just was wondering how other depts. handled their tag out process on a fire scean? we have a problem with everyone tagging out and trying to put a stop to it

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Scene accountability starts with the SOP. It must be simple, published, trained and enforced. The enforcement is not just from the Chief down, but everyones responsibility. It is hard to instill discipline if you do not have the tools (SOP, training, tags, etc) in place. Our department uses our accountability tags at trainings, meetings, and station duty. This is done simply to reinforce the need for personnel to carry the tag all the time and use it. Compliance is not 100% but I have scene line personnel asking Chiefs where their tag is at. Good luck.
We have County wide photo ID tags. Each FF has a set of three. Tag one is clipped to the apparatus you ride on. If you show up in POV, tag one still goes on your unit. Tag two is be clipped on IC board when you get your assignment. We also have County wide IC board with rings for each task. Tag three is to stay with you. Our county will broad cast a PAR check every 20 minutes. IC is to have a safety officer check tags and crews with FFs in hot zone. The IC can cancel PAR checks once incident is under control.

Here in my dept, we have 2 photo tags, one is attached to your helmet and when you jump on the rig you clip it on the ring and the Capt. of that rig is in charge of giving them to the IC on scene. The 2nd one stays in your wallet, in case you have a situation like we did in the beggining of Oct. when we have bad flooding we use them to get to/ go thru certain areas. IE when we had DOT manding a roadway that had caved in, they wouldn't let anyone else thru except emergency personal who were doing road evaluations or heading to the station.
Each member has four tags.
One goes to the operator of the apparatus you ride on and stays on the truck
One goes to IC when checking in for assignment
We have a "Hot Zone Cone" which is a large traffic cone with a ring on top of it. When entering the Hot Zone one tag goes on the cone.
The fourth stays with you.
we have tags. hung on back of helmet. colour coded to your level of training. 2 tags. one is given to scene command (well actually lead in truck who gives to scene command) tag 2 is for BA accountability. given when you donn your pack. they use this with whatever paper system they wanna for IN OUT REHAB and/ or RIT. It is working well. though we are actively trying to make improvements to BA account. paper system... you get tag 2 back when you done with BA you get tag 1 back when back to hall.
Actually, our juniors are usually assigned the tag-in / tag-out board and placed in a good location where they're a safe distance from the fireground. Tag-in / tag-out for all fireground operations whether it's interior, exterior, ventilation, etc.
we have a two tag system when we get on scene we put one on the big board and one when we get a assignment. One thing we found that works nice is we have our EMT's on scene handle Accountabilty that way thay see the ff's going in and out to see if they are in distress or need medical attention. You know ff's we like to push it

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