For my English class I have to write an argumentative paper. I am choosing a firefighting topic because I love it and it makes it seem as if I put myself into the paper. I am thinking of Firefighters VS Non-Firefighters. This just really upsets me and drives me crazy, worse than people that have had or are getting an abortion! Anyways, what I mean by this is that non-firefighters have no idea what us firefighters go through, until they get into an accident or their house burns. They literally have no clue unless it happens to them. Hopefully you understand the point that I am trying to make here. Sorry if you don't. If you have any input on this topic or perhaps a better argumentative topic for an English paper, please let me know! 

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Kayli....I know what you are trying to say, but, be careful....You see I blame us for their ignorance of the Fire Service. (ignorance as in a lack of knowledge) If we were doing our jobs then that ignorance wouldn't be there. It is called educating the public, and it is a very important role for the Fire Service....The Fire Service is a business..and the Public is our customers...they like, want,and need to know what they are paying for...Yes, even Volunteer Departments are paid for by the public....I am enrolled in Fire Officer I and get this stuffed down my throat at every meeting of the class....its true...we are always going to blamed...either we didn't get there quick enough or we didn't do enough or we didn't know what the hell we were doing....or they will be the ones shouting..."look at those assholes speeding around in the Firetrucks." at the next call....Good luck on the paper....use your heart and your head in writting it ......OK...? Stay safe.........Paul
I agree with Paul...I think your paper is going to come across as I'm a firefighter & I'm better than why not do something fire related so that you can get into it but that will educate them at the same time...maybe arguing for residential sprinklers codes...cost to builders vs. cost of lives...myths of water damage and accidental activation...studies of cities that require them etc...or another fire related topic that you could argue for...Best of luck!
thanks guys.

Paul, i totally know what you are saying and i do understand. it like non-firefighters dont realize it until they get a wake up call. theres a kid that was in my HS graduating class n his house was on fire...needless to say my HS class n the organizations were doing what we could to help him n the prez of FFA really really PISSED me ag instructor n i still talk bout it to this very day....she said o he can still live in his house theres nothing wrong with it. mind u it being the middle of winter, we vented the roof, water damage, smoke damage, etc... u know wht i mean but just bc the house was still standing this girl thought tht he could still live in his house. its because of her that i argue my way about this. u r absolutely right paul, it all boils down to R-E-S-P-E-C-T! some people are idiots n dont pull over for us on the way to a scene. there are a few youtube videos that i think u should check out....go to and search 1) firefighters life and 2) firefighters wish .....i think nonfirefighters need to see them both! maybe we will be given a little more respect!

Dust - i guess i didnt really think of my paper coming across that way but now that u n paul both brought up very good points it has made me realize. ive been a firefighter for a little over a year now n since im volunteer i dont exactly have much expirience u could say....the topics u gave to me....uhh im not very familiar with so i think i would have a little trouble tryin to connect to them. is there any basic or simple topics u can think things just in general?? please do let me know thanks!

once again thanks to the both of ya!
You are bright and have asked for input... here goes:

When choosing your subject, even though it is argumentative, think CATSINRO and don't break these rules, ever.

Is it a Comment, Is it an Action or Is it a Thing, Is it Sexual In Nature and would a Reasonable person would find it Offensive?

Other suggestions that aren't pitting the public against the fire department... My opinion here is why ever bring up anything negative about the fire department. It serves no purpose. I think it more appropriate to take advantage of the situation and actually teach fire prevention or safety through what ever you end up writing. Of course there are tons of other options that could include:

• Women in the fire service, should they be there?
• Should fire engines be red or another color?
• Should firefighters be able to write tickets?
• Should private ambulance companies (for profit) be allowed to provide emergency care instead of the fire department?

Good luck,

For my English class I have to write an argumentative paper.

Well, how bout... Juniors riding ambulances or going to fire calls? OOPS... Just kidding! lol Sorry I could not resist!
How about the arguement that continues here today, regarding the firefighter who was terminated for using the social network Facebook! It would produce some interesting arguments, just as it has here, and at the sametime, would bring to the forefront, an extreme example of the consequences of using such social networking. I would have to agree with Paul and Dust. At risk of "self worship" or "we are heros" stuff, just take care so that you don't give anyone the wrong impression of our profession. I suspect you know exactly what we are getting at, and I for one, believe you are very capable of writing a great paper, and making the fire service very proud. I also hope we get to read your work.
Good luck to you!
wow. is that something you made up??? CATSINRO....thats good real good. i did ask for input n dont worry that wasnt too harsh LOL. i know what u mean about not bringing up negative points of the fire service but i really just feel like arguing my way on this one....mainly bc i can realte to it sooo well, which really helps me all the while of writing my paper. hmmm to argue something positive :) i could def try women in the fire service...that a pretty good topic for me since i can relate..... ;) THANKS SO MUCH CAPTAIN BUSY!
thanks Brian! so i have definitly been in those "boots" before lol of being a cadet n now that ive moved up in rank to being a "probie" ive noticed a big change in wht the now new cadets can and cannot do. a lot has changed in the past year since i was a cadet. n ive noticed things that need to be addressed. i think capt busy is right...women in the fire service might be the best route for me to go even though id much rather choose firefighters VS non firefighters...but like he says it pretty much bashes one person or another n it would be considered negative to the FD

oh n just so u know my paper is due sunday march 14 ( a week from today) so hopefully i will have something emailed to u on here to read about what i wrote ;)
Ah, yes the old CATSINRO rule sometimes illustrated simply by the below picture

Thanks Kayli. I look forward to reading it. You know, with all the bashing towards the jrs., whether serious or joking around, you are a very good example of the GOOD that can come out of the programs. Thanks for that!
what do you mean by that? ;)
Your a little behind the curve Kayli. Over the past couple of months, actually since this past Christmas break, the FFN has had a rash of posts by FFJR's that overwhelmed the site on more than one occasion.

The FFN responded to this by limiting the number of visual discussions to only five from ten. This is what started some negative feelings from actual firefighters on the FFN that again felt overwhelmed by the number of posts that to many proved to be a waste of time.

What angered many was the fact that before posting such challenging discussions such as why are fire trucks red, what color is your fire helmet and so on, it just got old. Terms like "beating a horse to death" along with graphics were common place.

There seemed to be no one with any real interest in learning about this trade. But then there was you. You stand out in the crowd. Feel honored to have the folks who have posted suggestions to you. I've known them all for some time now and all are honorable men with your best interest in mind.

Tell me this isn't totally cool! That's what we meant by that... CBz
As far as your Firefighter vs non go to my profile page and to my blog post and the one shown is titled "I Wish You could See". Print this off and carry copies with you and when when you have problems with a non firefighter hand them a copy to read. Usually after they read this and wipe away the tears nothing needs to be said anymore.I've done this many times and made a point without arguement.
As far as a topic,Why not promote your cadets or your trials and tribulations as a cadet and what it has done for you so that maybe it will encourage your friends to maybe join.You can never have to many members.

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