So... do you use plastic milk carton crates on your apparatus? I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It's just funny to think that so many of us use these storage containers even though they have the name of the milk company embossed on the side of the crate. My hunch as to why we all love mile crates is the heavy plastic light weight construction, built in handles and open design so liquid does not accumulate. But... shouldn't we buy these instead of stealing them? Just a thought...


Got Milk Crates?
June 6, 2006; Wall Street Journal, Page B1

Bill Kroese hired a staffer and an efficiency consultant last year to help him stop a crime wave.

Their mission: to track missing milk crates.

Rockview Farms, Mr. Kroese's employer, lost 424,000 milk crates in 2005, up from 350,000 in 2004, he says. Replacing them cost the southern dairy business $1.6 million. This year Mr. Kroese, Rockview's safety and loss-prevention director, expects his company's milk crate costs to keep rising -- and he blames most of it on theft. "Where's that black hole out there?" he says. "Where could they all be going?"

We know that some of them are on our apparatus... Just a thought... you can buy mile crates for about $30.00 each commercially... Here's just one advertisement I found online:

The Film & Video Industry Storage Standard! 

These crates are the authentic 24 quart 19 x 13 x 11, classic, heavy duty "Milk Crate" used by the film and TV Industry throughout North America. Not the college student dorm model but the genuine milk man crate designed to be abused and carry a ton of gear. Rehrig's dairy crates have a heritage that helps them not only cope, but excel. Engineered to be strong, resilient, high-density polyethylene which stands up to abuse. Use it for cables, lighting, stage boxes -- you get the picture (Do we really need to tell you how to use a milk crate ?!!!)

  • Features:
  • Ample Storage Capacity with Minimum Weight
  • Clean Grid Bottom
  • Stackable
  • Size: 19 x 13 x 11
  • Weight: 4 1/2 lbs

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- Mark Twain

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We use one as our hydrant dressing kit, another for all our junction boxes and cords, and a third for all the gas and oil for our tools. Guilty as can be.
Nevermind using them to store cribbing....

we use them as cribbing!
ya we have a few. hydrant kits.. lol im not sure where they came from..... hmmmm..... but they sure work good. lol
Donations are great, BUT....

I've had some experience lately, not with the Team, but with Boy Scouts. We also have crates that have been donated, as well as some of those nice clamshell bins that pharmacies, etc. use. They all have the old names on them (which we've tried to scrape off or paint over) but have still been questioned about "unlawfully" posessing crates. We had to go back to our donors and get letters stating that these items were in fact donations and not "5-finger discounts". Things are geting tough when you won't trust a Boy Scout! LOL
We had some donated some years back, but now they seem to be multiplying. Not sure where they are coming from.
If only it would have been that fun.
Can you say, "Warantee"?
we have them on our water point truck. they work nice to level out our suction hose from the dry hydrant to the truck
In case one does not understand the spilt milk situation. It is an enviromental hazard when it gets into a waterway or pond. Proper clean up can be a major event if the spill is major.
We used milk crates back in the 70's for building shelves at school. I still have mine. Where are yours?
Yes we have a few, only one on the engine carrying chains. Store bought aren't heavy enough, found ours behind a store that had been closed for several years. Use 5gal buckets for hydrant kit, get these from local contractors that drywall or Subway and the pickle buckets.
Just release about 5000 cats into the spill, and they'll have it cleaned up in no time!

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