EDMONTON, Ky. - A volunteer fire department in south central Kentucky is suing two equipment makers, alleging that faulty installation caused a fire truck to crash last year.

The civil suit in federal court against Ohio-based Reberland Equipment Inc. and Firovac Power Systems Inc. was filed by the North Metcalfe Volunteer Fire Department.

The Glasgow Daily Times reports that the fire department is alleging the companies didn't properly install a pumper tanker system.

The suit says the tanker became separated from a fire truck as it rounded a curve during a house fire run on Oct. 1, 2008. The suit says two firefighters were ejected and the truck overturned.

Tom Kerrick, an attorney for Reberland Equipment Inc., declined to comment on the suit.

The fire department is asking for more than $209,000 in damages.

Information from: Glasgow Daily Times, http://www.glasgowdailytimes.com

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Wow.I'm suprised on the monetary value...only $209,000. A dept/town in my county just filed a claim against their dealer and the truck manufacturer for nearly One million dollars. The unit is an articulated boom and has multiple problems in the hydraulic system making it unsafe and unreliable.
I too am having a time trying to visualize this. The company uses Polyprene, which is like ABS plastic for the apparatus bodies. I wonder if this might have played a role.

I also noticed "two firefighters were ejected". That says something as well.
They should have had seat belts on and not made the turn so fast.
This is going to be interesting, because if the truck was built to spec, then the focus may turn to human error again.
That is; was the tank properly baffled, center of gravity appropriate for that type of vehicle, proper mounting hardware used, pre-engineered and certified by apparatus manufacturer.
Just like anything else, it had to come with disclaimers.
I mean; if the truck was designed to stay upright, but only at much slower speeds when rounding curves or turning corners, but the speeds were exceeded, then there's a problem.
If this vehicle was being operated within a "normal" range, then that's a different problem.
Hold on to your wallets.

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