Do any of your departments use utility vehicles like Rangers or others that are set up for fighting grass fires and how do you like them? We had a grass fire today that we had 7 departments with 7 different set ups. We are looking to add another one and are looking for good ideas on what we can do.

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That sort of vehicle is quite common here, we call them 'Ultra Light Tankers'. 'Tanker' here meaning a 4WD off road firefighting vehicle, with the types moving up through Light, Medium and Heavy Tankers.

The Ultra Light is very useful, they are quick to deploy and although they carry very little water, they are often able to get in very close and help limit fire growth. Even contain it if caught early enough. In steep and tight country they really come into their own. Much better than walking...

I can give you some specs and photos if you'd like, just PM me.

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