We have a prospective member who has a recent DWI(DUI). He was telling us about it last meeting and he said he had the usual "2-3 beers" and blew over the limit.

My question is, should we let him on the department knowing this? Somehow our by-laws have been misplaced, and we don't know what the rule is. The assistant cheif and I say NO, the cheif is waffling.

After what I saw from one department I would say any alcohol related driving offense is an automatic disqualifer. Especially a recent one. He also mentioned that this would be a good way of doing community service. Sounds like he just wants to get his hours in and quit. We are not an alcohol rehab facility is my thought.

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If this member had to go through a county, state and federal investigations he may not make it depending on their rules and who is making the decisions. We have lost prospective members to the unbeliveable rulings.
this prospective member doesn't seem to be a good candidate for your department especially if he's just doing it to get some community hours in.
Yeah I know how that goes with the DWI in my stupidity when I was younger I got a DWI 3yrs. before I got on my volly dept. I told them up front about it and didn't pull that crap "2-3 beers" line. Thankfully my Chief and D.C. gave me a chance, and I've held up to my end and not made them regret it. I have since then quit drinking as well. However saying that some people will take it as the wake up call I did and some people think it's a joke and they don't learn anything from it. From the comments this guy has made I would have to agree that he doesn't sound like he would be a good candidate. I agree with you that it sounds like all he is wanting is to put in the hours in quit. The bad part as you know is there is no crystal ball. He could go into with that attitude, and turn around and do a complete 180. The real question you have to ask yourselves is giving him the chance worth the risk the dept. would be taking with him. As I said I am glad someone gave me that chance, and I know that I'm the exception to the rule. I also have to live with that everytime I try to get onto a paid dept. wondering if that will be what might put me out of the running or not.
"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's a duck." I would agree with you. The guy should be disqualified.
Well Bill, I'm with you on this one. A DUI/DWI is an offence which will likely end up in a suspension of the perps driving privlidge's for who knows how long. As FFs, there is no room for people that can't be on our insurance policy for a bad driving record. We get checked annualy through the sherrifs office and anyone who has lost thier licence can't drive our trucks, therefore can't go on calls for obvious reasons (two on a truck, driver hurt, now what?).
In our dept, we have the A-Squad, consisting of active FFs and the B-Squad, which is made up of retired members and those who wish to help our VFD with such things as fund raising & the like. If someone can't perform the duties of FF, they can request B-Squad status & we vote Y/N at our monthly Fire Association meeting. If you think the guy just wants to do his "comm serv", vote NAY for putting him on & check the depts policy about maybe letting him wash trucks or sweep the bays etc.... Personally, I think you would be better off telling him to go out & pick up trash around town if he wants to "help" the community. Just my opinion. TTYL - danofiremano
So far he's made two meetings and no calls. He showed up at the last meeting with a truck load of bunker boots he said his brother gave him. I forgot to mention this guy is sleeved out with tattoos. He gets shadier every time I see him.

We're in the process of revamping our by-laws and procedures. I made a motion in our last board meeting to change the membership process and it was approved. Now to get the changes made.


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