Just got back from fire rescue east and had a morning pride salesman tell me that there was not much difference in the black verus tan gear as far as how hot it is.The big difference was the fact that you can tell thermal damage better on black verses tan has anyone went from tan to black was it any hotter ?



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We used to use black gear. All turnout gear is hot, and I can't say that I noticed that the yellow was any cooler. Ours did show thermal damage with orange marks. One disadvantage is that it's not as easy to see at a glance if the gear needs cleaned.
David, this subject has been hammered out many many times. Go to the forums page and type in Black turnouts in the search window. There you will find a whole nights worth of discussions on this subject. I'm sure you had no idea that this subject has been wore out here but now you know.
Sexist dog.
You guys have those X-Ray glasses and can see through aramid fabrics with them?
True, Ted. I also must say that the tan gear is cooler than the black based on personal experience. It LOOKS cool, when you wear it you FEEL cool and therefore it IS cool.
I'll reply for Ted: "WOOF WOOF!"
Et tu Joe?
You men, is that all you think about is how we female firefighters look in our gear? Pigs, Pigs I tell you... :oP
Let's not forget thinking about what we may ... or may not ... have on *under our gear!!!
I'll reply for Ted...

No wait; I better not get in the middle here...
Very true Kitty, you never know what any of us will be wearing under our turnout gear to keep cool or warm....
Hence the x-ray glasses...


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