins

    here's healthnet coming in to the LZ for a pickup
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer



    Nice femur fracture - did you see a few pages back in this discussion where my dad broke his hip (ok, femur) I posted his x-ray. It just happened a few weeks ago - because he thought he would take himself cross-country skiing.

    3 Ski areas nearby - so do you ski? dang I am jealous !!!

    Burning the candle on both ends - so that will get you in the grave twice as fast, right ?

    I hope you are getting some play in there too... But we women like hard working me too. It is hot !!! But you correct - if you are all work and no play - it really does limit the girl time in your life - so come play with us more...

    There are lots of great women on here and in life - so sounds like you are on a good path - and a good man - so ready when the good woman comes along - and NOTICES THAT YOU DO HOUSEHOLD CHORES - AND PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF... AROUND YOUR MOTORCYCLE !!!

    And if any of you haven't done it yet - come join the group The Back Room Crew too - they are a wild bunch in there !!!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer


  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    JOSH - that picture is awesome - it looks so fake - like a hollywood photo - AWESOME !!!

    I love it !!! Keep em coming !