Trying to get twenty-seven guys to agree on what kind of truck the Dept. should buy is like watching British Parliment. Heated debates going back and forth, young guys versus old guys, etc. It's something truly out of a reality TV show.
The problem is like most departments. There is only so much money available. There is the on going debate of which of the aging fleet of trucks should be replaced and in what order; yet, remain in compliance with the community insurance ratings.
Perhaps there is some magical hose that when spun around makes everything alright.

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Need more details.. Set up a committee of a few of the young and old and let them battle it out..LOL
Our chief would say are you dealing with a beer or champagne budget or getting a chevy or a caddie fire truck?
Depending on what you are wanting a pumper, tanker or a rescue squad.

I have been on departments that have only Fords. Which I like... :) But it is up to your depatment personnel to determine what would be the best.
Fast attack pumpers are great, especially if you run rescues with it as well. However, you have to have a tanker that can follow close behind because they don't carry much water. If you don't run rescues, a class A pumper with a higher capacity tank, say 1,500 -2000 gal. is nice to have, especially if you cover a rural area without a hydrant in sight. Budgets are tight, use duct tape and bailing twine to keep your trucks on the road. Set up a committee, yes, definately. However, also set a time limit for a decision, and have a member (or two) of the local governing body (township supervisor, county commissioner, etc..) be a part of the group as well.
hey guys i know your nightmare back in my old dept just outside N.Y. city we would have the same battles and if you had more younger guys they would win and get the most popular truck less the equipment you need to go with it because the chief does not have it in his budget to out fit it with any new toys. So with that being said since i retired from the same towns P.D. that i was a vol firefighter i moved to a small nw community in florida and we recieved a grant for a new truck it was for $165'000 we purchased a 2,500 gal tanker pumper with a top mount pump remote control deck gun that can be operated from 500 feet away along with a host of other nessasary toys to make it work. So with our 5%and the money from the grant we found a small top rated fire truck manufacturer and we were able to have them build the truck custom to do what we needed it to do and more. Moral of the storie is don't think the big companies are going to go the extra mile don't rule out smaller outfits you may get more for alot less!!!!! just a thought EXCHIEF bill.
You bring up some excellent points. I will take some of that to our truck committe to consider. I am curious. Was that grant a local, state, or national organization grant? Is it something any Dept. can apply for? If so, did you have someone write up your grant? I think a grant might be the ticket for us. We live in a small community. There isn't much money to buy all these big boy trucks with all the cool guy toys on it. I wish we could, but we can't.
FORDS!!!!! You mean Fix Or Repair Dailys!!! LOL just teasing you!!!
I agree with you. The problem is our Dept. is alcohol free. So we're dealing with soda pop on a kool-aid budget.
We did set up a truck committee. The younger guys were looking at all the fancy big boy trucks with all the cool guy toys and whistles. The older guys were looking at used cash for clunkers. There seemed to be no middle ground. Hence, let the battles begin!
Really you should look at the needs of your community rather than what everyone wants on the Dept. Then look at what trucks you have and what you would change about them. Plan a vehicle around the needs and changes to existing trucks. Yes, form a committee but plan a truck with needs (not wants) in mind and not budget. Look at what other Dept have and go talk with diffrent manufactures on what has been ordered.

Works for us, we get a truck that fits the community and when dealing with elected council we can show why this truck is needed in the community. I know you all are going to pound budget but it is our job to try to meet the needs of the community. Do not not have all custom chassis but we do have a fine fleet of great response vehicles.
I would say are you looking at different manufacturers of fire apparatus say the low bid company or the high bid of fire trucks.
Say commerical or custom chassis with a body you want on it. Plain Jane or Bells and whistles all over.
fed grant and we did it ourselves but you can hire a grant writer and they don't get paid unless you are awarded the grant so you build the price in the grant it is all legal. The other thing i left out is all manufacturers use all the same engines,pumps,transmissions all the rest is cosmetic.


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