Admit it, everyone is scared of something. For me? Thunder. Not lightning, just thunder.

I have had some close experinces with lightning, but its the thunder that terrifies me.

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Heights, water, speed, loud noises, and blood. Oh, and heat.
Heights(not low or high-just being in the MIDDLE!!!)
People who might want to hurt me
My dad(when he is angry!)
What might be in the Dark(Note:I did not say "The Dark")
Crazy People who vote
The call over the radio "Children/ Occupants Trapped"
I'll second that.
I hate heights too. in 30 yrs I've only over 24 feet on a laddet 3 times. The thing I hate most is getting back on the ladder. Now I have to fix my back wall and deal with 30 foot high scaffolding.....
Coming across another family member DOA.
I know what you mean. Getting off a roof is harder than getting onto one for me. Definitely got to have that 3 or 4 rungs above to hold onto. I've never enjoyed roof work.
Hey Sarah - there is another whole main discussion on this same topic - you should searchand find it - lots of interesting stuff on there

search "Afraid" I think
a flashover has to be the most scariest thing i can think of.
Lightning and my wife.
Sometimes, it seems they're related.
I am afraid of the Koch brothers and how they have been successful attacking the working person. I used to ask why this was happening and then I read a New Yorker article that explained what was happening. I read this month ago and everything covered was validated by the recent Wisconsin anti-union agenda. This is a national agenda, that is something to be afraid of because people reacting on emotion is a scary thing to deal with sometimes. All of us know this because we get paid and train to settle down and not let our emotions get the best of us. So what happens when fire stations close because of bad fiscal decisions... That's something to fear as well...
Getting run over on the highway. No matter how well you block and protect the scene there are always fools that won't slow down or run into your cones.

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