The picture above shows a "helmet rack". Is this something available on the web? Are there other options?

This is a simple post that I am writing to see how other firefighters display their fire helmet collection at home. Is there anything besides setting them on a shelf or hanging them straight down on a wall? How do you display your fire helmet collection?

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Where do you all find the things you collect? It sounds like a fair amount of the helmets are personal ones but what about the other collectibles?

I have been collecting some models of apparatus but am interested in any fire service collectibles.


Have to agree Andy T.  I have 3 walls of helmets, my friends dont see it as a collection more a fetish.  my biggest satisfaction comes from sharing them and what i've leant with other people on my website.  I get a buzz every time a new country pops up on my stats monitor.  If you want to have a look I'm at    If any one can help with Cairns and Bro catalogs drop me a line.


Ebay is great for memorabilia of all sorts also Fire Buff events, if you can get to them, often have memorabilia sales.  I've picked up some unusual helmets at Flea Markets and Junk Shops, but you've got to know what your looking for.
If you google whatever it is you are looking for you might come up with something, lots of collectors have web sites these day and will often have a trading section.  The more you get into it the more contacts and sources you will find, it just kind of grows.  I trade with people all over the world.
One secret is to grab any bargains that come your way, even if you don't want them in your collection, that way you build up goodies to trade for stuff you do want.
But beware, it can get a bit obsessive if you don't watch out.

Impressive web site.


Thanks Andy.

I display them everywhere. I have so much fire service stuff in general its just everywhere. Helmets, Bunker Pants/boots, various tools, and even 100' of 1 1/2" attack line w/nozzle


How do you have the 1 1/2" & nozzle displayed?

The nozzle is an older foresty nozzle that just twists, i havent come across a structual nozzle yet, and its connected to the handline, but right now its on a reel in my living room, I have a hydrant that I want to refurb and what not and either bring it inside and connect the handlin to it there or rig something up where I connect it outside and use it with a garden hose to wash cars and such


I have 1 that my dad bought me at a sale from the vol. dept. that he used to be on.  The dept. was part of a 4 dept district and when the dist. head chief decided to have a sale of a bunch of old equipment so help raise funds for new gear there was 2 old helmets. Dad bought my brother and I each one.  His was red and mine is yellow.  He no longer has his as it fell and cracked open, however, I still have mine sitting on on a shelf in view.  I may not be a firefighter but fire photographer is close enough for me as it is still with the service since I do it for a dept.

Do a search on ebay for "helmet stand," "hat stand," "Helmet display," or "hat display," and you'll find several different types of stands that'll do the job nicely. That's where I got mine.


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