Is a CB compatible with fire dept stuff? Because , my protable is about shot and I am in the market. For those of you who were on my minitor forum, I have decided to buy a radio instead of a pager. I'm sticking with the 3. I was thinking that they weren't but I wasnt sure. Also could I get your opinions on a good radio . It needs to be one I can communicate on of course....... not a scanner.

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Vertex standard. Signed sealed and delivered to you (programmed) for around 250 or less.
Much appreciated to both of you. Thanks
One more question. Do you program the VX920 yourself on the keypad or what do you do? I really like the look of the vertex products.
Well, no biggy. I'll get a hold of someone who deals them. Thanks a lot for your help.
Ok, I"m looking at a vortec vx920
A CB is not compatible with FD stuff. CB can communicate with CB's thats Citizen band. If your looking for a radio you'ed better be in contact with your FD because just because yo have a radio dosnt man you can operate it. Most FD's have designated frequency channels that you must have permission to operate on. Let alone listen to.
My suggestion for a radio is Bendix King. They make the standard big one or now they actually have a smaller one that is about the same price as the Motorola Minitor 5. Personally I wouldnt own anything Motorola. Piss poor products. I have bought and used Bendix King radios for 24 years.
Ok. Thanks for lettin me know.

cb radios can be of some use, But not as firefighting communications.

I have one in my pov because sometimes we have had to close roads due to accidents and the cb gave me a means of communicating the road closure to the truckers in our area.

I have been thanked many times for the advanced notices.

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