72-Year Old Wyoming Firefighter Still Active

Remick started when he was 19-years old and hasn’t stopped yet

RAWLINS, Wyo. (AP) — Joe Remick began fighting fires when he was 19 years old. He has fought fires in every western state except Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. He's fought fires in Florida and Georgia. Read More

How old is too old to be an active (i.e. fully certified for structural firefighting) firefighter?

If you don't have a maximum age, do you have mandatory health and fitness checks?

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We have a member here is Morris, NY, joined the fire dept the day he turned 18, he is about to turn 80 and he is still one of our most active members, shows up to every meeting, comes to training, is a fire commissioner, helps with work details...too bad people like that are a dying breed.

We have mandatory OSHA Physicals annually that you must pass in order to continue as a firefighter.  You receive a grade based on your tests; Class "A" is Interior, no restrictions.  Class "B" is interior with bottle limitations, Class "C" is interior for emergencies only, Class "D" is exterior firefighter only, no interior operations permitted.

As far as "Senior Firefighter" I assume you mean in the absence of an officer?  We generally follow that on scenes if no officer is there, the one with the most time in the deparment and most training/experience will give the orders until relieved by an officer either from our department or a mutual aid department.

No. By senior we mean 'age'.

When i was a probie on long island we had several guys that were in their 60's and 70's who were active as drivers BUT we had one in his 70's that was "right in there" with us and was a kick ass firefighter up to when he died peacefully in his bed.

despite their age I learned a lot from them in those years and THAT was their gift to us young guys

"thanks John Kromm"

We have a member that is 80 and has 50 years of active service in. This past December he stepped down as Fire Police captain but still makes every meeting and just about every call. He has a wealth of knowledge and will share it with anyone who asks for it.
We have annual physicals for everyone. If you past the physical and fit test and want to be interior then so be it. Most of our exterior personal have chose to be that why not because they can't pass the physical.

In our department the commissioners set up with a local doctor to do our physicals. He has a copy of the NFPA recommendations. To be an interior firefighter you have to pass the lung function test as well as other tests. If he feels that you can handle the stress then he signs off as an interior firefighter. He also can limit you to an exterior fire fighter as well. 

No mater how old the person is there knowledge and experience is a huge asset for younger firefighters.

Our maximum age is 70. And we do have Health and Fitness checks each year.

We have mandatory physical requirements and four opportunities a year to get a free physical at FIT test for interior FF's. There are different requirements for interior and exterior firefighters as well as drivers requirements. Older members can get a pass on a physical and remain a member, but they are generally limited to administrative/support positions which seems just fine for everyone.

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