St Ann fire on scene of a dumpster fire at Bremer Manufacturing that
apperently exploded. One fire fighter is being trasported via Theda
Star 3 others injured . Confirmed 1 fatality is a St. Anna FF. The other two are reported as being critical but in stable condition.Updates as I get them from
contacts on scene>> RIP MY BROTHER... And to the the injuried get well soon...

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Too damn close to home, what a shame. RIP brother.

Those curious, Theda Star is one of the med flight helicopters.
UPDATE:Update there were seven injuries total 1 fatal 2 cirtical but stable the rest are stable and or have been released from the hospital. Funeral/Memorial Details will be posted when I know further. These are my Hometown guys (I used to run with these boys)I'll Post further when Known.
Update from WBAY is that officers stated there was a 55 gal drum next to the dumpster which was also on fire and investigators are looking as to it's contents.

The company makes aluminum sand castings and supplies to diesel and internal combustion engine manufacturers and metalworking companies throughout the country.

It would be interesting to know if the reporting officer notified crews that there was a drum on fire as well.

A friend of mine works for the Calumet County Sheriff said one of his friends reported the fire. From this officer it sounds like there were metal shavings in the dumpster and reacted when water hit. Unknown chemical, but it makes sense if you had a class "D" fire and intensified with water application to explode.

As stated this is secondhand info and is not official yet. Keep it in mind though when doing size ups.
Man this is some scary stuff. My thoughts and prayers go out for the families and friends of these firefighters involved in this incident. Just goes to show that there is never a routine fire.

TCSS Everyone!!!
The safest way to put out a dumpster is via a deck gun (if it is prepiped) or use the reach of a fire stream... preferably a deuce and half with a smooth bore and fill that sucker up.

If there is a reaction, then allow the contents to burn out and protect the exposures.
Or bury it under a couple of tons of sand.
Info from the state is that this was burning metal which when contacted with water released hydrogen gas and caused the explosion. There were still samples taken to see if any other accelerants were present, but it is being treated as an accident.

A dumpster isn't worth it. Like Gonz mentions deck gun or really just let it burn out, there is nothing worth saving that is thrown out. This is an unfortunate reminder that there is no routine fire and that we can't get complacent.
That's exactly right Ron. No reason to risk lives for a dumpster fire.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the famly and friends during this loss.
Proof positive that even when you know what you are doing, you don't always know what you're doing it to.
RIP. Prayers go out to the families.

There is no routine call.

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