Should firefighters be able to write tickets to people parked in a fire lane?

At almost every store or place with a fire lane there is always some parked there who just leaves there can and i causes a hassle to all of the other vehicles trying to get by. I think that we as fire fighters, more for chiefs and officers, should be able to warn on first offense and ticket after that warning.

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We had two fires at he same complex about two months apart from each other. On the first incident the LEO that arrived on scene before us parked in front of the hydrant. On the second a different LEO parked and blocked access to the complex. You would think that they would learn.

No to writing tickets.
Call the police or call a tow truck.
Get the fire lane cleared.
Once word spreads that it's costing $300 to park in a fire lane, lanes should remain clear.
now that does NOT paint a pretty picture Dustin... there has been considerable research done at Walmart on just who shops there. while I shall refrain from making fun of overweight people, considering I'm not exactly a lightweight myself... here's the latest R&D on who shops at Walmart on a weekday...

remember, if it's a pie chart that shows you the facts, then they must be correct, right?

CBz :D
YES!!!!!!!!!!! especially when ppl drive through the FD parking lot...even tho there is a posted sign!!!! its called tresspassing!
Traffic, parking, etc, I don't think it is our job to write tickets, but the cops, as most are on the same page with here.

So how about if it is an ordinance in which WE are the responding authority?

Now some places have burning ordinances such as recreational fires etc. My city has one and the FD is contacted and a pump sent to ensure the fire is within the law. Many times, when not, the person is informed of the issue and the fire is extinguished and the person give a copy of the ordinance/requirements.

However, in some cases when the owner is being rude and beligerant police are called and a ticket given, not for the fire typically, but for disturbing the peace or similar. Yet, we still get calls for the recreational fires and sometimes it is a repeat offender who was warned. At this point we are to contact a fire marshal who will issue a ticket, but the power to ticket has been given to the officer of the rig. (right now I can't think of a time when someone did)

The other issue comes around with fireworks. The city has an ordinance banning the use of any aerial fireworks within the limits, without a permit. Now reality is there are not enough cops, especially to be able to catch someone in the act, to enforce the ordinance, so this was another issue that the rig officer could ticket for.

(There was an incident on July 4, where there was a kid who had a firework which launched several fireworks in the air. Instead, the kid thought it funny to shoot vehicles passing by. When called in, there were no cops available to do anything, so really at some point, the fire dept could be able to ticket for some offenses.)
I am the Fire Marshal in my jurisdiction. I DO write these tickets. I also have vehicles towed when parked in the fire lane. I DO NOT want my fire fighters to have to worry about this responsibility. As for fireworks I am also responsible here for citations.

None of this is to say that I will not have the police assist or issue citations based on this if I am not available.
Hey Brad,

You are allowed by law(at least in Georgia) to do this, but NOT as a FF. You are allowed to cite someone for any traffic violation as a citizen. Just record the tag number and the date of the infraction, and go report them to your local LE Station. I have done this on several occasions, usually during the summer when I am on two wheels and some numbskull does something stupid. Just be sure you go to court and back up your citation!


Never, why do you think the Hazmat community refers to them as Copological Meters
The only place I've seen this happen is at the local schools when the moms show up to pick up, drop off or to watch little johhny or jane play his or her flute (or whatever the magical event may be). At these times, mom has no regard for the No Parking Fire Lane signs, I mean, where else is she going to park her 3 ton SUV?

If we have to respond to a school for a call and the Lane is blocked, the cops are called and they write citations. There have been a couple of times when access to the front of the school was practically blocked on account of these numbnuts. I'm all for calling dispatch and having an LEO do the deed, that is part of what they get paid to do.
Fire Department is trespassing....? I believe that most Departments are public property....if you start this...your fund raising will go right through the floor...
I don't think it's a good idea. Like mentioned before, we have enough to do already. Secondly, LEO's don't take from our jobs, why should we do it to them. Personally, I don't want to go to court just in case the person you wrote the ticket to decides to contest it. And it won't look good when you say to your chief," sorry, can't come in untill after lunch, I have court all morning". Not gonna go over very well.
LEO's and tow trucks are just a phone call away.
You gotta be crazy, you see a offender , call the cops .. fire service personel have enough crap on our plate.. we're expected to do emergency medical stuff In places where doctors with educations 6 times better and longer then ours and 1/16th of the equiptment he has at his disposal, we are expected to know enough of the properties of any number of chemical compounds that involoved on a tractor trailer accident get mixed to gether and are highly reactive to water at 3 am when your asleep..... Your expected to do anything anywhere and anytime with less if all you have to find to do in your district is bitch about the parking issue, when you go there bring the apparatus and block in 15 or 20 cars with charged 5 inch hose for 10 or 11 hours .. besides with all the crak heads out there and gang members why would anyone want to actually force a confrontation with unstable morons who don't give a rats' rear end about your life...

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