For my English class I have to write an argumentative paper. I am choosing a firefighting topic because I love it and it makes it seem as if I put myself into the paper. I am thinking of Firefighters VS Non-Firefighters. This just really upsets me and drives me crazy, worse than people that have had or are getting an abortion! Anyways, what I mean by this is that non-firefighters have no idea what us firefighters go through, until they get into an accident or their house burns. They literally have no clue unless it happens to them. Hopefully you understand the point that I am trying to make here. Sorry if you don't. If you have any input on this topic or perhaps a better argumentative topic for an English paper, please let me know! 

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Phew! Thanks Cap for explaining that so well lol I thought I was about to get beat down lol Yes Kayli ZACTLY what Cap said!
thanks again guys! some of the jrs, cadets, fire explorers.....etc whtevr u guys call em, i feel like now a days they are all getting into the fire service for the wrong reasons...i hope im not the only one to notice this. theres a dept that has asked these kids questions about the fire service like wht the fire service means to them n a few others but these kids couldnt answer the questions! to me some of the male kids in the fire service to do "look cool" or become the "ladies man" idk maybe all of this is just me but im just saying
hey guys just thought i would let you know that i should be replying back here within a few hours with my ENG paper. i had to make a few adjustments....i ended up choosing training in the volunteer fire service. :) i hope you all enjoy it.
Please feel free to comment! I hope you enjoy!!! :)

Training in the Volunteer Fire Service

My time as a dedicated volunteer firefighter has been the experience of a lifetime. It has taken a lot of hard work, dedication, and time, but most of all, training. The key to any good firefighter, is training. Training amongst volunteer departments and full – time departments varies greatly, and I believe that the training within the volunteer departments needs to be pushed more. A few of the reasons is health, expanding your knowledge, and gaining experience.

For one, health is a major concern to any one being, but when it comes to firefighting, risking your life to put it on the line for another can be stressful. This is why health is very important. Firefighters need lots of cardio workouts and a tremendous amount of exercise, especially lifting weights to build muscle. Without health training, a firefighter’s physical ability to perform his or her duties may fail them and injure him or herself or even their partner and can also be considered a liability to the department. Many heart attacks have been noticed due to unhealthy firefighters and their lack of training. Fatigue has also been greatly noticed within the smaller or volunteer departments. Smaller departments do not have their own fitness or workout programs, nor do they even have their own equipment to use at their stations. I remember asking my chief if we could start a program at our department, but because of insurance purposes it was a no. So I tried to see if maybe we could go to a gym and become a member and the department would pay for it; I asked him this because the bigger full – time departments do have memberships to a gym.

As for expanding knowledge, it is just as important as your health. Firefighting may seem like it just comes to people but its best for them to go by the books. A lot of reading is involved and it needs to be expanded upon during your time as a firefighter. Re-certifying for CPR and AED every two years, as well as Hazardous Materials every year; this is crucial because of the continuous change of the economy’s demand for technology. Especially the newer cars, there are so many hidden places for airbags now a days and the materials of the car parts are fiberglass and or plastics and not much metal is left. This is important because we will need to know what we will be cutting into and we will need to know which tool will be the best for the job; to get done in a timely manner and still be efficient. As an EMT or emergency medical technician, he or she is required by state law to obtain 120 hours of continuing education hours per year so they can still keep their license and still perform all tasks at 100%.

When it comes to gaining experience, even though your health and knowledge are vital, this is the most important. Without being healthy and without the knowledge you will get nowhere in the experience part. Experience is using what you know and what you have learned from your textbooks, while trying to obtain any of his or her many certifications. Unless you experience a house fire, car fire, accident, or unstable patient on a medical call, you honestly have no idea why it is essential to use what you have learned in the classroom. I have learned to live by the motto, “work hard, play even harder.” This is an excellent motto to live by while training as a volunteer firefighter. By working hard while training you will end up working even harder out in the field and your odds will tremendously increase when it comes to being experienced. I cannot stress enough how much training really means to a firefighter. Being in the classroom all the time doesn’t necessarily get you anywhere. Any and all firefighters need the hands on training, otherwise they will not know what to expect when an incident like that were to ever happen in real life.

In conclusion, I know what it is like to train as a firefighter, as being certified in multiple areas myself. It is very tough and demanding at times, but that’s why it is necessary to be trained and trained properly. In the end, training can be so rewarding at times. Smaller volunteer departments have decided to select a training officer to help build their department to become better by being healthier, more knowledgeable, and experienced. When it comes to volunteer firefighters and training, I believe that you should also feel strongly about this. Who knows maybe one day some firefighter may attempt to save your life but because of the lack of training he or she may be incapable of performing his or her duties.
Very well done! Congratulations. I can tell that you put lots of effort into it, particularly the use of certain words that get mis-used very very often. (THEIR as opposed to THERE.) for example, AND, the best part of reading your paper.... NO TEXTING! You didn't use "UR" or "whtevr" or any of those great texting tricks! I am guessing your english teacher will be breathing a huge sigh of relief to read something from someone young, that really DOES understand and "gets" the english language lol In your original post, you mentioned it was going to be an ARGUMENTATIVE paper. In my simple mind, I don't see anything in your paper that can be argued in anyway. Is that a good thing? or.. should there have been something that people reading can say.. oh, thats not right because... or oh no.. that is just full of the old "el toro Pooh pooh".. Do you know what I mean? I suspect there will in fact be many people commenting, and will infact find lots to argue about in it. But I didn't. You wrote a very good paper Kayli. Way to go. Let us know what your grade will be k? I am betting B - A.
High Fives girl!
thanks brian! yea i was reading it over n over n if i put facts n statistics in it it will be in heart attacks, things like near misses. i will be sure to let u know wht i got on it. it was really hard to type it without the text lingo lol well im on facebook if you want to add me :P
Right on the money, Paul. Public education is the key!
That last topic would be a great one. I've had several very good conversatons about that.......... Fire departments should also provide EMS, in case your wondering.
i tried to write my paper on women in the fire service but uhh it turned into more somethin of persuasive n not argumentative.... im sure if you read my post the one where i actually posted my paper within the dicussions on here it also does sound more persuasive but if i add facts n statistics it will be argumentative. thats the trouble with the women in teh fire service facts or stats to back up what i was saying. im not entirely n completely done wit it. i guess it was just a draft....the paper technically isnt due for another week or so.
I look forward to reading your paper!
Alright so I just received an email from my ENG instructor....GREAT NEWS GUYS!!!! On my rough draft on my paper I received a 9 out of 10...which means I actually got a 90%...on college grading scale thats still an A! WOO-HOO!!!! She said I was very specific and detailed and theres a few points that she said I should elaborate a little more on with facts...other than that I am in the clear...I just need to touch it up a little for my final draft and I should receive an A++ :P Thanks again for all the wonderful discussion on this has helped me to form my paper and a darn good one too!
wtg Kayli. I nu u cud du it n wud gt n A! lol ok ok.. so I suck at TEXTING but oh well.
Good job!

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