When I joined FFN, I had one thing in mind getting to know more people and extend my horizons as a firefighter/officer. In order to be more versatile every day I'm asking you what your favorite hand tool is and how you use it...


Please surprise me, tell me what special way you use your halligan, axe or hook. Feel free to propose tools you invented or improvements on existing ones.


I'm waiting to hear from you all...

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I am assigned a 6 ft roof hook, a haligan, a TIC, and a box light.  Together, or even separately, the roof hook and haligan have never let me down. 

Whatever your tool assignment is, learn the tools! Learn your tool's capabilities and limitations. Don't be afraid to get creative during your training and learn some new applications for your tools. 

So, to answer your question, I would have to say that my favorite tool is a haligan especially when married with a 6 ft roof hook. I use these tools in all applications(roof work, forcible entry, search, RIT, gaining access for the Engine Co, outside vent man, MVA's, bail outs, technical rescue, etc...).

There are myriad different tools out there for different tasks.  We assign tools by position.  That means I carry what I am assigned as do my partners.  The tool assignments are based on where we are going and what we are expected to do.  If everyone had a "favorite" tool that they took "every" time, we would be without critical tools.  Learn to use the tools as designed and learn the tricks that make them more versatile, don't make them something they are not.  Not sure where this infatuation with a homeowner tool like the FUBAR came from but it does not hold a candle to the pro-bar in any single way aside from the fact Stanley gave it a catchy name.    Lastly, beware of "multi use" tools like the Denver or TNT.  They add unnecessary weight and don't do any single task very well.  We all have trucks full of tools and 2 hands.  No need to try to get every use out of one tool.
My favorite tool is my Channellock Rescue Pliers, I have used it to force doors, shut gas valves off, an assist with opening hoods an disconnect car batteries. a very useful tool.

my fave tool is the pen size glass smasher, it looks like a pen an has big spring you pull an hold next to window release it an it shatters the glass, very useful in mva's as the glass doesnt all fall out but you can easily push it out without it going everywhere

Well said!

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