Ok we have all heard them

 "Firefighters are Whores and Drunks ......"

I have personally be called things I wish not to repeat based on my job, how did these rumors start ? I am aware that the Fire Service is very family orientated. For fun what is the stereotype you hate the most  ?

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ok, maybe John should use a utility line... for his crab fishing... and save some skin...

or foam... put into a bucket... then used for dipping purposes only
Okay, technically, there really had to be an odor of some sort due to bacteria. Warm, dark, moist environment where living bacteria grow and thrive may have been conducive for some foliage growth (and FW wants to know how if the leaves and vines were green - if so, someone is telling us a tall tale!); but, the potato itself should have begun degrading due to body temperatures, moist surroundings, etc. Guessing the smell would have been more likely decomposing garden products instead of rotten potato.

So, now that we have most likely caused the men in the room to turn a lovely shade of "potato foliage" green, what do you think??
maybe like those upside tomato growing plant hangers, the potato was inside and the leaves - hung down - and grew outside ???

maybe she pulled a potato out of the dirt - attached to roots and leaves already and put it inside (dang even fully aroused, I could not imagine that fitting) no matter how many babies she may have already birthed vaginally


(and it takes a lot to gross me out)

Didn't the guy having sex with her notice?

Didn't she notice when she had her period?

My money is on her also having a delusional disorder.
If she was sexually active, can we say, "mashed potatos"???

There's really nothing that a five-year vollie from Podunk, Indiana can say that will get to me. (At least not when it comes to anything related to the job). By the way, you guys do clean your firehouse, don't you? Or is that what your Ladies Auxiliary is for?

And I believe there are any number of tributes to the American Farmer. (Even the one's who do it for a paycheck, and not just for the good of mankind.)
We were called the cellar savers back 30years ago. But we were there on the line so help mankind. The persons whom gave us the name did nothing but run off at the mouth and( DID NOTHING ) Those that do something do have. ( PRIDE IN THINGS THEY DO IN LIFE )

but with taters


I sort of figured part of your comment was sarcastic. However, I live in a state where farming is important and people don't always appreciate our farmers; something which irritates the snuff out of me!

It takes us all doing our jobs to make our communities viable. Whether those communities are large or small; whether we are paid or not; whatever we choose to do, whether it is a firefighter, police officer, janitor, store owner, school teacher, etc. Without everyone pulling together, the community suffers as do all of those living there.

Okay ... stepping off soap box and going back to grossing folks out with our Haitian Potato Lady (actually started in "Wierdest Things Found at a Fire").
Wonder if one of those is what they removed from HPL (Haitian Potato Lady)!!
I have never knocked a guy for being a paid firefighter, If you have a job you like good for you.
I just don't like the the ones who think there better than others. Brag on there skills like no one can do what they do, Paid or volunteer yep we gottem to. There the reasons for Stereotypes. When they shoot off there mouths it paints a big bullseye for me.

How did you manage to infer that I believe I'm "better than others"? Where did you get that? (Actually, I am better than some others, but not others in general.) If anything, I represented myself as being less than others - at least as far as you and Paul see it - because I actually place an extremely high value on the paycheck part of my job. God knows I'm surely not as well-respected as those who do it for love of job and community.

And I'm not really from a "philly getto" (and it's ghetto) but I do work in the ghetto. So, I can't help you with your farming or self-esteem issues, but I know a hell of a lot about firefighting. (I hope you don't see that as a "Brag on there(sic) skills" type statement, John.)
WestPhilly, I have took something you said wrong for that I am truly sorry. You should put a high value on your job, again sorry.
Ps: We are pretty Podunk too. The chief sells eggs out of are frige in the station. LOL

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