Radiation Exposure from Japan Nuclear Power Plants... What are they monitoring for? What's next? Are you prepared? Do you know how to use radiological monitors?

As predicted, a radioactive plume has travelled across the pacific, over the Aleutian Islands and down to into the Western United States.  No specific information in regard to radiation levels, and type(s) have been released to the public as of this post submission, 03-18-2011. 

The worst case scenario for the nuclear reactors in Japan is for them to go critical. Do you understand the potential for this?

Unanswered question... If a nuclear reactor goes critical, does this change the outcome and potential impact on the rest of the world?

What's your take on this? 

Are you purchasing iodine (potassium iodate) to be prepared in the event that iodine-131 is released from the reactors because of an escalating problem?

While we are not being given much information through the media, you may be able to make some determinations based on how and where they are monitoring people.

Key Point: Alpha, Beta and Gamma monitoring require different monitoring heads & techniques. If you are aware of these operational procedures, then you have a better chance of understanding what the hazards are.

Example: Where are these individuals being monitored and how close are the monitors being held to the surface of the skin?

Anyone want to make some comments on what you see in the above three photographs taken this week in Japan?

1.  What are they monitoring for? (specifics e.g. alpha, beta, gamma radiation...)

2.  What are the primary monitoring points that you should do on a person?

3.  What is not being provided for these patient/victim(s)?

Not wanting to make this post into a training discussion on how to use radiological instrumentation, it seems appropriate to first ask some questions to see if there is an interest level in this topic before spending time posting something that will be ignored...


Additional Reading: http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topics/iodine-products-can-y...

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I'm not making any claims one way or the other as to the veracity of any statements, by any government organization or agency other than the one YOU included by WHO, which I showed to be a lie on your part.

Funny that you keep including links to support your assertion that our government lies to us (for whatever reasons) while you yourself adhere to the exact same tactic that you seemingly appear to dislike.

Let's be clear, I'm NOT in a discussion here about whether or not our government is lying to us, only challenging you as to why you are. Again,the statement you made in regard to a statement made by WHO was false, created to show that WHO was lying about radiation levels when the link clearly showed that was never said or implied. You saw what you wanted to see. Essentially, you provided false claims/data.
oopps you caught me.... well actually that statement wasn't mine, it was from an article, that's why it started with "(NaturalNews)" in the beginning, but problem being web link was cut off at end, which is:

So see what you want to see.
The real sufferers will be children, do to them being still in development.
Background worth familiarizing yourself with:

Children of Chernobyl

Is it not common sense that a public warning should be made to at least keep children indoors during this now on going elevated period? and publicly track,map,and forecast it?
just saying
thanks Matt, it's all about being informed and understanding what's happening and what the potential can be... however, as Jack pointed out, this focuses on a bomb blast, not a nuclear accident. with that said, the information on the top line was why I posted the graph.
Ok so you've now deleted your other WHO posts, in which you had copied and pasted the false claim from naturalnews. Doesn't that give you pause that the source you were using made such a false claim? Moreover you apparently didn't bother to read the link that was provided. You saw what you wanted to see, copied and posted.

I am at a loss as to the relevance of your last sentence,
"So see what you want to see." Are you implying that I've misinterpreted the WHO statement? Or are you implying that I'm somehow refusing to see (what you think you so clearly see as the) truth?
For what's it's worth, regardless as to how we look at things, the MOX reactor issues don't seem to be getting any better...


Reactor 1: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas explosion. Highly radioactive water detected
Reactor 2: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage suspected. Highly radioactive water detected
Reactor 3: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage possible. Spent fuel pond partly refilled with water after running low. Highly radioactive water detected
Reactor 4: Reactor shut down prior to quake. Fires and explosion in spent fuel pond; water level partly restored
Reactors 5 & 6: Reactors shut down. Temperature of spent fuel pools now lowered after rising high
First of all Thank you very much for the information laid down CBz, but i am confused on one point you said on this and another forum that if the reactor 3 which is a MOX reactor goes down that U.S. will be having much bigger problems. So my question entails that on what effects will America be held under in. Also I am concerned that we might have an effect in the southern Asia and that would entail a major relief price over America under our economic pressure as is. (sorry for my ignorance on the matter I'm trying to understand more and more of this post, wikipedia isn't helping haha)
A prior response from Oneness shared the following:

"Something that is being under reported is that reactor 3 has what is called 'MOX' fuel rods which is a uranium plutonium oxide mix, and is 2 million times more deadly than enriched uranium."

It stands to reason that if you are in Japan, things aren't going to work out well for you. If you live downwind or down current from Japan, I personally would be concerned to the point that I would make it a point to stay on top of things. Information is power, and having the opportunity to do a little preparation ahead of time in case something does go wrong with one of the reactors seems like a prudent thing to do.

I am by no means an expert in nuclear reactors. As I have mentioned before, you have to believe that there are international experts all over this issue. What is happening is that we are watching history being written... Having multiple reactors going critical to the point where sea water is used to cool, but yet totally scuttle the reactor is unprecedented.

For now, I am content knowing that I have my bottle of antiseptic iodine solution so I can paint the bottom of one foot for each member of my family and our friends should an ominous radioactive cloud decide to swing by my house. The iodine solution was shared by an instructor at the Mercury, Nevada Test Site Radiological Officer Course I attended in the 1980's. The instructor's name was Bama, if anyone reading this also attended the RERO radiological response field courses. Your body does not care what kind of delivery the iodine takes. Dermal absorption works just as good as potassium iodide pills according to the instructor. I still stand by this advice. If you have any information to the contrary, please by all means post a reply and share your data and resources.

Anyway, there's a lot of things going on Alexander. The intent of this post was to provide answers for those curious enough to ask the questions. I am really happy that you are also finding the information and responses informative.

Oneness, I want to apologize for the harsh tone seen in a couple of these posts. Understanding that you are not a firefighter, but an individual who works in the radiological device manufacturing industry, it can't be expected for you to be able to take the same kind of brash in your face responses seen here. The posts and information that you did share did shed some light on the issues that I would not have known about prior... I personally really appreciate you taking your time to first join the FFN, and then share your opinions and information. Please don't stop.

Thank you for your time,

Note: Maybe it's your avatar photo that gives the impression that you are that person in the photo?

You really should have shared and posted your real photo. I cannot just sit here and watch you get beat up. It's just not polite and it's been bugging me not to respond. So please forgive me for posting your photograph here. Folks need to lighten up a bit and be nicer.

Just sayin'...
I think the important thing to be aware of is the rate of transdermal absorption. How much (or how large a painted patch of) antiseptic iodine is needed to provide the necessary iodine flooding of the thyroid to prevent uptake of radioactive iodine-131?

This site - http://www.interfaces.com/blog/2011/03/topical-iodine-in-case-of-ra... recommends,
A 2 percent tincture of iodine on the abdomen over an area of approximately 200 mm by 100 mm works for adults as a preventive measure in a case of radioactive iodine presence in the atmosphere.

Under no circumstances should Betadine be injested. It is poison. It is only for external use.
Don’t use Betadine until the exposure to significant amounts of radioactive iodine is 12 hours or less away.
Then you would paint the Betadine on the skin once per day for 10 days. Ten days is the maximum.

If you're going to self-dose, then I would read the following:
alright thanks for the reply both of you it was very resourceful. Though I did ask a second part on the question that I don't see answered so I will restate it. On the foreign matters of this disaster, what is our foreign policy towards our friendly western neighbors on the case. Also, can we afford it?

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