WBZ-TV, the CBS affiliate her in Boston ran an "investigative report" on "Firefighters getting lunch... on your dime"...


Check out the feedback on the WBZ-TV I team's report about "firefighters getting lunch"...


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The tv news business is so competitive clueless reporters are desperate for anything they think will catch peoples' attention. Especially on a slow day. Too bad these idiots didn't find out what was REALLY going on before they published their story.
This just in...firefighters eat lunch too!
That's right, our undercover team (the Idiot-Team) recently discovered that firefighters not only eat meals like you and I, but actually HAVE TO SHOP FOR THEIR FOOD! Gone are the days of catered 3 course meals to the firehouse, nowadays the city's bravest have to not only shop for but cook their own meals as well.

Also, our ongoing undercover operation has found that policemen spend most of their day JUST DRIVING AROUND! That's right, apparently rather than parking their cruisers and waiting to be dispatched the police department not only allows but encourages their officers to take their vehicles out onto the roads of the city and JUST DRIVE AROUND. We've even seen these wasteful city employees in restaurants picking up food to go as well as actually SITTING DOWN AND EATING THEIR FOOD!

Next, did you know you're paying for city employees to poop on your dime? Stay tuned for this fresh, steaming look at city waste.
Jack, I figured you'd chime in soon with your usual wit & clarity! :)
Now the question is will the news team actually read the comments or even have a follow up report? Good thing Frederick isn't working with the news station, all those comments would be deleted by now.

While the blame does go to the reporter for lack of investigation as to why rigs actually shop and crews stay together, blame also falls on the clueless idiotic moron who is griping in the first place (Connely). This guy was a penny cruncher for years and just shows the ignorance and arogance of everything being a number vs using some common sense. Hopefully that clown reads the comments as well.

Although this is not an isolated issue. We too have received calls and complaints about the rigs at the store and most times the caller is told as to the reason why the rig is there. (crew integrity, able to respond etc) Most times people understand after it is explained, but there are always those who refuse to listen. I even had people ask me while in the checkout line "what are my tax dollars buying for you today" and I explain to them we pay for our own meals. We get the questions from parents with tours at times too, so it is something we work into fire prevention talks as to why a rig goes shopping etc. Although it is easier for one to assume and complain than ask as to why something goes on. In this case the journalism stinks because in the "investigation of calls" the numbnut reporter failed to ask as to WHY the rig was shopping.
Sounds like departments can use this as a good PR tool. Rather than wait for someone to complain, invite the press to do a ride-a-long for a day to detail what all is involved in a typical day . . . even including going grocery shopping.

This would be a great way to stress the reasons why the rig should go to the store includiing all the comments made here: crew integrity, response time, ect. It would also show the daily training departments do, administrative functions, public education, building/vehicle/equipment maintence, ect.

I can see why people would question a truck going to the store and there is nothing wrong with questioning it. But I believe that MOST people would understand the reasoning once they know it.
Yep, it just takes some initiative. We have offered such ideas to the local media and only one took advantage, so it is also up to a reporter to do a thorough job, this guy didn't.

Having a rig is also good PR opportunity and kids like to check out the rig when shopping with mom or dad and yes, most people do understand once things are explained, but it hasn't always stopped people from calling, nor making assumptions. In this case a good journalist would get both sides, this report was biased to the clown complaining.

I stayed up last night to watch this first hand. As my department has had to deal with this as well. Boy the media does drive the panic button don't they?

BUT It didn't backfire completely as it was pointed out that they were way out of district.... once they were pretty much blown off by the commissioner, it was brought fourth after further following on 4 different days that they were in another town, "Somerville" shopping.

The commissioner then back peddled a bit and said he was going to address that they must stay in the area of the first due coverage with the district chiefs.
As my father would say, this Mr. Shortsleeve is "a jackass of the first order". I got a good grin from all the comments busting his chops for this idiotic and slanderous report. But the sad thing is, that even though he did his best to dishonor and degrade these fine men and women, if he calls 911 tonight because he smells smoke or scrapes his knee, they will drag themselves out of a warm bed and respond as quickly as possible to his "emergency".

In a truly just society, Mr. Shortsleeve would be required to issue a public apology to this station and all emergency service personell in general. Followed immediately by his swift termination.

Or better yet, after a few minutes with the Chief of this station, he would be aided by the crew of E32 in "toting his whupped-ass home"(Thanks again, Dad).
they were in another town, "Somerville" shopping.

Have to agree with Kali. I thought the same thing right away as to which store may actually be closer. There may not be a market within their first in district that they could go to and may be out of district still if having to shop within city limits. We have a similar issue in the city with a store in the next town but a street from the first dues area. Because of similar issues faced here, that crew has to go outside their district to shop within the city.
Ahhh yes, this comes back to my "vision" of the future of the fire service. I believe that it is totally ok for that truck to be out and about. Like I have said many times before and will continue to say in the future, we can no longer sit at the house and wait for the bells. We need to be out there engaging the public and getting them involved and informed of why and how we do things.

One idea for you out there that may assist with you with your going out and purchasing nutrients and energy making materials, stick a handful of stickers, tattoos, pencils, whatever in your pocket. Then every little kid, or anyone that wants to know for that matter, that you talk to gets one. Get in touch with your departments pub ed person, they are (hopefully) surrounded by pub ed materials, have em hook you up.

We put a bag of goodies on each engine. When crews go out for whatever, they hand out sticker badges and other pub ed materials. We usually make the probie or newest person on the team hang out with the rig. It is their duty to engage the kids and pass out information to adults. We have a handful of brochures about things like Exit Drills and smoke alarms. Our new big push is a one pager about sprinkler systems. We are out there engaging at the same time as getting food or other non emergency things.

Be proactive in engaging our communities, which will give fewer opportunities for moments like this. Be safe and learn something new everyday.
Ahh I see, don't strike down the messenger and I will retract but NOT delete my post....

Why the heck didn't the commissioner say it was just down the street from quarters? The news reported and the commissioner with his statement lead me to believe they were way out of district.

My bad.

In the end... my department caved, we can only stop to shop when returning from a call. A policy was made after complaints that we are not leave quarters on personal business. Eating is considered that... I thought it was interesting that the news station pulled all the incident logs and training logs to prove that they were out on their own.
"Thank you for calling the Fire Department, your call is very important to us.
All of our fire stations are closed from 12 to 1 for lunch and from 5 to 6 for dinner. If you are experiencing a fire or medical emergency please stay on the line and someone will be with you as soon as lunch or dinner is over. Thank you for choosing Boston Fire Department for all your fire and medical needs."

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