When I started 30 years ago our engineers did minor maintenance on our engines. Now the guy we have favorite words are, "get it towed to the dealer" I understand things have changed since then but are there engineers that still change the oil and stuff?

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Reg, everything counts. Did you record it in the maintenance report?
Hey Billy,

The bulb replacement, yes. Bleeding the air tank is part of the weekly truck check so it's recorded on the checkoff sheet.

We are fortunate enough to have several mechanical geniuses amongst our department to balance out those of us who think that a box wrench is what you bring the monkey wrench home from the hardware store in. They are also honest enough to admit when they are over their heads and it's time to take it elsewhere.
We have decided not do much more than windshield washer fluid and light bulbs because of the liability factor.
In our vollie department you can usually see about all of us either under the truck or on top of it when it comes mant. time now major problems yeah we will send it off to the shop but as far as small stuff we do it our selves. And we have a diesel mechanic on the department.
Would it be correct to assume that the apparatus are "owned" by the department? Do the departments that perform (or allow) in-house maintenance need to have certified mechanics and are covered by their liability insurance?
in our department the only work we do on our apparatus is small fixes. any major work is done by our town shop or a local large truck shop
Way too go Reg, we gotta stay on top of it.
We try to do all the minor maintenance needed on the appartaus.
no but we do have a heavy deisel mechanic that is a vol at our station that does it.
we do as much as we can in house. We have a couple of heavy duty mech's part of our dept this helps alot. We only send out for warrenty work and tire and brake ( liability issue)

small equipment maintenance such as trash pumps, portable generators, hydraulic pumps, "minor" vehicular electric and mechanical work. 

our equipment (Trucks and main generator) is under maintenance contracts for major and cyclic pms so a lot of what we do with these is detailed visual inspections and reporting of abnormalities we find.

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