Hey all,
I am looking for a program to use for pre-incident planning. Whether it be web based or software based, it doesn't matter. Just looking for some opinions an options.
Jared Smith
Barrington Municipal Fire Service Station #1
Firefighter/First Responder/Training Officer

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Jared, There are several out there. I have tried a couple but all in all they were not much help. I have found the best way for me any way's is a lot of photos of the place we are pre planning. Drawn out rooms with exits (doors windows closest and ect). Photo's of spots to place apparatus. Places that will get us in trouble and a lot of notes. Remember everything looks good on paper. When you get stuff writing down and before you make a final copy you should try if it is a commercial structure to do a move up to make sure what you have writing down really makes sense when you have a call there.  Good luck.

I would have to say keeping it simple is the best way to go about pre-planning.  Organize tours, walk throughs, and inspections.  Draw floor plans, note locations of hydrant and sprinkler connections, and dont get carried away planning for specific scenarios.  Keep your plans as simple and flexible as possible so you are ready for any possibilities. 

I convert all files I work with to PDF's. I use publisher to combine photos ABCD side I then convert file to PDF take all PDF's combine into one PDF file. I also save files in original format ie PUB, DOC so they can be edited later if needed. I also take aerial view from google earth drop into publisher add icons location Knox Box, FDC, Hydrant locations building size and any information about building that is needed for quick access I save this file also as PDF. Nitro PDF editor is a good program for combining PDF's. Once you have all PDF's combined into one PDF file you can attach to Firehouse or store in cloud server to access from vehicles.I attached examples of files.


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