does anyones departments use turnout gear made by firepel? My department just got me a set of Firepel gear, I really dont know why when the rest of the department wears globe.. but how is this type gear?

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Mine just saw its first structure fire well mobile home fire a week ago
Not trying to hyjack your thread or anything but Im curious..has anyone out there in FFN land had Chieftain gear? Ive had mine about 2-3 years now. And its seen its share of bad stuff. Now..the jacket is good. Its comfortable, and Gives me good mobility. The Bad: The Collar is very very stiff. Still. And bothers my neck for the most part. The pants, while comfortable, are somewhat junk. im a big guy, so all my gear is 2xl. The buttons keeping the suspenders on have broken. 3 Different ones now. Ive had 2 fixed so far. The 3rd is broken and waiting for repair. The suspenders that came with it, also junk. After the few years Ive had it (Keep in mind i dont wear them everyday..) The suspenders dont stay up anymore. So i had to jerry rig them to stay up. Other than the little annoyances I like them, But like this nice mans thread, Ive not seen this gear anywhere else around. Thoughts on it?
no problem .. Im a big guy Myself I like My fyrepel and it wasnt as expensive as globe I think My fyrepel cost about $1,000.00 thats it
it doesn't look any different then the globe are dept uses globe g xtreme
I actually just got my set of Fyrepel about a month ago as well. Not bad gear so far, very stiff right out of the package though, i really need to was mine a few times. I went from Morning Prides to the Fyrepel i have to say the new ones are way lighter and more comfortable to move around in. Also from reviews i have found on the internet Fyrepel is a good brand.
Fabric is fabric. It's all in how they put it all together, and how well they tailor it. the fit IS the most important factor. You can be pretty much guaranteed that the companies that offer substantially lower priced clothing is cutting costs someplace along the line. It MAY be in advertising, it may be in material assembly, and/or the cut and sew methods used.

As in anything else, you get what you pay for. There's high-end models for every manufacturer, and low-end so-called 'budget line" models that are pretty much sub-standard in terms of fit, and materials and cut.

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