Hi i need pictures for a movie i am making please include this info with your reply so i can give credit to them i will post the video when i am done


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i will post a picture in a few hours how many do you want i have one with all 3 trucks and i have individuals

these are pictures of the bush illinois volunteer fire rescue dept
what type of pictures do you need. I have a lot from around the firehouse.
I dont care i do both type in my movie
Trucks, dalmatians,flags atop trucks,hoses to hydrant with truck and fire with truck

You see these guys on the engine (and the Dalmatian)? Even though this is an old photo, all of these firefighters had something in common... They did there own howework, which enabled them to eventually get hired and get paid for doing what the picture depicts... Living the dream!

I have really good news for you young FFJR Ruble. There is an online program out there that is absolutely free to use and has literally millions of photographs at your avail. Let's keep this just between the two of us though. I wouldn't want a bunch of people out there figuring out where to get their graphics and digital photos online for free and when ever you want. Click on this special secret link to get all your photographs!

Just remember to enter specifics under what we will call for lack of a better term, "Search Engine". Don't confuse this with Fire Engines. It's different.
And remember, you really need to do your own work, not relying on others to do it for you... It's not that hard, but it does take, on your part... "effort".
Good luck with your future endeavors,

give me you email and i will email them to you...i cant put them in this reply...
Let us start from the begining. When you use i to describe yourself it is capitalized. As in, I. Sentences end with a period. As for your question there are thousands of pictures on any subject avalible on line. Just look and click.

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