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alf, HME-Ahrens Fox, Seagrave
12 years in and this is what you come up with....if you do a search you will find plenty of posts on this subject along with apparatus colors, helmet colors, turn-out colors and Jrs on calls
I like the ones that start first time.

I like the ones that go when I need them to.

And just as importantly, I like (Actually, I think I love...) the ones that can stop me when I get to where I'm going.

Point A to Point B and home again. Simple.

Brand? Who cares? They're all better than walking and carriying the gear on the back.... ;-)

I am not a fan of these...

peirce fire apparatus best in the industry besides oskosh
OK I have a very exacting list that must be met

1. When we get in it starts EVERYTIME
2. When we load up to clear scene it must not only run but have the transmission engage and suffer no other problems while getting us back to the station

That is my FAVORITE type of Engine
Look up Peter Pirsch, I love those 1950's and 1960's engines and trucks with the long noses. Seagraves during that period were very cool as well. As for working on them it does not matter much, just so the start, stop and do the job.
gotta go wit my chief on this one..def the mack..esp ours..the older ones r the best..
Sutphen all day but u gotta love pierce too
Pierce, but also nothing beats an old Mack no new truck will out last an old school Mack..

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