Fire service, EMS, rescue good luck charms, signs of bad luck, superstitions and traditions

As part of my MS degree in emergency services, I am writing a book on emergency services superstitions, luck charms, things that are believed to bring disaster, etc. I'd love to hear what you have to share. For me, even though its a police thing, I carry the St. Michael's medal that my father wore during 37 years as a sheriff's deputy/detective.

So, share away...

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i carry my stflorian medallion in my wallet along with a stflorian decal on my structure helmet
I agree with the consensus of posts and offer the following additions:
Any phone call after you lay down is bad news, worse if it comes from a dispatcher.

Some people are just bad luck magnets. We have one guy that no one will work with because he gets the weird, long, once in a lifetime calls. He always has a new guy with him.

On the good side, if you wake up in the middle of the night USE THE BATHROOM. It’s a sign from God.

We also recognize all the usual ones: black cat, walk under ladder, Friday 13th, etc. Normal people call it irrational, I call it tempting fate.
I remember a firefighter who refused to wash his gear during a good stretch of jobs, thinking that making changes would upset our call volume. The lieutenant got him squared away by introducing him to the washer extractor!
WOW! Must be nice, if I stop for UNDERWARE I am not going to make a truck...My routine is pants only, shoes only, jobshirt as I run out the door (Fun in winter) Jump in pick-up, run hell bent for leather (with due regard of course), get to the station, notice the Empty bay, swear my head off and call the firefighters who live closer ever kind of sonofabeach there is. :-)
Put the ladder back on the truck last. If you don't, I can guarentee you will be getting it back off. Don't know why, but it has proven to be the rule!

And I always carry my lucky carabiner!!!
I have two superstitions that has been proven many of times: if we went a while without a call, we would get a fire and if any truck in my town went to either cover or operate mutual aid we would get a fire within 72 hours.
I always put my shine new partag on the board, the old warped one always goes in with me.
I have a tattoo of St. Florian on my chest with my dads number, brothers number and my number.
When I got promoted to FT the guys from the other job gave me a pocket knife that goes to work with me every shift
Have you heard the one about not whistling in the firehouse? When the wagons were drawn by horses, the horses were trained to eliminate on a signal (whistle) so the firefighters would not have to clean up the bay floor all day.
Everytime I get a new tattoo we get a fire, and everytime I wear my Christmas toe socks, something happens.
I am not Catholic but a friend of mine gave me a small St. Florian medal some years ago. I still carry it with me. My sister passed away in 2002. I carry her FD tag on my keychain.
We DO have more runs under a full moon & fires happen in 3s.
I carry a half Dollar in my pocket with my birth year on it. It goes where ever I do.

It seems like if I ever forget it I end up having a bad day!
My soon to be wife before we got married bought me this christian shield necklace I would recite what it says but I would have to take it off and find my old man glasses as my wife calls them, but any way I have worn that since she got it for me for protection while working.

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