have youu ever been treated differently for your personal life?? i resigned my brigade for the way i was treated, i never put a foot wrong always did as told, when my mother became termially ill it all changed, i was treated differently as my mother got worse i was treated worse , i had a personal work issue with a fire fighters wife which was sorted out at work but her husband brought it into brigade and treated me like crap, i was suffering depression at the time dealing with my personal life,the bullying got worse, i tried to tell my chief but didnt want to know about it an did nothing, when my mother passed on i became an out cast, they wouldnt allow me to know codes to the station,if i was oic and i gave a order i was ignored completly, an it took longer to get the job done bvecause of it, i had a depudy chief supervising an my orders were safe and correct, i was told i was incompetent an my chief said i wasnt and i heard him agree with another member i was, i was the most competent there i could don b.a faster tna anyone, and my knollege of fire was good. not long after my mother passed i was stood down for no reason for two months form then i took leave a further 5 months and decided to resign, i have now joined a new brigade and doing well with  lots new friends, but it almost put me off my dream of firefighting,i served almost 3 years at my previous brigade, i thought of them as my family but they weren't cos when i needed them the most they turned there backs, i just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else has had that problem?

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2 sides to all stories... it is great that you found a place that you fit in.
I gave up on reading this about half way through because the writing style is so bad. Go back to school and pass an English class (Learn capitalization, punctuation and grammar.) and you will receive more respect. Good luck.
well i'm sorry if my grammer isn't up to your standard, but my post is not about spelling and english its about brigade treatment, thank you
i agree with that, but i dont know there side of why they did what they did, they wouldnt talk to me about anything,
Two suggestions from an old-timer:

Keep in mind that in any organisation, there will be people who are motivated by all the wrong reasons, as well as those who are the opposite.
There are those who are also in-between.
Keep your own motives pure and don't be overly concerned with others.

I thought long and hard before re-joining the fire service, six months ago.
There are too many members who completely ignore me, and others who treat me as though I know absolutely nothing, yet I was throwing ladders before they were born.
Testosterone and insecurity is a powerful combination and will motivate all sorts of ill treatment and bad behaviour. It's just something we have to live with. Some things take time to overcome and it's just a case of waiting it out until they come around, if they ever do. We have no control over it, so it's best to accept it for what it is.

Secondly, rather than taking offense at the suggestion re: spelling and grammar, take it in stride and be aware that poor diction and syntax make anyone look like a dummy and bring about a certain level of disrespect.
Clean up your act and you earn more respect. Simple.
No offense, just trying to offer help.
This is a good example of Mike S.'s post about FFN discussions.
a) this sounds like a personal issue, NOT one about firefighting and rescue. (used to be, Dave would reprimand the poster and then MOVE the post to the category to which it belonged...sigh, who would think I would ever miss Dave.)
b) if you've resolved the issue by moving on, why bother to bring up the past, in here?
c) these are the posts that bring FFN down to facebook level. People whining about their problem(s) and wanting others to *like* it, or them and to friend them.
Thanks, FFN, for having lowered the bar so much you had to dig a ditch to put it in (can't have newcomers tripping over it, can we?)
Sarah, I'm sorry to hear you have gone through this, but happy to hear you are somewhere you feel you belong.
I am a firm believer that there are too many people out there who will kick you when you are down. This has happened to me as well. The more it bothered me, the "weaker" I appeared and the easier target I became. This was a couple of years ago and I still find the way I react is different, no matter how hard I try.
Keep your chin up and be happy you have found a place to be you.
thank you :)I guess it still sot of gets me down as they were people I trusted and had so much respect for and now I dont know who I can trust, and learning to trust again is really hard for me.

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