Just curious about if departments out there use a computer software program to create reports on fire and/or EMS calls, and if so, what software do you use?

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We use Firehouse Software. We report both fire and EMS calls on it, but only use the fire reporting part of it. The EMS part is set up to do full ACR's which we (as first responders) don't need to do.

We also use this program to log training and departmental meetings & events.
Couchton Fire and Rescue uses Fire Programs by Arrakis Software.
We've used Firehouse for the last 10 years.
We have used FireRMS in the past and have just recently switched to ImageTrend, which so far has been a much better system, especially for EMS reports.
We now have a toughbook on each ambulance and can put the info in that, print off a copy for the ER and can have a narrative in by the time we get back to the station. The toughbooks also have a repeat patient feature so we can put a portion of the pt's last name in and it will show if we picked them up before and should have their meds and history already in. Works well so far.
Check out www.firestationsoftware.com for all your recod keeping needs for your department. It is way more affordable than Firehouse and geared towards smaller, volunteer departments.

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