i am part of Angelina river volunteer fire department. i have been with them for about a year now. and one thing that i have noticed is that our fire men take WAY to many smoke breaks during meetings and on scene. being a smoker myself i understand that it gets stressful out there, but one person shouldnt stop the entire meeting for everone to.smoke a cigarette.. thats ridiculus.. what are some of yalls views and opinions about this?

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we have FF that as soon as they come out of a structure fire comes off the mask and in goes the cigarette.......i always make the joke to them "gotta get out and get some freash air" take the smoke breaks if you want them but dont abuse it
Lutan, I'm moving south and joining your brigade!
Mate, wait till the mobile jacuzzi arrives! It'll be awesome! We might even let the structure burn while we soak in the tub- it'll provide a nice ambient atmosphere.....
what I find even worse, put the fire out....and light up and walk around like Billy Bad A@#$#@$. A professional image MUST be displayed always...no matter what.
We have guys that smoke during overhaul. Not like there gonna stink the place up anymore.

Not to make a generalization but it sure seems that only volunteer firefighters now smoke cigarettes. If the Fire Chief smokes, then it's ok for everyone to smoke is the kind of management style that sets the tone and department culture. Medical insurance coverage is not something provided for volunteer firefighters. Neither is common sense when it comes to smoking... Not the image you want to be associated with...

Paid professional fire departments, covered by presumption laws for cancer are NOT allowed to smoke because of the known carcinogen hazards for both smokers and for those around them being exposed to second hand smoke. At least this has been my personal experience for all fire departments in Southern California.

Anyone who smokes cigarettes simply has no self control in my opinion. The fact that they expose others to the exhaled carcinogenic smoke is about as rude and inconsiderate as it gets. What a shame that very few smokers realize that the potassium used to fertilize the tobacco plants is still left on the plant even after drying process.

Although microscopic sized, small amounts of the potassium are found on the little hairs that grow on the tobacco stems and leaves. Potassium by itself is a wonderful fertilizer but when you burn it, the potassium releases two alpha particle (radioactive) components locked deep inside the potassium molecule; Polonium 210 and Lead 210.

Both the Po-210 and Pb-210 are alpha emitters. So when you light up a cigarette, heat the tip up to over 1200˚F, more when you draw / inhale and the radioactive (alpha particle) smoke that typically settles around the left main stem bronchus. Kind of like a winding river that has debris collect on one side verses the other.

Now add on new construction requirements for insulation coupled with naturally occurring radon which is also an alpha particle. By itself, it's relatively harmless because the radon particles attach themselves to curtains, walls, ceilings... But, add exhaled alpha particle smoke to the equation and the radon combines in the smoke with the Pollonium-210 and Lead-210, creating a much more dangerous alpha/beta particle.

This is why second hand smoke is so much more dangerous, even for non-smokers...

Simple answer, don't smoke inside if you have to but the common sense answer here is to not smoke at all. Life is to precious to give it away.

Now you know... and others will as well what the tobacco lobbyists have been so successful at keeping from the pubic.

Don't believe me? I challenge anyone to get an alpha detector and first test a fresh pack of cigarettes with the wrapper on it. You won't detect a thing, trust me. Alpha particles are stopped by paper. Remove the wrapper and expose the cigarettes... You will hear the load clicking of active alpha particles. Just remember to hold the detector pancake probe very close to the package.

Very useful information. but a fire scene is no place to quit smoking if you already smoke.. due to all the stress involved.. and it may be true that paid firefighters in california arent allowed to smoke hell im surprised that you dont have to smoke in a vacum sealed tube in california with all the air regulations that yall have.. but i know PLENTY houston paid firefighters that do smoke.. i know plenty of hazmat
guys/girls that work in plants around here that do smoke.. i know paid firefighters in the armed forces with governemt health insurance that smoke, as well as plenty of people in the medical field that smoke..yes it is a smart idea to.quit and it was a stupid idea to ever start and i wouldnt suggest it to anyone. but im not going to because anyone tells me i cant smoke.. and neither is anyone else

Seeing a firefighter smoke does not make sense when one of the main causes of fires involves cigarettes and cigars... Is this the image we want? NO!

Very useful information. but a fire scene is no place to quit smoking if you already smoke.

Actually, of all places not to smoke, the fire scene is one of the worst. During the mop up stage, when the fire is out and the structures concrete foundation is cooling off, all the things that were exposed to heat, decomposed and ended up as a vapor simply cruise around in the air, joining up with other unburned radicals, creating very nasty carcinogenic compounds.

Inhaling a cigarette on the fireground, just like eating something is just another pathway for carcinogens to get inside your body and hurt you.

Routes of Exposure:

• Inhalation
• Ingestion
• Absorption
• Puncture

Just sayin'

Funny how perceptions can cloud judgment.
"...our fire men take WAY to many smoke breaks during meetings and on scene."
I would think that those that take "...WAY to [sic] many smoke breaks..." simply have a stronger addiction than you do. So you feel that YOU should set the smoking schedule according to YOUR desires? Seems rather unfair, heavy handed and dictatorial.

"...what is wrong with me smoking if our meetings get stopped for EVERYONE ELSE to go out and smoke.. the problem isnt with me its all of us as a group
So none of you individually have a bad habit, only collectively? If "...EVERYONE ELSE..." wants to go and have a smoke, I'd say 'join em.' Y'all already are a smoker.

"i dont stop the meetings..." No, but you said you excuse yourself and go stand in the back and smoke. Seems to me the better thing would be to let people smoke WHILE the meeting is going on...or do you think that would be unhealthy?
"...and i dont care." Apparently you do care, otherwise why start this discussion?

"...yes it is a smart idea to.quit...but im not going to because anyone tells me i cant smoke..." What if they tell you you can't smoke on scene? Or on fire department property? And how would that be different from telling your members that they can only have ONE smoke break at a meeting?

"...they set up a sort of smokers lounge away from the scene..."
Seems part of your department culture, I'd just roll with it, buy more cigarettes, smoke as much as everyone else and enjoy the short time you have left. I mean, it's not like Mike Schlags (CBz) had any valid point(s). I'm guessing that smoking is a LOT better for you than the gub'min lets on.
truthfully its up to the one running the meeting they can either allow smoke breaks or not at all..plus last i checked if you work 8 hours it only 1 15 min break after 2 hours 30 to 1 hour after 4 hours and one 15 min after 2 hours again so whats the diff..i worked a job that it was 4 hours before i got a smoke break and i was ok...bit edgy but i was ok and i smoke a pack a day of cigars so mine are stronger...
If i was worried about the carcinogins entering my body i wouldve never started smoking and i wouldve never became a firefighter
Amen Brother

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