All You Heavy Rescue Crews, Please read and help if you can

Hey I was asked to come up with a new training manual for our rescue squad. The manual is to get people cleared to ride our squad as "Rescue Support Techs". This is the bare minimum for riding our squad and are cleared firefighters with all necessary certifications minus those for HTR type stuff (Vehicle rescue, trench, etc.). Any help would be awesome. Thank you!!

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If the support people are not going to be qualified to actually do any rescue work, why not just teach them the name of the tools they're going to be carrying for the people who are qualified to perform the rescues?

Otherwise, you could just call them "tool carriers".

Personally, I'm not a fan of "the bare minimum". At least basic competency in vehicle extrication and low-angle rope rescue and rigging should be the minimums to ride a heavy rescue - in addition to the basic firefighting and medical qualifications.
I'm not sure how your Dept runs, but, as for "Support Techs" You might as well buy a 9 seater van and throw a LED light bar on it to get the techs to the scene. Ben is right, all they are going to do is play the goffer. With any specialized response unit you want to have the seats full of tech's for that unit. In my dept we have our Rescue set up with rescue struts, man in the machine kits, water rescue, etc. When we get off the rescue we have our action plan set for who is getting what and if needed special equipment. We will get our own equipment and take it to the scene. Experience will teach how to get a lot of stuff to the scene with small groups. Rescue Tech's will be handy on pick up of the incident, or "go fer this."
In my opinion members of HR should be expierenced members with at least 5 years expierence. my point is that it is important that the prospective member "bring something to the table" a basic prospect has 5 years on the job, EMT, proficient in tools both hand and power and at least one specility. An advantage in a vollie department is having folks that work in specific areas and can bring their expertise in. We had a guy that that was a carpenter so when we needed training on shoring, we went to him. When we needed training on building const we went to a mason in the department.

in a paid dept, training at the professional level is the way to go but reach out to people that work in the professions you may need training in. Using myself as an example my specialties were rope rescue, confined space rescue, dive rescue. other guys were wizzes in extrication, doors, locks, vehicle construction. we had a guy that drove a 18 wheeler and was able to give us some insight to working on big rigs, another delivered propane on his days off (a real help) a vollie worked for the gas company. a great day was had getting training for aircraft. not all crashes happen at the airport, do you know how to open a door on a 737? i do now. how a bout an F16?. lots of folks out there ready to help

i hope my response was on topic for you
In addition to what other people have mentioned, I would recommend two additional things: make sure they are responsible enough to conduct a search above the fire without a hoseline when warranted as that is the real bread and butter of a Heavy Rescue. Also, on a more "TRT" note, they should be taught how to do basic stabilization with step chocks.

I would probably assign them to stick with the driver on TRT calls and assist him with getting tools in service, equipment laid out, etc...

Andrew, send me an e-mail, there are quite a few resources and good ideas floating around in your part of the world.
Hi Andrew. All the comments below have great points and good ideas. It varies widely from state to state as to what constitutes a "Rescue" person. Even the use of the words Rescue or Tech carries with it a certain assumed standard of response capability, PPE, training, etc.

If it is your intent to have "support" personnel that would aid you in getting tools and equipment etc. to the scene, who would say no to that. But like many of the specialties that the fire service now deals with and requires a great deal of training to be recognized as an "Operational" person, I would suggest that your support personal be given strict guidelines as to their rolls and limitations are at an emergency incident and incorporate a do not cross line or an established "warm zone" that they do not cross into for any reason for their own personal safety. And calling them "Support" maybe a better title and reduce the chances for misconceptions on anyone's part as to their roll and capabilities.

This could be a great entry level position for those who aspire to be a "Rescue" responder. From there they can work their way through your certification process to become a bona fide rescue provider. Good luck with your project!
F-16s dont have doors. And chances lie pretty heavy with the reality that there would be an ejection or a fatality.


Other commens are great though...thanks.
I am confused. Are you on a Fire/Rescue Dept.? A Rescue Squad? A Squad Company? A TRT? A Heavy Rescue? A SOG?

Not to mention...who on here said HR crews search floors above the fire ? What fire academy did YOU go to?
Washington DC Fire Academy,assigned to Rescue 2 for the past 8 years. How about you?
In addition to what he said, you need I think 5 years just to apply for a transfer to a Rescue company in DC when there's an opening on one. Then once you apply you need about every certification in the book these days to be considered in addition to a good reputation from whatever truck or engine company that you're already with. So this guy, and most DCFD Rescue guys are pretty smart about this subject and know what they are talking about.
Thanks for the help....
This might not fit in this form but can some one tell me what trench rescue is I have never here'd thing about it.
Trench Rescue is a specialized form of advanced technical rescue that is preformed below ground level. Typically it is a man made trench that you might see at a construction site that is deeper than your waist.Trench rescue is a specialized form of rescue, a subset of confined space rescue. Trench rescue involves shoring up the sides of a trench, and digging a trapped worker out of a collapsed ditch. Trench rescue is one of the most dangerous rescue operations to complete as the trench that has already collapsed can continue to do so. In California, it's a week long class just to learn the basics and a yearly manipulative refresher to maintain currency. There are dozens of books on the subject should you want to research further. Good luck!

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