Hey guys.. Do u use webbing during any drills or rescues? Just wondering..I find it pretty cool all the things it can be used for in the fire severes! But with new technology is webbing still a good tool to use?????!?! What are ur thoughts on this!!!!     

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Hey Lark

As with any tool, it's always good to have a backup. I think you'll find that many carry webbing of some sort.

What kind of new technology are you referring to that might replace the use of webbing?

As you might already know from using the search bar on the page, as well as numerous youtube videos and articles in other fire magazines, that there are many uses for webbing on and off the fireground. I still carry it and will likely not get rid of it.

I applaud your interest in learning something new, and the search for knowledge.

  I agree with Derek webbing is a very useful tool with more than one use I keep a piece in my pocket ,always have always will

I also keep webbing in my gear...I keep a 25' piece of weebbing in my knee pad and have used it many of times for numerous tasks.
Yeah I used it alot during firefighter drags, or hasty harnesses"waist and full body", but I would like to explore the more usages of it! I think it's very cool and may come handy to future students in the fire services.. I plan on opening a small class out side of class. On fire fighter safety. Self rescue. And learnig about the ins and outs of the toools u use on the fire ground!!!      
And basic CPR.. I know it sounds like a huge dream/goal.. But I feel even as a student were learning a lot about how to save others but touch briefly on how to save ourselfs as well as our fellow brother! That kinda sums up a lil bit why Im so pressed to join the fire services..teaching is a passion of mine but safety is a bigger factor of mine!!

I always carry webbing. I have used it for pulling victims out of house's. I have used it to tie up suction hose over bridges to do drafting. I have used it to keep doors open. I even had to use it once to bail out a window. I'm not sure you would ever get rid of webbing; there are hundreds of things it can be used for.

always have a 30' section of webbing in left thigh pocket of bunker pants. Have used it for raising/lowering tools from residential roofs, holding vehicle doors open for victim removal...etc. Can't guess what technology would replace webbing unless State Farm starts to license the "Like a good neighbor state farm is there...in my office" technology for me to teleport stuff from the firehouse to the scene

Lol yeah! I have some webbing.. I have 30' 25' 45'. I haven't Hurd of people using it to raise and lower tools that pretty cool! I thought webbing could only be used as far as self rescue and drags! I didn't imagine that it could used for so much more! 

Why do you carry so much webbing?  I carry a 20 foot section and an 8 foot section.


the webbing in my thigh pocket is colored green and is my general use stuff. I also carry a 20' section for  my safety that is colored orange.

With a carabiner you can use webbing for just about anything you use rope for but takes up much less room. Other uses: securing the loop in a 2 1/2 for exterior operations, helping secure blitz fire nozzle, hook into metal door wedge to help in area search, hand to another FF to aid in large area search. 

Wow that's amazing! This stuff you don't learn in fire 1 lol that's great stuff to hear! Very informational 
A simple answer, yes it is very uselful and still has multi purposes.

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