Does anyone know where i can find sew on lettering for the tail of my turnout coat. I recently bought a coat, and it didn't have lettering. I would like to put my last name on the tail.

Any suggestions??

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Hey Brandon.
When we get new gear, our names come already on them. If not, I believe your coat needs to be sent away to have the correct material for the lettering and the correct thread to sew it on. That's how it works here anyways. Might be different in other areas. WE have a guy in charge of clothing who sendfs them out if needed for repairs or modifications.
Good luck with your search. keep safe and have fun.
Get a female firefighter to make the letters & sew them on for you!
If you go to your local dry cleaner they can do it for you.

Think of me as your Konangi...and sewing I'm sure is that much easier if you have four arms.

And there have been a few times, I'm glad my name wasn't on the back of my gear!
Brandon, I don't know what brand turnouts you have but we have morning pride and it has to be a certified person or company thru morning pride. If an outside person does anything to our gear it will void any type warranty. You might want to check into that .
Now - do you put the name right side up so others can read it, or upside down so you can look over your shoulder and check to make sure you are who you think you are?

(Ted, I didn't think you did such menial tasks as sewing - or was that laundry you refuse to do?) :-P

We have also been buying our bunker coats with velcro stick-on patches so that the name patch can be removed and/or changed. This is more desirable, for when a member decides to leave; rather than unstitch the letters (leaving the original name outlined with needle holes) you just pull the one patch off and substitute it with another.

Of course the velcro material has to be the right type and sewn on with nomex thread.
To maintain the manufacturer's standard and warranty, given such an incident occurr with a firefighter suffering a thermal insult) any and all alterations should be returned to the manufacturer. Granted there are many NFPA compliant cleaning, repair or alteration facilities in the business as well, which may also help you maintain a level of safety.
Sew it seams to me, Philly... I think in this case "Renaissance Man" implies desperation...
I always like the responses people leave on here....haha.

I don't have a spare jacket to use if i send mine away, so i don't think i will go that route. And i don't want to compromise the coat. So i guess i will scrap the idea.

Thanks for all the responses!!
Honestly....yes i did. I guess i missed it when i was goin through all the responses

I'll contact Morning Pride and check it out!

Them's fightin' words!!
Guys -

This is a serious discussion... can we please get back to the original topic? I'd like to learn more about how to put on the letters, what color should they be, should they be upside down, should we also have our names tattooed on our butts to match, things like that.

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